Tarikh/Date : 20/10/81
Yang Berhormat Menteri-Menteri, Tuan Yang Terutama-Tuan Yang Terutama,
President dan ahli Jawatankuasa Asean Tourism Association (ASEANTA) dan
ASEAN Hotels and Restaurants Association, Dif-dif Kehormat, Tuan-tuan dan
Puan-puan sekelian.
menjemput saya ke majlis pada hari ini dan seterusnya untuk merasmikan
pembukaannya. Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan
selamat datang kepada para peserta sekelian. Saya berharap tuan-tuan dan
puan-puan, khususnya mereka yang pertama kalinya ke Malaysia, bukan sahaja
akan menghadiri mesyuarat ini tetapi juga akan mengambil peluang untuk
melihat negara ini serta cara hidup penduduk-penduduknya. Saya berharap
tuan-tuan dan puan-puan akan berasa senang dan gembira semasa berada di
negara ini.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
2. It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here this afternoon to officiate
at the opening of the ASEAN TRAVEL FORUM 1981. I am happy to meet so many
distinguished members of the tourist industry from both the ASEAN and the
other countries and I wish you all a very warm welcome.
3. Malaysia is happy to host this first ASEAN Travel Forum. It is my hope
that this Forum will place the ASEAN region firmly on the world tourism
map. The delegates attending the forum will have an opportunity to be
acquainted with and to update themselves on the increasing tourist
attractions and facilities in this region.
4. I would like to congratulate the Tourist Development Corporation of
Malaysia, (TDC), the ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA), and the ASEAN
Hotels and Restaurants Association (AHRA) for their fine cooperation and
coordination in organising this Forum.
5. This is the first time in the history of tourism in this region that a
travel forum is held exclusively for the purpose of promoting tourist
destinations within the ASEAN countries. We are encouraged by the presence
at this Forum of so many tour wholesalers from all parts of the world. I
have no doubt that they will find from the deliberations in this Forum
that there are many places of tourist interest in the Asean region. Some
of these places, however, have not received the attention which they
Ladies and gentlemen.
6. The coming together of ASEAN countries for the purpose of creating
greater business opportunities for those involved in the tourist industry
once again demonstrates ASEAN's determination to foster closer cooperation
among member countries. We in ASEAN firmly believe in regional cooperation
as a means to achieve greater prosperity and stability for our region. It
is with this belief that we have nurtured ASEAN.
7. Since its formation, ASEAN has made tangible progress in various fields
of cooperation and has also received wide international recognition for
its aims and objectives.
Looking at our success thus far, I have no doubt that with determination
and commitment, we can indeed achieve our aims. This is reflected in the
fact that today we see in ASEAN not only cooperation among leaders and
officials at governmental level but also among professionals in private
sector bodies and groups. The ASEAN Travel Forum which is being organised
with the cooperation of both the public and private organisations is an
example of this cooperation.
8. The ASEAN region has remained an area of considerable growth and
stability. This has enabled ASEAN to concentrate its efforts to bring
about greater success in many areas of its activities. It has also enabled
ASEAN to cooperate more meaningfully with other countries and regions.
9. Rapid economic development in the ASEAN countries has increased the
level of discretionary income, creating a viable market for tourism within
the region. Today, more than ever before, there are people in the ASEAN
countries who can afford to travel, at least, within the region. The ASEAN
countries are rich in scenic attractions. Our diverse cultural heritage
should be of interest to our peoples and others outside the region. We
have, therefore, great potential for further expansion in our tourist
What is required is an attractive packaging and more aggressive marketing
of efficiently-run tours. This Forum provides the opportunity for
discussion and exchanges of views on this two important subjects and
related topics.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. The tourist industry in Malaysia has been growing at an encouraging
and steady pace. Today the industry ranks seventh after rubber, petroleum,
tin, palm oil, sawn logs and sawn timber. The foreign exchange earnings
generated by the tourist industry in Malaysia has almost doubled in the
last 10 years from M$312 million in 1970 to M$616 million in 1980. In
1980, about 1.5 million tourists visited this country. Based on current
trends, the number of tourists visiting Malaysia is estimated to increase
to 2.8 million in 1985.
11. A number of projects under the Government's Fourth Malaysia
Development Plan will result in better facilities for people visiting this
country. This includes the expansion of existing airports, construction
and improvement of the road system and the development of infrastructure.
While we develop the country economically we are also giving emphasis to
developing and sustaining our national culture and values. This will be
reflected in the environment particularly in the architecture, in the
arts, and in the way of life of our people. While these are meant to
fulfil the aesthetic needs of our own people they would also be an
attraction for tourists to this country.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
12. Although tourism is not new to the Asean countries, it is
comparatively undeveloped. In this respect, it can be said that our
countries can benefit from the experience of other more developed
countries. We have the potential to develop a wide variety of attractions
within our region and these can indeed be promoted among our own people as
well as among international visitors. Let us put our heads together to
evolve ways and means to develop the tourist industry in the ASEAN region.
13. With these words, I now have much pleasure in declaring open this
first ASEAN Travel Forum.
Thank You.