Tarikh/Date : 02/11/81
Let me first of all welcome you all to Kuala Lumpur and particularly to
this Third International Conference of Non-Governmental Organisations on
Dadah Use Prevention and Control.
2. Malaysia, like many other countries, is fully aware of the seriousness
and complexity of the global problems of dadah use and substance abuse and
we fully endorse all International efforts, be it Governmental or
Non-Governmental,directed towards the eradication of this social menace. I
am glad that the world community recognises the fact that the problem of
dadah use prevention and control is not one that lends itself to easy,
simple and instant solutions. There is greater awareness that a nation
cannot, and should not remain aloof, unconcerned and uncommitted as the
dadah problem is no respector of geographical, political or physical
boundaries. Research findings, I am told, have also revealed that the
dadah problem in a sinister way is very democratic in that it does not
discriminate against religion, racial descent, or socio-economic
background of a person. Youths and members of societies from developed as
well as developing countries are subjected to serious risk of dadah
abuse. More threatening is the fact that there is indication that the age
of initiation to the sub-culture of dadah use and substance abuse is
becoming younger and younger, that we have not came up with solutions to
cure or rid the dadah dependents of their psychological dependence nor
found effective methods to prevent relapse of so-called rehabilitated
3. Malaysia comprehends the magnitude of the dadah problem. We have a
accordingly designated it as a security problem. Malaysia has advanced
this concept for International adoption at the 28th Regular Session of the
Commission on Narcotic Drugs held in Geneva in 1979 as well as The
Commonwealth Heads of Government of Asia and Pacific Region held in
September, 1980 in New Delhi. We are happy that the 96th Meeting of the
United Nation's General Assembly have recognised the growing threat caused
by the spread of dadah use, its serious impact on human health, its
adverse effects on social development leading to social disintegration and
increasing criminality, on economic advancement and national security in a
number of countries.
4. It is our hope that the international community will not only accept
Malaysia's concept but will also translate it into action so that
individually we may solve our own dadah problems and collectively we may
eradicate this international scourge which is threatening the resilience
of future generations. Insights, understanding and concepts are
meaningless and empty unless bold action is taken to ensure
results. Indeed, it will be a sad day for all of us if resolutions and
recommendations of international conferences, this conference included, do
not see the phase of implementation.
5. For us in Malaysia, the dadah problem is still our number one enemy. As
a security problem it will be given priority. Directly the Government has
already incurred more than $100 million for various prevention
programmes. What is important is not the amount spent but the result. The
Government would extend assistance to Pemadam and other non-Governmental
organizations so that we would be able confront the dadah problem on all
fronts. All members of society must necessarily become involved in the
battle against dadah. We in the Government will not only assist the
non-governmental organizations but also look forward to their efforts in
better and effectively complementing and supplementing the Government's
efforts. We cannot allow the expression everybody's responsibility is no
ones concern to be true of dadah prevention. I am in fact very disturbed
by the lax attitude and absence of a sense of urgency of various
professions and disciplines who regard the dadah problem as a
multi-facetted problem but have argued long and deep over different
modalities and which profession or discipline should play the leading
role. Collectively, they have not given the problem the priority it
deserves when separately if they were confronted with a problem of the
magnitude of the 55,000 persons involved they would have certainly
declared it as an epidemic and launched immediate measures to control and
eradicate it. Dadah is one enemy that we cannot say, "If we cannot fight
its abuse, we can join in the abuse." 6. Dadah problem, besides being in
itself a problem, is also a symptom of the many underlying current social
problems. The break-down in the influence of the family, urban immigration
and weakening in religious beliefs and in social and in social norms are
some of the problems that underlying social problem, it is likely that the
spread of dadah will prevent success. On the other hand, trying to tackle
the dadah problem without attending to the underlying problem is likely to
prove as unsuccessful.
7. The obvious answer to the problem is to move on a broad front, i.e to
tackle both the underlying and the related dadah problem together. The
Government of Malaysia is committed to doing this. And towards the
objective of ridding this country of dadah use and substance abuse, the
Government will not tolerate petty jealousies between groups or
8. Asean Countries who are both the source and the bearer of the brunt of
the international dadah poroblem merits greater attention of the world
community. It is in the interest of the world community not merely to
assist us in the field of supply reduction but also in the area of demand
reduction. The world will reap a bonus if the dadah problem in the ASEAN
region is reduced, if not wiped out.
Ladies and gentlemen.
9. Is my sincere hope that you who represent the non-governmental
organizations in your own country will be able to derive benefits from
your attendance at this Conference and that you will contribute your
efforts to your own programmes, your country's programmes as well as the
overall programmes of the International Community. In short, for the sake
of future generations, we all have to respond actively, positively and
urgently to overcome the dadah problem.
10. With this hope I declare this Third International Conference of
Non-Governmental Organizations on Dadah Use Prevention and Control opened.
Thank you.