Tarikh/Date : 20/11/82
Yang Berhormat Mulia Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Menteri Kewangan; Yang
Berbahagia Dato Dr. Keshmahinder Singh, 'District Governor' Kelab
Rotary; Dif-dif Kehormat; Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan yang dihormati sekelian.
Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penganjur Majlis ini
di atas jemputan kepada saya dan isteri saya, dan di atas penghargaan yang
diberikan kepada saya untuk berucap pada Majlis malam ini. Kepada sekelian
ahli Kelab Rotary, yang datang dari jauh dan dekat, saya harap Majlis ini
dan perjumpaan yang diadakan bukan sahaja dapat mengeratkan perhubungan di
kalangan ahli sekelian tetapi juga dapat membuahkan ide-ide baru ke arah
memenuhi hasrat mencapai objektif-objektif Kelab.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
2. As Rotarians who share common aspirations to serve the community, yet
differing in career backgrounds, I am sure that there is no subject which
is of no interest to you.
organisation as a specific sociological term but as any voluntary
organisation whose objective is social and public welfare and good.
3. There are many social organisations in today's societies. It is both a
necessity as well as a response to the complexity and pressures of modern
life. The objectives of social organisations differ; some organisations
cater to the specific needs of its members, while others, in addition,
address the needs of the community or society at large. While the first
category is a common phenomenon and ubiquitous in nature, the second is
more an urban phenomenon. This intrinsic difference is not a necessary
reflection that urbanites are more socially conscious than the rural folks
but rather the need for organisations is more felt in the urban areas,
where lack of time and opportunity for interactions create social
cleavages and separations. Nor is this a reflection that the rural areas
are lacking in problems and therefore deserve less attention.
4. The world is in more trouble than ever. Our so called civilisation is
gripped by greed, selfishness and arrogance.
Sometimes I just wonder what is becoming of man and meet and confer and
have dialogues. Yet we see more of man. Humanity would forever be in
gratitude if they can put this simple axiom into practice and save the
world from more catastrophes.
lot that social organisations can do to awaken the conscience and replaced
it with arrogance. Human society and the world is the poorer by it, unless
and until social
6. Rotarians are an enlightened group. With so much problems that our
world is facing, Rotarians in 157 countries have a very important role to
play. To bridge an international understanding that can inculcate and
foster a truly international responsibility for peace and prosperity
world-wide is a very difficult task yet an urgent one. Your international
nature is a positive attribute and I am confident you will channel your
efforts to this end.
Ladies and gentlemen,
7. In Malaysia, we encourage public participation in rendering services or
implementing projects for the benefit of the puplic. This can be done in
two ways. Firstly, the members of the public, through their associations
or organisations, can plan and implement projects for the benefit of the
public, as is being done by Rotarians in this country. Examples of other
organisations that are doing the same are the Lions, Apex and Jaycees.
8. The second method is where the people in an area or locality join in
with the government to plan and implement projects for the their
benefit. The contribution may be physical or in the form of funds raised
or contributed.
There are times when projects are implemented in this country on a ringgit
to ringgit basis i.e. the government contributes a dollar for every dollar
raised for the project by the people in the locality.
9. The government does not really encourage this because it may be caught
up in expenditures not budgeted for. This does not mean a lack of
appreciation on the part of Government. It is simply because certain
budgetary procedures are necessary if public funds are to be properly
10. While we appreciate the role that gifts and donations play in helping
to ameliorate the living conditions of the needy in our society, we have
to be careful to avoid nurturing an attitude of over dependence on outside
Service clubs should therefore not choose the easy way out as represented
by fund-raising and fund distribution. They should find ways and means of
stimulating self-help. It is far better to participate in a "gotong
royong" in which club members and the beneficiaries take part than to
merely make a gift of a ready-made facility. A "gotong-royong" project not
only makes the result of the effort available to the recipients but help
to inculcate the spirit of service which is the raison d'etre of the
service clubs. No one can deny that a community which values and
encourages voluntary service by its members will be a much better society.
Ladies and gentlemen,
11. I do hope the two-day district conference will consolidate not only
ideas from Rotarians from Malaysia but also from our guests from Singapore
and Brunei.
13. My wife and I would like once again to express our gratitude to the
organisers of this gathering for inviting us to this dinner and the
opportunity given to me to share some of my thoughts with you.
Thank you.