Tempat/Venue 	: 	NANDAY, BANGLADESH. 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	18/04/83 

Your Excellency Lt. Gen. H. M. Ershad, Begun Ershad, Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen.

On behalf of my wife and members of my delegation, I would like to thank
you, the Government and People of Bangladesh for the warm and friendly
welcome that has been extended to us since our arrival here.

2. Our two countries have always enjoyed close and cordial relations since
we established diplomatic relations in April 1972. The close relations
that exist between Bangladesh and Malaysia are reflected in the
cooperation between our two countries in the social, cultural, economic,
educational and technical fields. Exchanges of visit at various levels
from time to time have served to strengthen relations further.

Your Excellency, 

3. The ties between our two countries are founded on age-old cultural
contacts, common experience and geographical proximity. These ties have
been further augmented by our shared commitments to the ideals and
aspirations of the United Nations, the Organisation of Islamic Conference,
the Non-Aligned Movement and the Commonwealth in all of which both our
countries are members. The similarity of views that we hold on many
regional and international issues have inevitably drawn us closer
together. It is the Malaysian Government's intention not only to maintain
the close ties existing between us but also to continue to work towards
strengthening our relations further.

Your Excellency, 

4. Malaysia has always followed a consistent policy of establishing
friendly relations and mutual cooperation with all counties irrespective
of ideology or political systems, based on the principles of territorial
integrity and non-interference in internal affairs. We believe that
adherence to those principles, as well as the principle of peaceful
co-existence is vital, if we, particularly the weaker nations, are to
enjoy peace, security and stability, which are so essential for the
economic development, prosperity and well being of our peoples.

5. We have followed closely developments in Bangladesh and are greatly
impressed by the serious efforts made by your Government to bring progress
and prosperity to your people and to achieve sustained economic
growth. Like you, we too are committed to improve the quality of life of
our people and lay a firm foundation for continued stability and
socio-economic security for the future.

6. We note with admiration the bold initiative taken by your country to
promote a regional framework for cooperation in South Asia. We understand
that substantial progress has been achieved towards this end and we wish
you and the friendly nations of South Asia every success in this worthy

7. Like Bangladesh, Malaysia is deeply committed to regional cooperation
manifested by ASEAN. But ASEAN and the countries in the region can fully
concentrate on their social and economic development efforts only if there
is an early return of peaceful and stable conditions to Southeast Asia. It
is for this reason that Malaysia, in concert with its partners in ASEAN
have been striving to establish in Southeast Asia a Zone of Peace, Freedom
and Neutrality, free from any form or manner of foreign interference. The
Kampuchean problem is a serious threat to peace and stability in the
region and the continued Vietnamese illegal occupation of the country is a
serious obstacle to the realisation of the Zone of Peace, Freedom and
Neutrality in Southeast Asia. We cannot and will not accept foreign
military intervention in Kampuchea or elsewhere as a means of settling
disputes. The Kampuchean issue must be resolved quickly and in accordance
with the Declaration of the International Conference on Kampuchea and
other relevant UN resolutions that have been endorsed and supported by the
International Community. Malaysia believes that the Government of
Democratic Kampuchea under the Presidency of Prince Norodom Sihanouk
deserves full international support in its gallant efforts to secure an
independent and neutral Kampuchea. Bangladesh's staunch support in this
regard and for the concept of a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in
Southeast Asia is sincerely felt and deeply appreciated.

8. Malaysia deplores strongly the on-going Vietnamese attacks against
forces of the Democratic Republic of Kampuchea and the helpless Khmer
civilian population. We strongly condemn Vietnamese transgression of Thai
territory and casualties inflicted on Thai forces and civilians. This has
occurred in the past and we fear that this will continue to happen as long
as the Vietnamese continue their illegal occupation of Kampuchea. As we
have repeatedly emphasised in the past, Vietnamese military actions along
the Thai-Kampuchean border threaten a spill-over of fighting into
neighbouring Thailand and raise a spectre of war in the region and invite
big power involvement. We, therefore, call on the international community
to demand that the Vietnamese immediately cease their hostilities along
the border and withdraw their forces from Kampuchea.

9. Like Kampuchea, Afghanistan too is the victim of foreign intervention
and occupation. We deplore this situation and fully support the
resolutions of the OIC, the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations
for the restoration of the independence and sovereignty of Afhanistan and
of its Islamic and non-aligned character.

Your Excellency, 

10. As Muslim countries we cannot but share the anguish of our brethren in
West Asia. The repeated and blatant acts of aggression committed by Israel
against the Arab people and their lands threaten regional security and
world peace. We believe that a just and durable peace in the region can
only be established on the basis of the restitution of the rights of the
people of Palestine, including their right to set up an independent state
of their own in their homeland under the leadership of their sole and
legitimate representative, the PLO; the total Israeli withdrawal from all
occupied Arab territories; and the unconditional return of Holy Jerusalem
to Arab and Islamic sovereignty. We welcome the Eight-Point Declaration on
the Middle-East peace settlement adopted at the Arab Summit in Fez in
September, 1982.

11. Several months after the Israeli rape of Lebanon, they remain in
occupation of parts of that country against the wishes of the people and
government of Lebanon and the international community. It is about time
that the United States Government, the supplier of arms to Israel and on
whose economic support Israel depends, apply the necessary pressure to
effect immediate Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.

12. Our anguish is deepened by the continuing war between Iran and
Iraq. The conflict between two brotherly countries not only endangers
peace and stability but also undermines the solidarity of the Islamic
countries, particularly in respect of the just struggle of the Palestinian
people, the liberation of Holy Jerusalem and the valiant struggle of our
Afghan Muslim brothers to preserve their faith, dignity and independence
against Soviet intervention and occupation. We pledge our support to the
peace efforts of the OIC for an early, just and durable solution of the
conflict in the higher interest of Islam and for the stability and
progress of the Islamic Ummah.

13. As members of the Non-Aligned Movement, we share a common
responsibility in ensuring that it will always maintain its independence,
"non-bloc" character and that it remains dedicated to its original
principles. These characteristics are essential if the Movement is to
continue to make meaningful contributions towards promoting international
peace and security. We are heartened that the Non-Aligned Summit in New
Delhi has seen renewed awareness of this reality.

Your Excellency, 

14. Today all developing countries alike are confronted with an economic
predicament that can only be described as desperate, some more desperate
than others. Rising trade deficits, high cost of borrowing and decline in
development assistance are only some of our problems. All this cannot be
redressed in isolation, nor can it await a global consensus, on the
creation of the New International Economic Order. We in the developing
world must explore with the utmost urgency new patterns of cooperation
among ourselves in the spirit of South-South dialogue and strenghten our
bargaining position vis-a-vis the developed countries through the
promotion of producers' associations, such as the recently established Tin
Producers' Association.

15. Malaysia is undergoing a fairly rapid rate of development and
modernisation. While we need the cooperation of the advanced countries to
boost our economic growth, we also place considerable emphasis on
self-reliance. We in Malaysia have done our utmost to get away from
subsistence agriculture and the production of raw materials for the
developed world and to move towards a diversified industry-based
economy. While we are as yet slightly developed than some other developing
countries, we have nevertheless, through the passage of time, accumulated
a wealth of experience which we are willing to share with other countries
which are desirous of similar development. Only by helping each other in
the spirit of South-South cooperation, and growing economically strong can
we expect to gain the respect and have equitable relations with the
developed world. I would like to reiterate here our willingness to work
with Bangladesh in all fields and to nurture the spirit of friendship and
cooperation that has always been the cornerstone of our relationship. The
Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme established in 1980 is now fully
developed and I hope that Bangladesh will be one of the countries which
will avail itself of this facilities that are now open. At the same time,
we on our part would always welcome any assistance that you could offer
us. In this regard, I would like to express our gratitude to you for
extending to us the services of your doctors and other professionals, and
offering us your academic and training facilities.

16. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I now ask you to join me in a
toast to the good health and happiness of His Excellency
Lt. Gen. H. M. Ershad and Begum Ershad, to the Government and people of
Bangladesh, and to the close and enduring friendship between the Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh and Malaysia.



