Tarikh/Date 	: 	09/05/83 

Your Excellency Prime Minister Nakasone; Excellencies; Distinguished

I am very delighted that this morning we had the opportunity to meet and
to exchange views again on matters of mutual interest to us, just three
and a half months after our first meeting in Tokyo. Our meeting this
morning was indeed useful as did our previous meeting in January. Apart
from acquainting each other of our governments' policies and matters that
have bearings and effects on our two countries, we were able to promote
deeper understanding between us and between our two governments. I
certainly would welcome further opportunities like what we had in Tokyo
recently, and again this morning, from time to time in the future.

2. Before continuing, I would like to express my deep appreciation and
thanks for the very kind words which you have expressed about me and the
Malaysian people.

Mr. Prime Minister, 

3. We just heard from you, your Government's policy towards
ASEAN. Malaysia is honoured to be the country you choose to announce your
policy, and I am even more honoured to be given the opportunity to respond
to you. However, I must make clear that I can only respond for Malaysia,
as I cannot speak for the other ASEAN governments.

4. We in Malaysia receive with satisfaction and a sense of assurance the
positive policy that you have just spelt out towards ASEAN. We certainly
welcome and would like to reciprocate your good intention, not only to
strengthen Japan's relations with us, but also to put our relationship in
a new dimension. I fully agree with your view that we cannot afford to
rest easy by merely pursuing existing policies. Quite naturally, I would
hope that this new emphasis in your policy would result in a further
intensification of cooperation and evolve into a more equal and mutually
reinforcing partnership between Japan and us.

It would be a matter of regret if the high hopes which have just been
raised were to remain merely a cliche. In Tokyo last January, I said,
inter-alia, that what is vital is not merely a need for heart-to-heart
diplomacy, but for positive results to follow upon these exchanges in
terms of technology transfer, investments, economic, cultural and social
cooperation. I am pleased to hear that among the measures to be undertaken
by the Japanese Government in its new policy perspective towards ASEAN
will be the transfer of technology and cooperation in the field of science
and technology. For Malaysia at least we need your technology transfer as
well as your cooperation in science and technology to continue our pace of
economic development.

5. I would like to mention here that we in ASEAN have made a proposal to
promote ASEAN-Japan scientific and technological cooperation. I am glad
that there is a concurrence of views on both sides. We have also proposed
an ASEAN Science Trust Fund which, it is hoped, will be favourably
considered by us all. In making the proposal for cooperation in this
field, we in ASEAN hope to reduce the technological gap so that
ASEAN-Japan relations would be more stable. Your Excellency's proposal for
a ministerial conference to discuss cooperation in science and technology
is very much in line with our own thinking and is therefore welcomed.

6. I am also gratified to learn that the Japanese Government has taken
into account our need for greater access to Japanese market. As a
grouping, ASEAN is Japan's second largest trading partner, and it is only
logical that Japan, should give serious consideration to further opening
its markets to our export items. The resulting prosperity of the ASEAN
countries would benefit Japan in terms of ASEAN being an even better
customer and trading partner for Japan. Perhaps, if Japan would take the
lead in this regard, the other developed industrialised countries of the
West may be compelled to follow suit.

7. It is a pity, however, that during the time of economic recession, some
of the largest industrial powers have bowed to the mounting domestic
pressures for protectionism. This I consider as one of the most serious
threats to the global economy and trade and constitute a real setback for
the early realisation of the new international economic order. It is
regretable that those countries which proclaim to be the standard bearers
of free trade have themselves become what I call "free traders of

8. We, in Malaysia, have on many occasions spoken against the rising tide
of protectionism and we will continue to do so for the maintenance of the
free enterprise system in which we place our faith. I would like,
therefore, to welcome Your Excellency's determination to make efforts for
the prevention of protectionism.

9. For unhindered progress and development to continue in Malaysia and the
other ASEAN countries there must be peace, stability and security in the
region. But these vital ingredients are now being threatened by the
continued occupation of Kampuchea by the Vietnamese forces. All efforts to
bring about a peaceful and comprehensive political solution to the issue
have not been successful because of Vietnam's defiance and obduracy. The
situation in the region could only return to normal after the total
withdrawal of foreign forces from Kampuchea and the restoration of the
right of self determination for the Kampuchean people. Malaysia is
appreciative and thankful to Japan for its continued support of ASEAN's
efforts in our common endeavours to find a speedy and peaceful solution to
the Kampuchean issue in accordance with the ICK declaration and other
relevant UN resolutions.

Mr. Prime Minister, 

10. On the question of defence, Malaysia believes that every country must
have the capability and right to defend itself. Malaysia, therefore, is
not opposed to Japan upgrading its defence capability as long as it is
intended purely for its own self defence. As far as the defence of the
sealanes is concerned, we feel assured and satisfied that it is to be
confined to Japanese's waters and would not be expanded to include zones
in Southeast Asia, particularly the Straits of Malacca, the defence of
which should be left to the littoral states themselves. Malaysia believes
that Japan can best contribute to the security of the region by helping
the member countries to develop economically so that they could strengthen
their national resilience and hence ensure regional stability.

11. Malaysia also welcome the proposal to expand Japan-ASEAN relations,
which presently is mainly cooperation in the economic field, to also
include personal exchanges in order to strengthen mutual understanding
among our peoples. We too believe, as you do, that this factor will
positively contribute to stable and trusting friendship between
countries. With deeper mutual understanding and appreciation of each
other, particularly among the youths, we can be assured of enduring
goodwill and ties of friendship. This policy that you have just spelt out,
I am confident, will be welcomed by the other ASEAN countries.

12. Finally, Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to thank you once again for
the positive attitude and policies that you have adopted towards ASEAN,
and we in Malaysia, look forward with confidence to a more cooperative and
long-lasting relationship between ASEAN and Japan in the future.

Excellencies and distinguished guests, 

13. May I now request you to join me in a toast to the health and
happiness of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, His Excellency Prime
Minister Nakasone, and to the further development of friendly relations
between our two countries and also between ASEAN and Japan.



