Tempat/Venue : BELGRADE,
Tarikh/Date : 11/05/83
Your Excellency Madame Milka Planinc, Prime Minister of the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; Your Excellencies; Ladies and Gentlemen.
On behalf of my wife and members of my delegation, I would like first of
all to thank your Excellency, the Government and people of Yugoslavia for
the warm and friendly welcome and generous hospitality extended to us
since our arrival yesterday. I would like to thank you also for the kind
remarks which you have just made. Allow me to say how very happy we are to
be here and how much I have looked forward to this visit to your beautiful
country. I hope that my visit will contribute to the strengthening of the
existing close ties of friendship and cooperation between our two
Your Excellency,
2. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and
Yugoslavia in 1967, we have had meaningful cooperation particularly in the
context of the non-aligned countries. Our common interest and shared
commitments to the ideals and aspirations of the Non-Aligned Movement and
the United Nations of which both our countries are members have
consolidated our ties. Malaysia, like Yugoslavia, has always followed a
consistent policy of establishing friendly relations with all countries,
irrespective of their governmental systems, based on the principles of
respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of
nations, non-interference in the internal affairs of others and peaceful
settlement of disputes.
Your Excellency,
3. As one of the founder members and champions of the Non-Aligned
Movement, Yugoslavia and its distinguished leaders have always been
greatly admired for constantly striving for world peace and security. The
growth in size and influence of the Non-Aligned Movement to what it is
today is a tribute to the untiring efforts and contributions by your late
leader, President Tito. Malaysia, as an active member of the Movement is
happy, and feels reassured that Yugoslavia's leaders are continuing the
efforts of President Tito to consolidate and strengthen the Movement and
ensure that it remains uncommitted to the East or West.
4. We are glad that the Seventh Non-Aligned Summit Conference in New Delhi
has reaffirmed the non-aligned character of the Movement. The admission of
new members clearly indicate that the Movement is gaining respect and
influence. It is our hope that the Movement will continue to grow and play
its role in the interest of world peace and the freedom of the small
nations of the world.
Your Excellency,
5. While the Non-Aligned Movement is a good forum for getting to know each
other and putting our views across in a general way, bilateral contacts
are still essential in order to concretise some of the ideas expoused by
the Movement. It is because of this, that visit and bilateral talks have
to be held.
6. We have already had the opportunity this morning to share some of our
thoughts on a number of subjects pertaining to our bilateral relations and
future cooperation. I am happy to note that we both share a common exists
considerable opportunities for expanding our cooperation, particularly
with regard to trade.
7. Malaysia is fully committed to regional cooperation as manifested in
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN. With its ASEAN
partners, Malaysia has been striving to establish a Zone of Peace, Freedom
and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) in Southeast Asia, free from any form or manner of
foreign interference. However, the on-going conflict in Kampuchea and the
presence of foreign military forces is preventing the achievement of
ZOPFAN in Southeast Asia. The Kampuchean issue must be resolved peacefully
and speedily in accordance with the declaration of the International
Conference on Kampuchea and other relevant United Nations resolutions that
have been endorsed and supported by the international community.
8. In this connection, Malaysia welcome and supported the establishment of
the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea under the Presidency of
His Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk as a positive step towards the
peaceful resolution of the Kampuchean question. We are appreciative of the
Yugoslav Government's support for Prince Sihanouk, as well as its position
in favour of the Government of Democratic Kampuchea at the Non-Aligned
Conferences and in the United Nations.
Your Excellency,
9. Malaysia has just hosted the United Nations Asian Conference on the
Question of Palestine. This is an expression of our strong support for the
restitution of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including
the right to an independent state of their own under the sole and
legitimate leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO),
total Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories, and the
unconditional return of Jerusalem to Palestinian rule. Malaysia remains
convinced that there can be no solution to the problem in West Asia for as
long as the core of the crisis, which is the Palestinian question, remains
10. The situation in Afghanistan too remains unchanged and, as a result,
Afghanistan, which is a member of the Non-Aligned Movement, continues to
be a victim of foreign military intervention and occupation. We strongly
condemn the occupation of Afghanistan and fully support the resolutions of
the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organisation of Islamic Conference and the
United Nations calling for the restoration of the sovereignty and
independence of Afghanistan and of its non-aligned character.
11. The continuing war between Iran and Iraq, two members of the
Non-Aligned Movement, is causing deep anguish to all members of the
Movement. The conflict between these two countries, with whom Malaysia and
Yugoslavia enjoy very close relations, must come to an end quickly, not
only for the sake of the peoples of both countries, but also for the sake
of peace in the region and the world. Efforts by the Non-Aligned Movement,
as well as by friendly countries concerned with the continuing conflict to
seek a mutually acceptable solution have to-date been
unsuccessful. Malaysia would like to urge that mediation efforts by the
Non-Aligned Movement, be reactivated and a strong push made for peace.
Your Excellency,
12. The international community is also being confronted with yet another
problem of grave magnitude arising from the oil slick in the Gulf that
threatens the world's environment. Damaged Iranian oil wells continue to
spill thousands of barrels of oil a day into the sea. If allowed to go on,
the adverse effects of the spillage would soon extend beyond the Gulf area
to neighbouring seas bringing in its wake disasters and damage to marine
environment and ecology. Such devastating effects would take generations
to eliminate. The issue of the oil slick has therefore transcended the
Iraq-Iran war and should become the concern and responsibility of the
entire international community. In this regard, Malaysia feels morally
obliged to draw attention to this issue and urge the international
community to cooperate and assist in averting this grave threat.
13. Malaysia supports Yugoslavia's concern over the question of increased
armaments in Europe and the efforts by the group of non-aligned and
neutral countries of Europe towards bringing the meeting of the Conference
on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) to a successful
conclusion. This would contribute substantially towards the lessening of
tensions not only in Europe but the world at large, and would also
facilitate the launching of substantive negotiations on general and
complete disarmament in the United Nations.
14. Just as the question of peace and security is important to us in
Southeast Asia, we appreciate it is equally important to Yugoslavia that
the Mediterranean region be therefore, share your conviction that the
establishment of zones of peace in all parts of the world will contribute
to lessening of international tensions and threats of war.
15. Of late, there has been growing international interest in the
continent of Antarctica, the last unsettled frontier of mankind. Malaysia
firmly believes that Antarctica should not become the exclusive preserve
of only a few nations that have access to it, but rather it should be the
heritage of mankind as a whole. The day will come when modern technology
will be able to exploit the abundant natural resources that Antarctica has
to offer, and Malaysia would like to see that these resources are
equitably shared and benefit both rich as well as poor nations.
16. I am very much heartened by the full backing for the issue given by
the Non-Aligned Movement, including Yugoslavia, which at its recent Summit
urged that the matter be considered by the 38th Session of the UN General
Assembly. In this, I hope that Malaysia can count on the continued support
of Yugoslavia in its endeavours to make Antarctica a common heritage of
Your Excellency,
17. Yugoslavia will shortly be hosting the Sixth Session of the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The Conference will
be held at a time when the international community continues to suffer
from economic recession. For the developing countries the situation is
made worse by a series of protectionist measures adopted by the developed
countries which continues to seriously disrupt world economic
relations. The recent Non-Aligned Summit Conference in New Delhi had
called on the developed countries to eliminate protectionist, restrictive
and discriminatory measures against the export products of the developing
countries. The Summit also recommended the adoption of measures to bring
about a more equitable and adequate system of international trade for the
developing countries. We hope that UNCTAD SIX in Belgrade will note and
support the stands of the Non-Aligned Summit. We also hope that the plight
of the commodity exporters will receive the attention of UNCTAD and
support be given for the move to establish producers association in order
to obtain fair prices for export commodities. The old practice of trading
through exclusive consumer controlled commodity exchanges should be
replaced by new marketing mechanisms which are more fair to producers
while Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen, 18. May I now ask you all to
join me in a toast to the health and happiness of His Excellency President
of the Presidency Petar Stambolic, Her Excellency Prime Minister Milka
Planinc, to the Government and people of the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, and to the continuing close friendship between Malaysia and
the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.