Tarikh/Date	: 	12/05/83 

Your Excellency Mr. Bulend Ulusu, Prime Minister of the Republic of
Turkey; Your Excellencies; Ladies and Gentlemen; On behalf of my wife and
members of my delegation, I would like to thank you, Mr. Prime Minister,
for the warm and friendly welcome extended to us since our arrival here.

We have looked forward to this visit to your beautiful country -- a
country rich in culture and history. I have no doubt that, in the course
of our visit here, we will have the opportunity to see aspects of your
culture and the contribution of your people to history, in particular
Islamic history.

2. The Republic of Turkey was among the first countries to establish
diplomatic relations with Malaysia. Since the establishment of relations
in 1958, the close ties of friendship are reflected in the mutually
beneficial cooperation between our two countries in the social, economic,
technical and cultural fields. Malaysian leaders and officials are no
strangers to Turkey, and their visits to Turkey, and likewise the visits
of Turkish leaders and officials to Malaysia, have served to strengthen
relations between us.

Your Excellency, 

3. The warm and friendly relations between our two countries have been
further augmented by our commitment to the ideals and aspirations of the
United Nations and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, of which
both our countries are members. We share similar views on many regional
and international issues, in particular those which face the Islamic
countries and peoples.

4. As you know, relations between our two countries have become closer in
recent times. Tan Sri Mohd. Ghazali Shafie, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of Malaysia, visited your country at the end of January this
year. During his visit he had the opportunity to call on Your Excellency
and also His Excellency President Kenan Evren. Following this visit, the
inaugural meeting of the Joint Committee for Economic and Technical
Cooperation between our two countries was convened in Ankara. That meeting
was an important event in helping to promote further economic cooperation
between our two countries, specifically in the spheres of trade,
investment and joint ventures, shipping, aviation, health and science, and

5. I am happy to note that both our countries share a common desire to
strengthen our relations through increased cooperation. I am confident
that such cooperation can only be to the mutual benefit of our two
countries and peoples.

Your Excellency, 

6. Malaysia and Turkey share a common bond in Islam and its culture. I
believe that the strengthening of relations between us will positively
contribute to greater unity and solidarity among Muslim countries and its
Ummah. In doing so, our two countries will also help to strengthen the
role of the Organisation of Islamic Conference in attaining its

7. The question of Palestine is the most urgent and pressing problem
facing the Muslim world today. As Muslim countries, we cannot but share
the anguish of our brothers in West Asia. The repeated and blatant acts of
aggression committed by Isreal against the Palestinian and Arab peoples
and their lands threaten regional security and world peace. We believe
that a just and durable peace in the region can only be established on the
basis of the restitution of the rights of the people of Palestine,
including the right to establish their own independent and sovereign state
in their homeland under the leadership of the PLO, the total Isreali
withdrawal from all occupied Arab territories, and the unconditional
return of Holy Jerusalem to Palestinian sovereignty.

8. As an expression of our strong support for the restitution of the
inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, Malaysia has just hosted the
United Nations Asian Conference on the Question of Palestine. We greatly
appreciated and welcome Turkey's participation and contribution towards
the success of the Conference. I am happy to inform you that the
Conference reaffirmed the view that there can be no solution to the
problem in West Asia for as long as the core issue, which is the question
of Palestine, remains unresolved.

9. The situation in Afghanistan, another Muslim country, also remains
unchanged. That unfortunate country continues to be a victim of foreign
military intervention and occupation. We strongly condemn the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan and fully support the resolutions of the
Organisation of Islamic Conference, the Non-Aligned Movement and the
United Nations, calling for the complete withdrawal of foreign troops from
Afghanistan, the restoration of the sovereignty and independence of
Afghanistan, and of its non-aligned and Islamic character.

10. The continuing war between Iran and Iraq, two Muslim countries, is
causing deep concern to Muslims all over the world. The conflict between
these two countries with whom Malaysia and Turkey enjoy friendly
relations, must be brought to an end quickly, not only for the sake of the
people of both countries, but also for the sake of peace in the region and
the world. The continuation of the war undermines the solidarity and unity
of Islamic countries. As members of the OIC Peace Committee, both Malaysia
and Turkey are committed to work with other members to achieve a peaceful
and durable solution to the conflict.

Your Excellency, 

11. The international community is also being confronted with yet another
problem of grave magnitude arising from the oil slick in the Gulf that
threatens the world's environment. Damaged Iranian oil wells continue to
spill thousands of barrels of oil a day into the sea. If allowed to go on,
the adverse effects of the spillage would soon extend beyond the Gulf area
to neighbouring seas, bringing in its wake disasters and damage to marine
environment and ecology. Such damage would take generations to
recover. The issue of the oil slick therefore transcends the Iraq-Iran war
and should become the concern and responsibility of the entire
international community. It should be treated as such accordingly. In this
regard, Malaysia feels morally obliged to draw attention to this issue and
urge the international community to cooperate and assist in averting this
grave threat.

12. As you know, Malaysia has proposed that the continent of Antarctica,
the last unsettled frontier of mankind, be made a heritage of mankind and
should continue forever to be used for peaceful purposes and not be made
the object of international rivalry and discord. The Malaysian proposal
has received the endorsement and support of the non-aligned countries at
their recent Summit Conference in New Delhi, which urged that the matter
be brought before the 38th Session of the U.N. General Assembly this year
with the view that a comprehensive study on Antarctica be made by the
world body. Malaysia hopes that Turkey will give its full support to the
Malaysian proposal.

Your Excellency, 

13. Malaysia is deeply committed to regional cooperation embodied in the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN. Malaysia, in concert
with its partners in ASEAN, has been striving to establish a Zone of
Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in Southeast Asia, free from any foreign
interference. However, the continued illegal occupation of Kampuchea by
Vietnam is a serious obstacle to the realisation of the Zone of Peace,
Freedom and Neutrality in Southeast Asia, and a serious threat to peace
and stability in the region. The Kampuchean issue must be resolved quickly
in accordance with the Declaration of the International Conference on
Kampuchea and other relevant UN resolutions that have been endorsed and
supported by the international community.

14. In this connection, Malaysia welcomed the establishment of the
Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea under the Presidency of His
Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk as a positive step towards the peaceful
resolution of the Kampuchean questions. We are appreciative of the
positive Turkish support for ASEAN's initiative at the United Nations and
also its participation at the UN International Conference on Kampuchea.

Your Excellency, 

15. May I say once again how happy and honoured I am to be in your country
and to express my gratitude and appreciation for the warm and friendly
reception given to us.

16. May I now invite Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen to join me in
a toast to the continued good health and happiness of His Excellency
President Kenan Evren, His Excellency Mr. Bulend Ulusu, to the Government
and people of the Republic of Turkey, and to the close and enduring
friendship between Malaysia and the Republic of Turkey.



