Tarikh/Date : 16/05/83
Your Excellency Mr. Constantin Descalescu, Prime Minister of the Socialist
Republic of Romania, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
On behalf of my wife and members of my delegation, let me say how happy we
are to be here in the Socialist Republic of Romania, and to thank Your
Excellency, the Government and people of Romania for the warm welcome
accorded to us. This is my first visit to your beautiful country and I
hope that it will contribute to the development and strengthening of
cooperation and our friendly relations. I would like also to thank you for
the kind remarks which you have just made.
2. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Malaysia and Romania
in 1969, both our countries have been able to register steady development
in our relations through economic cooperation. Although our two countries
are separated by geographical distance, distinct culture and governmental
set-up, these have not prevented us from exchanging visits at various
levels from time to time which have served to foster understanding and
goodwill between us. Our ties of friendship and cooperation have been
further augmented by our shared commitments to the ideals and aspirations
of the United Nations Charter and by the similarity of views that we hold
on many international issues.
Your Excellency,
3. The state visit by President Nicolae Ceausescu to Malaysia in November,
1982 was a significant milestone in the development of our relations. It
provided a further impetus to relations between our two countries and
forged new links in various fields of cooperation that are mutually
beneficial. The agreements reached between us during President Ceausescu's
visit form a solid basis of our bilateral cooperation, particularly in the
economic field. It is my intention not only to maintain this new momentum
towards closer ties between us, but also to develop and strengthen our
relations further. We already have the Joint-Commission which provides a
ready vehicle to review the progress of our economic cooperation. I am
certain that the Joint-Commission will be able to identify concrete areas
and provide the necessary measures to increase our bilateral cooperation.
4. Malaysia has consistently adhered to a policy of conducting friendly
relations and meaningful cooperation with all countries, irrespective of
their ideology or governmental system, based on the principles of respect
for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations,
non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations and peaceful
settlement of disputes. It is through strict adherence to these
principles, that small nations such as ours, can hope to enjoy peace,
security and stability, which together form the essential climate for
economic progress, prosperity and well-being of our peoples.
5. Adherence to these cardinal principles of international relations is
all the more important today when the world is beset by economic,
political and social crises, all of which seem to defy solution and could
precipitate a breakdown of international law and order. The prolonged
economic recession has affected almost all countries in varying degress,
but it is the developing countries that are most affected. Invariably, the
position of the developing countries has been exacerbated by the
short-sighted policies and practices of the developed countries that
hamper efforts to bring about a more equitable and fair system of
international trade. Developing countries consistently witness the
imposition of protectionist measures, increasing difficulty in getting
access to markets for their goods, poor returns for their export products,
manipulated commodity markets, and high interest rates from the developed
countries, when these same countries have pledged that they are committed
to liberalising the system of international trade. We have yet to see a
more honest and sincere effort by the developed countries to bring order
back into the world economy, after years of rhetoric at numerous fora.
6. Developing countries which are shouldering the burden of vast
development expenditure, in order to sustain credible growth rates and
improve the quallity of life of their peoples, cannot continue much longer
to hope that the developed countries would reverse their trade policies
and lessen their stranglehold on the international trade system. We must
learn to lessen our dependence on the developed countries and foster
meaningful cooperation among the developing countries themselves within
the context of the South-South dialogue. Such cooperation would not only
strengthen our bargaining position vis-a-vis the developed countries, but
would also tap previously unexplored and neglected potential markets for
our goods.
Your Excellency,
7. Malaysia, together with her partners in the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations, ASEAN, has been striving to establish a Zone of Peace,
Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) in Southeast Asia, free from foreign
meddling and interference. However, the unresolved conflict in Kampuchea,
as a result of Vietnamese military intervention and occupation of that
country, has posed a serious obstacle to the realisation of the Zone of
Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in the region. The conflict also poses a
dangerous threat to the peace and stability of the region by bringing with
it big-power involvement in Southeast Asia. Our paramount goal remains the
withdrawal of all Vietnamese forces from Kampuchea, so that the Kampuchean
people could freely determine their future in accordance with the
declaration of the International Conference on Kampuchea, and other
relevant resolutions of the United Nations. We firmly believe that the
formation of the Coaliton Government of Democratic Kampuchea, under the
Presidency of His Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk, offers Vietnam a
viable alternative to continued confrontation, and constitutes a positive
step towards a peaceful and comprehensive resolution of the problem. In
this regard, Malaysia notes with appreciation the Romanian Government's
position in support of a comprehensive political solution of the
Kampuchean problem, and in calling for the complete withdrawal of all
foreign forces from Kampuchea.
Your Excellency,
8. One of the most important issues that faces the international community
today is that of disarmament. Malaysia shares Romania's concern over the
serious danger posed by the heightened arms race, particularly nuclear
arms, that threatens the very existence of our civilisation. Of late, the
arms race has become quite wild and dangerous. We earnestly hope that
current negotiations on disarmament will be stepped up and eventually
succeed. Malaysia believes that a wide ranging agreement on disarmament
would contribute to the lessening of current tensions in the world. We
believe also that the financial and human resources, freed from heavy
military expenditure, could be more productively diverted to the economic
development of countries, and contribute to the strengthening of the world
9. Malaysia is also aware of the efforts by Romania and countries in
Europe towards achieving security goals and cooperation in their continent
through the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. We wish for
the successful conclusion of the Madrid Meeting which would provide for
confidence-building measures, and thus contribute to the relaxation of
tension in Europe, and the rest of the world.
Your Excellency,
10. We have just hosted the United Nations Asian Conference on the
Question of Palestine, an expression of our strong support for the
restitution of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including
the right to an independent state of their own, under the sole and
legitimate leadership of the Palestinen Liberation Organisation (PLO), the
total Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab Territories, and the
unconditional return of Jerusalem to Palestinian sovereignty. We are
convinced that there can be no solution to the problem in West Asia for as
long as the core of the crisis, which is the Palestinian question, remains
11. War between Iran and Iraq, two members of the Non-Aligned Movement,
which is still continuing, is causing deep anguish to all members of the
Movement. To date, efforts by the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as by
friendly countries concerned with the continuing conflict to seek a
mutually acceptable solution, have been unsuccessful. We cannot, however,
give up this quest for peace, more so that now a new problem has arisen
out of the conflict.
12. This new problem which confronts the international community is the
oil slick in the Gulf which threatens the world's environment. Damaged
Iranian oil wells continue to spill thousands of barrels of oil a day into
the sea. The fighting has prevented the capping of these oil wells and
repairs to the damage. This spillage, if not effectively controlled, will
extend beyond the Gulf area to neighbouring waters, causing permanent
damage to marine life and ecology. It will take generations to overcome
the effects of this disaster. The issue transcends the Iran-Iraq war, and
must become the concern and responsibiltiy of the entire international
community. We must endeavour to persuade the international community to
cooperate and assist in averting this grave threat.
13. Antartica, the last unsettled frontier of mankind, has gained
international interest. Malaysia firmly believes that Antartica should not
be the exclusive preserve of a handful of nations that have access to
it. Rather, it should be the common heritage of mankind, used for peaceful
purposes and not be made the object of international rivalry and
discord. The time will come when modern technology will enable the
exploitation of the abundant natural resources of Antartica. It is our
belief that these resources should be equitably shared and be of benefit
to both rich as well as poor nations.
14. The full backing on the Antarctica issue given by the 101-member
nations of the Non-Aligned Movement at their recent Summit in New Delhi,
which urged that the matter be considered by the UN General Assembly at
its 38th Session this year and that a comprehensive study be made on
Antarctica, is heartening. I am confident that this will pave the way for
an eventual universal framework of international cooperation on
Antarctica. In this, Malaysia counts on the support of Romania and hopes
that we will succeed in making Antarctica a common heritage of mankind.
Your Excellency,
15. May I say once again that it is a pleasure to be able to visit your
beautiful country, and may I congratulate you on the excellent
arrangements that have been laid down for this visit.
16. I am confident that the goodwill and close ties of friendship between
us will contribute towards greater Malaysia-Romania cooperation for the
mutual benefit of our peoples.
17. Now, I would like to invite Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen to
join me in a toast to the continued good health, and success and happiness
of His Excellency President Nicolae Ceausescu, His Excellency
Mr. Constantin Descalescu, to the Government and people of the Socialist
Republic of Romania, and to the close and enduring friendship between
Malaysia and the Socialist Republic of Romania.
TOAST TO THE EMPEROR OF JAPAN Mr. Prime Minister, Mrs. Nakasone,
Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
May I invite you to rise and join me in a toast to His Majesty The Emperor
of Japan.
(Anthem) To His Majesty The Emperor.