Tarikh/Date 	: 	25/07/83 

Mr. Chairman; Honoured guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is a great honour for me to be given this opportunity to address this
important international gathering of prominent builders and contractors,
and I take this opportunity to congratulate the organisers of the
Convention for their untiring efforts in making all the preparations.

2. As I am made to understand, this 20th. Convention of the International
Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Associations
(IFAWPCA) is the first to be held in Malaysia. The presence of many
members of IFAWPCA's counterpart organizations from all over the world,
indicates the importance of your meeting. This is indeed a great
particularly those of you who are from distant places - with 'Selamat
Datang,' and I wish you all a pleasant and enjoyable stay in Malaysia.

3. I note that the Federation is not only concerned with the exchange of
information on construction technology, but also in fostering healthy
relationship between the government and the contractors, with a view to
finding mutually beneficial solutions to problems. These are also our
concern in Malaysia. Malaysia gives a high priority to the transfer of
technology, and we hope that our construction industry, which is a very
important sector, will not only benefit from this policy but also
contribute to its success. Transfer of technology is not an easy
process; it cannot be easily achieved unless there is genuine and sincere
efforts, particularly on the part of the transferor, to do so. The
tranferor too must assist the transferee to make the necessary preparation
to enable a smooth and effective transfer to take place. Rigidity and
selfishness on the part of the technologically advanced construction
establishments can stifle the construction industry in the long run, and
in turn can affect the technologically advanced establishments.

4. We are aware that builders and contractors have an important
contribution to make to the development process of any country, socially
and economically. They have a part in physically translating the
development plans into reality. But development is not just physical
construction and concrete contours; development is a better quality of
life for all. The challenge to the construction industry is therefore the
challenge at its response and reaction to the needs and problems of

5. A major bulk of development projects in the various sectors, whether
public or private, involves the construction industry. Given its
importance, it is imperative for the construction industry to achieve, and
ensure a high level of efficiency and productivity, not only in order that
builders and contractors can complete construction contracts within
shorter period of time, and at lesser costs, but also in giving due regard
to safety, the aesthetic aspects and the ecology which constitute much of
the basic ingredients of a better quality of life.

6. The Government is the largest single employer of builders and
contractors in construction contracts and, therefore, it is understable
why it is concerned with the efficiency and productivity of the
construction industry. The Government stands to gain if the construction
industry is effective, efficient and reliable. And when the Government
gains, the people too will gain.

7. With the increase in the scope and magnitude of construction projects,
coupled with the rapid advancement in the science and technology of
construction, the process of complex and complicated. Qualified personnel
and skilled workers, are an asset. Prudent and effective utilization of
resources through modern management practices, can ensure not only success
but also benefits to all the parties concerned.

8. Just as the theme of your Convention suggests, construction industry is
a critical sector for economic growth. But economic growth, just as I have
mentioned earlier, is not all that we are concerned with. We want growth,
but we also want a better life, which is beyond mere growth. I believe
that a strong, efficient and reliable construction industry can assist the
country not only to achieve economic growth effectively, but also to
assist in moulding a better environment for a healthy growth of the
members of our society, spiritually and physically.

9. Today, when we speak of the construction industry we refer more and
more to the capability to affect a total face lift of a metropolitan
area. One can only look at the Klang Valley here to see the transformation
that has taken place, particularly since the last decade. But, with rapid
development, greater efforts must be made to ensure that our surroundings
are clean and beautiful. Concrete all around, without cleanliness and
beautification will render the environment drab and
depressing. Cleanliness and beautification does not mean elaborate and
expensive landscaping and rock gardens; even big healthy trees properly
dispersed together with green grassy patches which break the greyness of
concrete and bitumen, free from waste paper and plastics can turn a city
into a garden. Man and the waste he creates is the greatest menace to the
environment. Man the builder, must design buildings and the environment to
contain this menace.

10. The Government cannot do everything in this regard. I hope, in the
case of Malaysia, the developers, the contractors, and the owners of
factories and office premises would jointly help the Government and its
agencies in implementing the cleanliness and beautification programme. It
is not enough for us to do this for display; we must do it because we want
to live, and enjoy living, in a clean and beautiful surroundings.

11. I understand IFAWPCA is a constituent member of the Confederation of
International Contractors Association (CICA), a world-wide body of
contractors' associations, which has under its wings also the
International European Construction Federation (FIEC), the Inter-American
Federation of the Construction Industry (FIIC) and the Associated General
Contractors' of America (AGCA). I suppose whilst IFAWPCA can directly
assist builders and contractors in the Asian and Westeran Pacific region
to achieve further development and growth, it can through CICA exchange
views on common problems in the construction industry and possibly through
joint efforts find solutions.

12. I wish you all and your 20th Convention every success and may your
stay in Malaysia be a pleasant and memorable one. With this I have
pleasure in declaring your Convention open.



