Tarikh/Date : 19/11/83
His Excellency, Prime Minister Michael T. Somare, Mrs. Somare,
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the
Government and people of Malaysia I would like to extend a very warm
welcome to you, Mr. Prime Minister, your charming wife and members of your
distinguished delegation. Your visit gives me the opportunity not only to
renew our friendship but also to reciprocate the generous hospitality
shown by you and the people of Papua New Guinea during my visit to your
country last October. We are indeed honoured and delighted to have you
with us and we hope that you and your delegation will feel at home during
the short stay in Malaysia.
2. The growing bond of friendship between Papua New Guinea and Malaysia is
made manifest by our increased bilateral interaction both at the official
and private sector levels.
Malaysia's diplomatic presence at Port Moresby has enabled us to keep in
direct and close touch with Papua New Guinea.
In our talks this morning, Mr. Prime Minister, you indicated that Papua
New Guinea intends to establish a mission in Kuala Lumpur soon. We welcome
this and look forward to receiving your first resident High Commissioner
to Malaysia.
3. Like other developing countries, Malaysia continues to face economic
difficulties and uncertainties arising from the current depressed
international economic situation.
Being producers of primary commodities, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia have
to tackle similar problems to ensure that our products receive fair and
stable prices and not be at the mercy of unscrupulous manipulators or
speculators at the commodity exchanges. Malaysia firmly believes that
developing countries can overcome the obstacles in their way and achieve
higher levels of economic development and growth through meaningful and
effective cooperation.
4. The Malaysian Government is fully committed to the concept of
cooperation among developing countries, or South-South cooperation and we
have extended modest offers of technical cooperation with fellow
developing countries including Papua New Guinea. I am glad that Papua New
Guineans have found some of our training programmes useful and that our
traders and businessmen have met and confirmed the potential for direct
bilateral trade and investment.
Contacts made, and friendships established between the people of Papua New
Guinea and of Malaysia will no doubt contribute towards the understanding,
esteem and goodwill we have for one another. Tomorrow, Mr. Prime Minister,
you will have the opportunity to visit some of Malaysia's socio-economic
development projects. Should some of the practical aspects of our
agricultural or land schemes be of relevance to Papua New Guinea in your
own development efforts, we would only be too happy to share our expertise
and experience with you.
5. Papua New Guinea is a close friend not only of Malaysia satisfaction
Papua New Guinea's Special Observer status in ASEAN and the decision taken
at the recent ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Bangkok for Papua New Guinea to
work closely with ASEAN's Technical Committees to derive the fullest
advantage of any cooperative efforts. This represents yet another
milestone towards the promotion of closer relations between ASEAN and
Papua New Guinea. We appreciate that in the South Pacific region, Papua
New Guinea is also a strong advocate of regionalism and an active member
of the South Pacific Forum.
Mr. Prime MInister, 6. As we share similar hopes and aspirations for our
national stability and development in particular, and for our region in
general, we are indeed mindful that national resilience and regional peace
cannot be taken for granted.
In Southeast Asia we have had our share of political problems and unrest,
mainly due to big power rivalries and conflict. Convinced that the region
must, and can be freed from the menace of any form of external big power
rivalry, the ASEAN countries in 1971 adopted the Kuala Lumpur Declaration
on the establishment of a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality
(ZOPFAN). The realisation of ZOPFAN remains our cherished goal.
7. As you are aware, ASEAN's untiring efforts for a comprehensive
political solution for the Kampuchean question is part and parcel of our
commitment to the objectives of peace and stability in Southeast Asia. The
search for a comprehensive political solution in accordance with the
International Conference on Kampuchea (ICK) Declaration and principles of
the UN Charter is imperative so that the Kampucheans could be free to
decide their own future and live in peace. At the same time, resolution of
the Kampuchean problem would remove the present pointed threat of big
power rivalry and intervention in Southeast Asia.
8. Recently, the international community once again gave overwhelming
support to the ASEAN inspired resolution at the United Nations General
Assembly for the withdrawal of Vietnamese forces from Kampuchea, the
restoration of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and
the right of the Kampuchean people to determine their own destiny free
from outside interference. Malaysia is indeed heartened by the continuing
valuable support of Papua New Guinea and we thank you for it.
Mr. Prime Minister, 8. Malaysia is not only concerned about the peace and
stability of our immediate Southeast Asian region, but we are also
concerned about peace and stability in other parts of the world. Indeed we
share your concern and anxiety over continued nuclear testing in the South
Pacific and support your regional efforts to rid the South Pacific of such
undesirable activities.
9. Consistent with Malaysia's concern for international peace and
stability, we have initiated the inscription of an item on Antarctica at
the United Nations General Assembly now meeting in New York. Our
initiative stems from our belief that because of the Continent's
political, strategic and economic importance to all of us, and that future
acrimony in, or over Antarctica, could be preempted by the removal of any
inequities there, it must be brought to the attention of the international
community. Malaysia's objective is to secure the agreement of member
states for the United Nations Secretary General to undertake a
comprehensive study of Antarctica, encompassing all points of view. We
hope that our efforts towards widening international cooperation on this
little known but important Continent would recieve the support of the
world community.
Mr. Prime Minister,
10. I have found our discussions this morning extremely interesting and
have benefitted from your views and perception on a range of issues of
mutual interest and concern. I feel sure that the friendship and
cooperation between Papua New Guinea and Malaysia will be mutually
rewarding and beneficial.
11. May I now express once again our pleasure at having you here in our
midst, as our honoured guest. I hope that you, Mrs. Somare and members of
your party will find your visit to our country enjoyable.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
12. May I now ask you to join me in a toast to the good health of the
Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Michael Somare and Mrs. Somare and to the
prosperity and well-being of the people of Papua New Guinea.
Thank you.