Tempat/Venue 	:  
Tarikh/Date 	: 	25/01/84 

  May I, on behalf of my wife and members of my delegation thank Your
Excellency, the Government and the people of Switzerland for the warm and
friendly welcome and generous hospitality extended to us since our arrival
in your beautiful country this morning. I would also like to thank you for
the kind remarks which you have just made. Let me say how happy we are to
have this opportunity of visiting Switzerland at Your Excellency's kind

2. My visit has given me the opportunity to hold fruitful discussions with
you and to have useful exchange of views on matters affecting our
bilateral relations. I am glad to say that we both share a common desire
to see the expansion of these relations to serve our mutual interests and
it is my earnest hope that my visit here will contribute towards the
strengthening of the bonds of friendship and close ties that already exist
between our two countries.

3. Bilateral relations between Malaysia and Switzerland has been for a
long time warm and cordial. Since our two countries established diplomatic
relations, we have witnessed the development of bilateral cooperation that
has remained free of friction and differences. I am certain you will agree
if I add that I can foresee no problems diveloping between us in the
future. I believe therefore that we are in an excellent position to boost
the development of our relations further in an even wider variety of
fields. On our part, Malaysia has established its Embassy in Berne in
April 1980 as a manifestation of our desire to promote further our
bilateral cooperation. The presence of our embassies in each other's
capitals will bring about greater understanding and awareness between our
two peoples.

4. Our relations have been closest in the economic field, particularly in
investment. Switzerland possesses the technological know-how, capital, a
disciplined work force and a liberal investment policy. We note with
admiration the success of Switzerland in her developmental and
industrialisation efforts which has made her one of the prosperous
countries in Europe and the world. At present Switzerland is among the
more important investors in Malaysia. I am convinced that there is even
greater scope for the expansion of Swiss investment in Malaysia and for
this reason we have established an office of the Malaysian Industrial
Development Authority in Berne in 1982. I hope that the establishment of
this office will generate an even greater awareness among Swiss investors
of investment opportunities available in Malaysia.

5. It is through forging closer economic links with other countries that
each of us can weather safely the current economic recession that is
afflicting developed and developing countries alike for some years
now. This prolonged economic recession has affected all countries. Their
economic predicament was further aggravated by the impact of a rising tide
of protectionism, obstructions to free trade, wild exchange rates,
manipulated commodity prices and high interests on loans. These negative
practices have adversely affected the economic performance of developed
and developing countries alike, although it is those countries having so
little to start with that have suffered most. At the least, developing
countries have seen their efforts to accelerate their economic development
greatly hampered.

6. The global economic recession and recovery are subjects of important
debates and discussions today. While multilateral talks and negotiations
can be useful in promoting mutual understanding of common economic
problems, there must be recognition that economic recovery hinges on
resolute actions to change short-sighted policies and practices, painful
as they must be. It is in the interests of the developed countries, as
much as the developing countries, that we need to reverse present trade
policies and join forces in a concerted effort to create a new order for
international trade and finance.

7. Malaysia is monitoring closely the latest developments in the world
economy. While Malaysia is happy to note that evident signs of economic
recovery are gradually taking shape in one or two industrialised
countries, Malaysia, however, feels that it should not be a cause for
rejoicing as yet. The global economic situation is still in a precarious
position. The impact of economic recovery will only become meaningful and
effective when the major problems of high interests rates, wild exchange
rate, manipulated commodity prices, rising protectionism and accessibility
of markets are resolved to the mutual benefits of both the developed and
the developing countries.

8. One of the major causes of concern to Europe and the world at present
is the deteriorating East-West relations whcih has been precipitated by
the crisis over the deployment of nuclear missiles in West Europe. All
countries had been witnessing with concern the stalemate in negotiations
between the two superpowers that led to the collapse of the intermediate
nuclear forces talks in Geneva. Subsequently, the remaining two
negotiations, that is the START talks, also in Geneva, and the MBFR talks
in Vienna, were also suspended. Malaysia joins other countries in the
world in expressing serious concern at the suspension of these talks which
left both superpowers without any channel to meet and negotiate on what is
essentially the question of world security. We earnestly hope for the
success of the conference on confidence building measures and disarmament
that commenced about one week ago in Stockholm. Negotiations on difficult
issues will of necessity require time, but we hope that all parties
concerned will persevere to achieve at least the building of bridges
between the two sides. We hope also that the Stockholm conference will
generate enough goodwill for the two superpowers to resume their talks on
arms reduction and disarmament.

9. Malaysia is aware of the useful and constructive role played by
Switzerland and the other neutral countries of Europe in making the
convening of the Stockholm conference possible. It is encouraging to note
that small countries of the world have a useful role to play in enabling
negotiations on a vital global issue to continue. Perhaps it is precisely
because we are small that we can see more clearly the urgent need for
compromise and the promotion of mutual understanding.

10. In our own region, Malaysia is fully committed to regional cooperation
as manifested in the Association of South East Asian Nations, or ASEAN. I
am happy to say that since its inception, ASEAN has made remarkable
success in fostering closer cooperation between its member states in the
economic, cultural, social and educational fields. ASEAN has also
succeeded in instituting useful dialogues with partner countries like the
USA, Japan, Canada, the EEC, New Zealand and Australia. In our efforts to
create in our region a system of peace and stability, ASEAN proposes the
establishment of a Zone of Peace, Freedom and neutrality in South East
Asia. We are determined to work towards this goal, because we strongly
believe that only through peace and stability can we achieve economic
progress for all the peoples and countries of our region. In this regard
we note with satisfaction the support the Swiss Government has given us in
our efforts to establish in South East Asia a Zone of Peace, Freedom and

11. Allow me once again Your Excellency to say how happy I am to be in
your country and to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the
warm and friendly reception given to us.

12. Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I
inivite you to rise and join me in a toast to the good health of His
Excellencies the President of the Swiss Confederation and Madame Schlumpf,
the Vice-President of the Swiss Confederation and Madame Furgler, the
Government and people of the Swiss Confederation and the good relations
between our two countries. 


