Tarikh/Date : 25/05/84
(Speech to be delivered by the Honourable, Datuk Dr. James Ongkili,
Minister in The Prime Minister's Department): I would like to congratulate
Jaycees Kuala Lumpur and Jaycees Malaysia for accepting the responsibility
of hosting this Jaycees' Asia-Pacific Regional Conference. To the foreign
participants of this Conference, I would like to welcome you all to
Malaysia and I hope you will enjoy your stay in this country.
2. This gathering of active and public-spirited young people from Asia and
the Pacific region shows the vast potential that this region holds for the
future in terms of human resources. This gathering also reflects the
spirit of cooperation, friendship and solidarity that exist among the
countries and peoples in this area. I am indeed pleased to see that there
is a close rapport and understanding as manifested by this Conference
today, and it is our duty to ensure that this bond of friendship be
further strenghtened.
3. Young people represents an important and dynamic group. As in the case
of Malaysia and many other Asia-Pacific countries, the young generation
forms a large segment of the population. In other words, youth constitutes
a large segment and has an important role to play in improving societal
and national well-being. A healthy and dedicated young people would be
able to contribute positively towards these goals. Conversely,
indisciplined and uncommitted youth would be a liability and a threat to
national resilience. The young would have to be instilled with the desire
to play a responsible role in society, to preserve cherished traditions,
to assist in the development of the nations and to be prepared to make
sacrifices if called for in the interest of their societies. This burden
is a heavy one and it calls for true dedication, loyalty and commitment.
4. We are today living in a world which while offering hope and optimism,
is clouded by uncertainty, insecurity, and instability as a result of
events and developments around us. We are not only living in a world where
interdependence is needed more than ever before, but we are also living at
a time when the world is, metaphorically speaking, shrinking, the result
of modern communication and greater interaction among the peoples. The
developments in one country would inevitably affect its neighbours, the
region and even the world in general. We can never live in isolation. We
can no longer ignore what is happening to us or what is happening to our
5. If we are living in a world where we have to depend on one another for
our progress, for our development and indeed for our survival, it is a
matter of urgency that we should place greater emphasis on promoting
better understanding and closer contact among ourselves. While it is true
that there are numerous efforts taken in this direction, and this
Conference today is a good example, nevertheless much more needs to be
done if we are to ensure that the world will remain a safe place for us
and for future generations. I believe this Conference would also be
deliberating on such matters.
6. I have been requested by the organisers of this Conference to share
some of my thoughts with you on the theme of 'Leadership by Example'. We
in Malaysia place great importance on this. As a developing country where
waste cannot be afforded, effective leadership at every level becomes an
important ingredient for our success.
7. We realise that strong, dedicated and responsible leadership is the
only way to motivate and guide the people. Of course, leaders being human
are not perfect. But they should at least try to be perfect. Then their
inadvertent mistakes may be overlooked. However, it is also important to
understand that those who follow should not pick on the bad examples as a
reason for rejecting the good examples shown by leaders. If this is done
then 'leadership by example' will be impossible.
8. It is with this recognition that we in Malaysia are making a serious
effort to inculcate the value of 'leadership by example'. It is hoped that
our approach will prompt the birth of a more responsive and responsible
leadership, consistent with the emphasis on a clean, effective and
trustworthy Government. Whoever we are -- whether we are politicians,
administrators, entrepreneurs, teachers, etc, we must try to practise the
qualities of good leadership. Only if we practise what we want others to
practise would we be respected and followed.
9. Leadership is not an inherent trait. It can be cultivated and nurtured
over a period of time. Although a few may have these leadership qualities
in them, but for most others, they need to be trained and developed as
good leaders. 'Leadership by example' means a process of instilling and
nurturing the required leadership qualities through practice by those in
positions of authority or those aspiring to such positions. Good
behaviour, morality and deeds will have to be shown by the superiors to
guide and inspire subordinates and others. Undesirable behaviour and
values must be discouraged before they become pervasive and
entrenched. Such behaviour and qualities would include idleness,
extremism, intolerance and passive thinking which are disruptive and
10. To lead by setting good examples is an effective way to ensure that
good practices are practised by all. It is pointless for leaders or
superiors urging others to do good, if they themselves do not practise
what they preach. It is a heavy responsibility to set good examples, but
to those who are sincere and energetic, and who wish to see his or her
country developing progressively and peacefully, this responsibility or
challenge will be shouldered with grit and determination.
11. Each and everyone of us are leaders in our own right, while at the
same time, we are also followers. As every Jaycees member would
appreciate, each of us have our leaders and at the same time we have
subordinates. In the years ahead, some of us will be holding more
responsible positions. Hence, besides expecting our 'bosses' to set good
examples, we have to do the same. All in all, everyone in an institution
or organisation has to be conscious of good deeds, high morality and
respectability. Even the lowest official has a responsibility to show
exemplary behaviour.
12. I have made the call for leadership by example mainly to civil
servants and political leaders in this country thus far. But I would like
to emphasise here that anything good and exemplary has no limit or
boundary, and it is hoped that these good behaviours would be practised by
all Malaysians.
13. You as members of Jaycees are often in the fore-front of your
communities. You have through your various programmes provided outstanding
leadership qualities. Therefore, what I have mentioned earlier is not
really new to you because you yourself have been cultivating and
practising these values. It is my hope that members of Jaycees desirous in
serving the community and society would continually strive to further
upgrade the standard and quality of leadership in our respective nations
for the common good.
14. Once again I would like to express my gratitude to the Kuala Lumpur
and Malaysian Jaycees for giving me this opportunity to address this
Conference. I wish all participants a fruitful deliberation, and that when
you leave for home, you would bring fond memories of your stay here. With
this note, I am happy to declare this Jaycees' Asia-Pacific Regional
Conference open.
Thank You.