Tarikh/Date : 27/07/84
Yang Mulia Dr. P.P. Shah, Dif-dif Kehormat, Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan
Saya ingin mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada Kelab Lions Daerah
308B kerana sudi menjemput saya untuk hadir di majlis perlantikan
Dr. P.P. Shah sebagai District Governor yang baru.
2. Dr. P.P. Shah bukanlah orang asing kepada diri saya. Saya mula
mengenali beliau semasa saya bertugas sebagai seorang doktor menguruskan
klinik saya. Dr. P.P. Shah telah menjadi rakan perkongsian saya di klinik
itu. Dengan itu, saya berbangga kerana berkesempatan bagi mengucapkan
tahniah kepada beliau dan semua ahli kabinetnya di atas perlantikan
masing-masing. Saya yakin mereka akan membawa nafas baru kepada
aktiviti-aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh Kelab Lions di negara ini.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
3. Lions Club District 308B is very fortunate to have Dr. P.P. Shah as its
Governor. With his dedication I am sure he will go a long way in promoting
the cause of Lions not only of this district but also of the region.
4. I wish to express here the pride I feel to be amongst people who make
service to individuals and society as a priority. In today's world when
everything comes with a price tag, any assistance in whatever way you
provide them to the needy is invaluable and more meaningful because it
comes from the heart. This is what sets you and other voluntary
organisations apart from the rest because the assistance you offer is due
to your sincere desire to help.
5. The rapid urbanisation that we see today with its attendant detrimental
consequences upon society, such as the increasing drug addiction among our
youths, unemployment, poverty, etc., needs urgent redress. The government,
through its numerous development programmes, has and will continue to
strive to provide Malaysians with a better life. The assistance that Lions
provide in whatever measure towards achieving this end is very welcome.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. Lions Club in Malaysia has come a long way since Lions Club of Kuala
Lumpur received its charter in 1959. Since then the numerous projects
carried out by Lions has helped to give new hope and a better future to
its recipients. The Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital is one other worthy
project supported by Lions. You have also been active in the campaign
against drug abuse, the provision of scholarships, and anti-litter
campaigns to keep the environment clean. These are all worthy deeds which
benefit society directly and I am sure it receives its due measure of
7. This is especially true today in an urban society where everybody is
almost always preoccupied pursuing their careers and professions. So many
hours are spent at work, so much so that there is not much time left for
anything else, and the weekends have become sacred in that it is regarded
as the only time that you can make up with the family. It is in this light
that I regard Lions and other service-oriented organisations very
highly. I say this because you are willing to sacrifice time and personal
pursuits in order to serve and to serve without any thought for gain or
reward. And this is an attribute that is becoming more and more difficult
to come by these days. But in truth your reward is surely more satisfying.
8. Finally may I once again express my gratitude to the organisers for
inviting me to this gathering tonight. It is my hope that this Club will
grow from strength to strength.
Thank you.