Tempat/Venue : TRIPOLI, LIBYA
Tarikh/Date : 08/12/84
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Your Excellency; Excellencies; Ladies and
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
May I begin by saying how delighted I am to be here tonight at this dinner
reception so graciously hosted by Brother Jalloud in honour of my visit to
the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. This sumptuous dinner
reception underscores the warm and brotherly hospitality that has been
accorded to us since our arrival in your country. On behalf of my
delegation I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Brother
Jalloud and the people and Government of your country for the excellent
arrangements that have been made for our visit.
2. Libya is an ancient and respected nation with a rich and varied
historical tradition infused with Islamic, Arabic and Mediterranean
cultures. Libya is also a modern country whose people enjoy a high
standard of living. I have heard much about the new development strategies
that have been introduced in Libya and I am delighted to have this
opportunity to study it first hand.
3. With regard to our bilateral relations, I am pleased to note the close
and cordial relationship that exists between our two countries. Over the
years we have set up the necessary framework for on-going cooperation and
the exchange of visits. My current visit and the useful and informative
discussions we have had on a wide range of issues will, I am sure,
contribute to better understanding and even closer relations.
4. Excellency, it is very heartening to note the very real progress that
Libya has achieved in the field of socio-economic development. In the next
few days I hope to learn more about these strategies and to view its
relevance to our own developmental model. We in Malaysia wish you well in
your endeavours and we pray you will achieve even greater success in the
years to come.
5. Socio-economic development is also my Government's priority. To this
end we too have had to take bold initiatives to change our outlook and
aggressively seek out new methods and techniques. Though we have achieved
much success, more needs to be done and we look towards our brothers of
the Islamic Ummah to give us their support. Malaysia is considered an
attractive and profitable investment centre in the heart of one of the
world's fastest growing regions. We hope our brothers would give careful
and favourable consideration to this.
6. At the same time, my Government is mindful of the fact that material
well-being alone cannot bring peace and happiness. Therefore we have
sought to emphasise spiritual upliftment through active support of
Islam. In this connection I wish to record my appreciation for the
assistance provided by Libya in various religious projects. Our goal must
also be to foster greater unity not only amongst Islamic governments but
among all Muslims everywhere.
7. Excellency, Malaysia and Libya are brother Muslim countries and active
members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. We therefore share
a common commitment and obligation to ensure that the Islamic Ummah
becomes a dynamic force for peace and spiritual and material well-being
that our Prophet meant it to be. If we are to achieve this sacred task, we
must move decisively to meet the many challenges that confront us.
8. In this connection, Excellency, I believe that our most important
challenge is to strive for Islamic solidarity. Without solidarity and
unity all our tasks become doubly difficult. There are no quick solutions
to this problem but I would like to add my voice to the growing chorus of
appeal from our brothers all over to seriously begin the search for ways
to strengthen our solidarity. We must all search our own hearts and find
it within us to strengthen the sometimes frail bonds of friendship and
unity. The interests of the Ummah must prevail. We have within the Ummah a
most useful and effective organisation, the Organisation of Islamic
Conference. Perhaps we should exploit fully the many opportunities for
cooperative and unified action which this Organisation affords.
9. Another issue of grave concern to us in the Ummah is the still
unresolved issue of Palestine. As Muslims we cannot but share the anguish
of our brothers in West Asia. The repeated and blatant acts of aggression
committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and the Arab countries
threatens not only to destroy a brave and a valiant people but to plunge
the world into a wider conflict. We therefore believe that a just and
durable peace in the region can only be established on the basis of the
restitution of the rights of the Palestinian people including the right to
establish their own independent and sovereign state under the leadership
of the PLO, the total Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Arab
territories and the unconditional return of Jerusalem to Palestinian
sovereignty. Your Excellency is no doubt aware of Malaysia's role in the
Geneva Conference on Palestine. We are proud to have been given the honour
to contribute in a small but tangible way to the search for a solution to
this long-standing problem.
10. The continuing war between Iran and Iraq is also a cause of deep
concern to us. It is vital that this conflict be brought to an end, not
only for the sake of the people of both countries but also for the sake of
peace in the region and the world. The continuation of the war undermines
the solidarity and unity of Islamic countries. Malaysia is deeply
concerned over this tragic situation and as a member of the OIC Peace
Committee, is committed to work with other members towards achieving a
peaceful and durable solution to the conflict which have caused so much
suffering, hardship and destruction.
11. Another issue of great concern to Islamic countries is Afghanistan
which was a member of the OIC and has become the victim of foreign
intervention. We deplore this situation and fully support the resolutions
of the OIC, the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations for the
restoration of the independence and sovereignty of Afghanistan and of its
Islamic and non-aligned character. Brother Jalloud,
12. In our part of the world, Malaysia and its partners in the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN are committed to regional cooperation
not only to uplift economic and social standards but also to ensure peace
and stability in the region. It is for this reason that Malaysia in
concert with its partners, has been striving to establish the Zone of
Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in Southeast Asia, free from any foreign
interference. However, the Kampuchean problem is a serious threat to peace
and stability in the region and the continued illegal occupation of the
country is a serious obstacle to the realisation of the Zone of Peace,
Freedom and Neutrality in Southeast Asia. We cannot accept foreign
military intervention in Kampuchea or anywhere else in the world as a
means of settling problems. The issue must be resolved quickly in
accordance with the Declaration of the International Conference on
Kampuchea and other relevant UN resolutions that have been endorsed and
supported by the international community.
13. Finally I take this opportunity to wish you Brother Jalloud and the
people of the Jamahiriya continued good health, happiness and prosperity.
Thank you