Tempat/Venue 	: 	SRI PERDANA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	11/03/85 

Your Excellency Milka Planinc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia; Your Excellencies; Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am pleased to have this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency,
Mr. Planinc, and members of your delegation our warmest welcome to
Malaysia. It is my sincere hope that you will have a pleasant and
enjoyable stay in Malaysia. I am reminded of the kind hospitality accorded
to me and my wife by the Government and people of Yugoslavia during our
visit to your country in May, 1983. It was a most interesting and
memorable visit.

2. My visit to your country gave me the opportunity to have an extensive
exchange of views on both bilateral and international issues. Your
Excellency's presence in Kuala Lumpur provides us with yet another
opportunity to continue the meeting we have had in Belgrade in May 1983.

3. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Malaysia and
Yugoslavia in 1967, our relations have over the years progressed smoothly
and satisfactorily. Economic cooperation and trade ties between our two
countries have been intensified after my visit to Belgrade. The Joint
Commission set up under the Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement
between Malaysia and Yugoslavia has had its second session at Kuala Lumpur
in November last year where our two countries had identified new projects
for cooperation. While there is already meaningful cooperation between our
two governments, firms in Yugoslavia and Malaysia too should seize the
opportunities offered in the fields of trade, joint ventures, and
investment. I am happy to note that an Exhibition and Seminar on Yugoslav
Technology and Industry is to be organised by Your Excellency's government
in Kuala Lumpur in April this year. I am confident this would create a
greater awareness of Yugoslav products and technology among our people,
especially the business community.

Your Excellency, 

4. Our relations have always been based on the strict adherence to the
principles of respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity,
non-interference in the internal affairs and the rejection of the use of
force in the settlement of disputes. Our policy of non-alignment has
reinforced the foundation of our relations.

5. Malaysia and Yugoslavia are both members of the Non-Aligned
Movement. We share similar hopes and aspirations for a free, peaceful and
progressive world society that is not allied to any power blocs. We are
both committed to the upholding of world peace, justice and cooperation,
the elimination of apartheid, and all forms of foreign domination. In the
past two decades, the Non-Aligned Movement has played an influential role
in international affairs and has taken a number of important initiatives
in the economic field with the ultimate objective of bringing about a more
just and equitable New International Economic Order. Malaysia is, however,
concerned that lately the Movement has shown a tendency to move towards
radicalism and covert alignment. This has been one of our main concerns at
the last Non-Aligned Summit in New Delhi. I am glad that our two countries
share the same concern and have voiced our strong desire to see the
Movement brought back on to its original objectives and principles.

6. Malaysia is confident that Yugoslavia, as one of the most respected
founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement, will do her utmost to ensure
that the original guiding principles of the Movement shall remain. It is
only by pursuing a truly non-aligned course can the credibility of the
Movement be maintained. The positive role played by Yugoslavia, especially
by the late President Tito, towards the progress, development, and unity
of the Movement will always be acknowledged and cherished by all member

Your Excellency, 

7. The situation in Kampuchea, where foreign troops continue to occupy the
country, remains a matter of great concern to Malaysia and her ASEAN
partners. In this regard we are mindful of the enduring support of Your
Excellency's Government in our quest to achieve a political settlement to
the problem. We are appreciative of the endorsement of the Yugoslav
Government of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea under the
Presidency of His Highness Prince Norodom Sihanouk. The need for a secure
and guaranteed peace in Southeast Asia becomes all the more imperative
because of the intensification of military action lately. The national
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kampuchea has been violated with
impunity resulting in a threat to peace and stability of our region.

8. As Your Excellency is aware Malaysia has given priority to regional
cooperation as manifested by our membership in ASEAN. Within the ambit of
Asean cooperation, Malaysia has proposed the establishment of a Zone of
Peace, Freedom and Neutrality or ZOPFAN in Southeast Asia, free from any
form or manner of external interference. Malaysia's proposal of ZOPFAN, is
similar to your Government's role in urging the implementation of the
conclusions in the Final Document of the Conference on Security and
Cooperation in Europe and lasting peace and security in the world.

9. Malaysia shares Yugoslavia's concern over the question of increased
armaments in Europe that not only poses a danger to peace and security to
the continent but also to the world. While enormous amounts of money and
resources are channelled towards the development and production of both
conventional and nuclear weapons, poverty and hunger still afflict
hundreds of millions of the world's population. All states should renew
their commitment towards a comprehensive programme of general disarmament.

10. Concerned as we are with issues directly affecting our regions,
Malaysia has not and will not remain apathetic to threats to world peace
emanating from other parts of the world. The plight of the Palestinian
people comes immediately to mind. Long since uprooted from their own
homeland, the Palestinian people have experienced untold sufferings and
incalculable hardships for some 40 years. But that has not deterred them
from pursuing their struggle to recover their just and legitimate rights
so that they may have a home they can call their own. Malaysia will
continue to support the Palestinian people for we believe no people must
allow their sovereignty, their honour and their basic rights to be
trampled upon.

11. The situation in Afghanistan too remains unchanged. Afghanistan, a
small non-aligned Islamic country, is being continuously subjected to
foreign military occupation and aggression, in flagrant violation of the
United Nations Charter and Resolutions as well as those of the Non-Aligned
Movement. We condemn the occupation of Afghanistan and call upon the
international community and the UN to continue to exert serious efforts to
obtain the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and for the
Afghan people to regain their independence and sovereignty free from
foreign interference and coercion. In this regard we support all efforts,
especially that of the United Nations Secretary-General, to achieve a
political solution based on the principles contained in the United Nations
Resolution on Afghanistan.

12. The continuing war between Iran and Iraq, two members of the
Non-Aligned Movement, causes profound anguish to the Movement. The
conflict has serious and wider implications including that of foreign
intervention. Malaysia will continue to support efforts to bring peace to
that region and will play an active role in this regard.

13. Another area of concern to my Government is Antarctica. It is my
Government's view that the whole world has a legitimate right to that
continent. Its location, vastness, fragile eco-system, rich marine and
possibly mineral resources have a direct significance for international
peace and security, economy, environment, scientific research and so
on. These are matters of global interest. In this regard we are
appreciative of Yugoslavia's support on the issue of Antarctica at the
Non-Aligned Summit and at the UN. I wish to express the hope that as a
leader in the non-aligned group of nations, Yugoslavia will play a
positive role in promoting greater international cooperation in ensuring
that Antarctica is governed and managed in the interest of all Mankind.

14. The economic recession that is besetting the world shows no sign of an
early recovery. The high interest rates, the high level of foreign debt
coupled with the difficulty in market access, have all made it more
difficult for the developing countries to cope with the crisis. Despite
the adverse situation affecting the developing countries and the
monumental tasks ahead, the developed countries continue to adopt economic
and trade policies that seriously disrupt world economic
relations. Malaysia feels that the various trade barriers are not only
restricting the flow of trade but are deliberately erected to protect
their own inefficient industries in face of the healthy competition from
the products of developing countries. These steps are contrary to their
pronouncements on free trade. Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

15. May I now invite you all to join me in a toast to Her Excellency Milka
Planinc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
to the Government and people of the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia and to the close and friendly relations between our two

Thank you. 
