Tempat/Venue 	: 	OSLO, NORWAY 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	22/04/85 

 Your Excellency Kaare Willoch, Prime Minister of Norway; Distinguished
Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen.

On behalf of the members of my delegation, I would like first of all to
thank you, the Government and the people of Norway for the warm and
friendly welcome and generous hospitality accorded to us since our arrival
here. I have looked forward to this visit to your beautiful country. I
would also like to thank you for the kind remarks which you have just

2. The active bilateral relations between Malaysia and Norway is a fairly
recent development. In the past, we have not had much contact with each
other, except in the United Nations and other international fora, when we
have cooperated over issues of common concern to us, and in the field of
trade. Nevertheless, most of us in Malaysia do know about Norway and its
fjords, its famous seafarers, the Vikings, and its "midnight sun", a
phenomenon that is inconceivable to us since we come from the
tropics. Your myths and legends, coupled with tales of the exploits of the
Vikings, bring forth to mind images of a romantic land of sea, snow and

3. Thus you can see that while for many of us this would be our first
visit to Norway, it is not a country that is completely unfamiliar to
us. We therefore feel that we are among friends here. To my mind, it is a
good way and a good reason to strengthen our bilateral relations. I
observe also that there are many similarities between Malaysia and
Norway. Both are parliamentary democracies. Both countries are about the
same in area and with relatively small populations. Our two countries are
also fortunate to have considerable natural resources, the most important
of which is petroleum. In the political field, we each place major
importance to developing close regional cooperation with our immediate
neighbours. I am certain you will agree with me that such similarities
form the firm basis for good bilateral relations between our two

4. The cooperation between Malaysia and Norway is most active in commerce
and in the economic field. The volume of our bilateral trade, while still
small, is steadily increasing. It is my belief, however, that the best
potential for cooperation between our two countries lie in the fields
where Norwegian technology can usefully combine with Malaysian resources
to establish joint projects for our mutual benefit. Malaysia is now
entering a stage in her industrial growth where emphasis is being placed
on the development of heavy industries as well as high precision
engineering, electronic and electrical industries. We, therefore, welcome
Norwegian interest to participate in the areas that would be most
beneficial for both countries. As you are aware, I have brought with me
the representatives of Malaysia's leading industries and business
houses. I am certain that they will take this opportunity to establish
contacts with their Norwegian colleagues.

5. On global affairs, both Malaysia and Norway share basically similar
perceptions on many international issues, with strong adherence to the
principles of the Charter of the United Nations. We in Malaysia are aware
of Norway's active role in establishing the United Nations Organisation.

Your country's participation and contributions to that world body goes
further than most countries. Norway's firm belief in the United Nations as
a guarantor for peace and security of all states is evidenced by the
material and financial support for the peace-keeping operations of the
world organisation. Such unselfish contributions towards the United
Nations as Norway has given, strengthens the organisation and provides an
example which other nations can emulate.

Your Excellency, 

6. One of the central tenets of Malaysia's foreign policy is her
commitment to regional cooperation with her neighbours, as manifested in
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN. Since its inception
in 1967, ASEAN has successfully developed close regional cooperation among
the members. I am glad to say that our Association has been growing from
strength to strength with close cooperation in many different fields.

7. In this connection, Norway being a member of the Nordic Group of States
also developed close regional cooperation and integration in many
fields. The coordination of policies between the Nordic States through
this Nordic Cooperation is indeed advanced. You have utilised your common
background of language and culture to your best advantage and have managed
to form a closely-knit group in such diverse fields as parliamentary and
legislative cooperation, labour market, travel across Nordic frontiers,
custom regulations, trade cooperation and regional developments. The scope
of Nordic Cooperation is too numerous that it suffices for me to remark
that these collaborations among the Nordic countries are an achievement
and an outstanding example of the extent to which regional cooperation can
be fostered.

8. As for Malaysia and her ASEAN partners, our cherished goal in regional
cooperation is to establish a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality in our
region of Southeast Asia, free from any foreign interference. It is
important for us to achieve peace and stability in our region so that our
efforts can be directed towards achieving rapid growth and development for
our respective countries and our peoples. However, the conflict in
Kampuchea and the continued presence of foreign military forces in that
unfortunate country form the biggest threat to regional peace and
stability. It threatens all of us in the region with the unwanted
possibility of big power interference in our affairs. Malaysia therefore
looks to her friends for their continued support to resolve the Kampuchean
issue speedily in accordance with the declaration of the International
Conference on Kampuchea and other relevant United Nations resolutions that
have been endorsed by the international community. We are appreciative of
Norway's support for our endeavour to find a political solution to the
Kampuchean problem. We are gratified that Norway has also given
considerable aid to the Kampuchean refugees to alleviate their plight.

9. Just as the question of peace and security is important to us in
Southeast Asia, we appreciate that it is equally important to Norway to
work for detente and stability in Europe. Malaysia has followed closely
the various talks and negotiations on questions of security and arms
reductions that are ongoing in Europe. We are aware that Norway plays an
active role in the question of arms reduction. This issue is of concern
not just to the superpowers and the countries in Europe, but to the whole
world as well, because they have such far-reaching consequences. Although
realism dictates that the decision to disarm resides mainly in the hands
of big powers, Malaysia does not believe that the rest of the world should
resign their respective roles in the matter of disarmament. In Malaysia's
view all countries should join together in the creation of conditions in
which disarmament would be in the natural order of things.

Your Excellency, 

10. Another area of concern to Malaysia is the question of Antarctica. It
is the last unsettled frontier in the world and it remains our view that
all Mankind has a legitimate interest in the continent. Antarctica should
not be the exclusive preserve of only a few nations. Malaysia is ready to
cooperate with the member states of the Antarctica Treaty with a view to
finding an acceptable system wherein all nations may cooperate to preserve
that vast cold continent and sustain its environment until such time when
exploitation of its resources can be done without pollution and damaging
the ecological system.

Your Excellency, 

11. Allow me once again to say how appreciative my delegation and I are
for this opportunity to visit your country and for the hospitality
extended to us.

12. Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I now propose a toast
to the good health of our host His Excellency Kaare Willoch, the Prime
Minister of Norway, and to the continuing and everlasting friendship
between Malaysia and Norway. 
