Tempat/Venue : COPENHAGEN
Tarikh/Date : 25/04/85
Your Excellency Poul Schluter, Prime Minister of Denmark; Distinguished
Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen.
I would like, at the outset, to extend the sincere thanks of the Malaysian
delegation to the Government and people of Denmark for the very warm and
generous hospitality extended to us since our arrival in your charming
capital city. I would also like to extend my gratitude for the generous
remarks you have just made.
2. Relations between Malaysia and Denmark have been close and
cordial. There exist an inherent goodwill on both sides and our
Governments have rightly seized the opportunity to forge a mutually
beneficial relationship. Indeed, Denmark is a country familiar to many
Malaysians, since several well-known Danish business houses have been
established in Malaysia for a long time. The closeness between our two
countries may also be attributed to a certain similarity that exists
between us. I am reminded especially of your geographic and strategic
situation which has played a predominant role in your country 's
perception of the international situation and which has guided your
policies and positions on specific world issues.
3. Indeed our discussions today were based on our respective perceptions
of international issues and given the fact that Malaysia too is situated
in another strategic area of the globe, not surprisingly our views
coincide on the most outstanding problems that plague the world arena. The
discussions have been more than fruitful and judging from the commonality
of our postions on issues of common concern, I have no doubt that my visit
will help further the cause of Malaysia-Denmark relations.
4. A matter of particular satisfaction to my Government, Your Excellency,
is Denmark's consistently positive attitude towards the developing
countries, like Malaysia. In this regard, the initiative undertaken by
some Danish citizens to establish an ASEAN Business Club here in
Copenhagen in 1982 with the express intention of forging close business
links with the ASEAN member countries is indeed a commendable move for it
provides yet another avenue to foster and pursue Malaysia's interest in
Denmark and vice-versa.
5. It is not surprising therefore that the emphasis in our relations with
Denmark has been in the spheres of trade and economic cooperation. Denmark
remains Malaysia's second largest trading partner among the Nordic
countries. In 1982 and 1983 total trade between our two countries amounted
to M$172.6 million and M$119.1 million respectively. For the first ten
months of 1984, total trade registered was M$132.6 million. It would be
noted that there appears to be a fluctuating trend in our bilateral
trade. With the fostering of increased bilateral relations between our two
countries, I am confident that a more balanced trade will be come
established, one that should show an ever increasing trend.
6. In my view a lot more can be achieved in increasing the existing
bilateral trade between our countries. Denmark with a total population of
5.2 milion is arguably a small market in terms of size. But we Malaysians
are cognisant of the fact that small though your market may be, the Danish
people are sophisticated high income purchasers. Furthermore, your
geographic location in Northern Europe makes Denmark a natural centre into
the Nordic countries of some 23 million high income people from
Continental Europe. It is therefore, pertinent for our respective
entrepreneurs and investors to consider these facts carefully for herein
lies the key to furthering the existing bonds of friendship and
cooperation for our mutual benefit.
7. In the spectrum of investments, towards the end of 1984 a total of 18
projects with Danish participation have been approved and out of these 12
companies are currently already in production. I am happy to note that
Danish investment in Malaysia has increased significantly in the last few
years, to about M$70.8 million in 1983. The figures do not bear out the
real potential in the field of investment, but nevertheless we hope that
there will be more Danish participation and investment in Malaysia in
future. We, on our part, have sought to achieve this through regional
seminars on investment opportunities in Malaysia that were held here in
Copenhagen and also in Aarhus in collaboration with the Confederation of
Danish Industries. I must add that Malaysia would welcome Danish
investments coupled with some transfer of technology particularly those
pertaining to high technology industries for which Denmark is
internationally reowned.
Your Excellency,
8. In the area of international issues, there exists a remarkable
coincidence of views between our two nations. I had referred earlier to
Denmark's strategic location and the effects that has on your perception
of the world situation. Precisely because of your situation, the question
of detente, security and east-west relations remain major priority items
in your foreign policy options. Denmark was one of the early exponents of
a European Security Conference and your Government played an active and
constructive role in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in
Europe. Your participation, albeit as an observer, at the current
negotiations on Mutual and Balanced Forces Reducation (MBFR) speaks of
your commitment to disarmament as an indispensable prerequisite to a
durable world peace.
9. Malaysia fully endorses the Danish position on disarmament. As a nation
that is still striving for growth and development for its people, we find
it disheartening to witness the vast sums of money spent on developing
more and more lethal weapons. If we, the peaceloving nations of the world,
do not voice our fears and do not take constructive measures to halt this
blind race towards a nuclear catastrophe, we would be guilty of failing in
our duty to future generations. It is in this context that Malaysia
welcomes the resumption of the Geneva Talks on Strategic Arms Reductions,
for herein lies that little ray of hope which may bring into fruition a
complete and comprehensive disarmament.
10. Unfortunately, it is not just the danger of the development and
deployment of nuclear weapons alone that plagues us all. The prevailing
international situation continues to be wrought with conflicts and
contentious issues.
11. The situation in Kampuchea is a cause of serious concern. The
independence, hopes and aspirations of the Kampuchean people have been
denied to them with scant regard for the principles enshrined in the
United Nations Charter. No responsible and right-minded nation can stand
idly by to witness and accept this gross violation by brute military force
of a country and the rights of the people. Malaysia is deeply concerned
for the welfare of and future of the Kampuchean people and will continue
its untiring efforts to find an durable political solution so that the
Kampuchean people may once again be free. In this regard, Malaysia in
particular, as well as the other ASEAN member states are appreciative of
the very positive role played by Denmark at the UN and other international
fora towards the solution of the Kampuchean problem. Let me express the
hope that with the constructive and positive role of our friends we may
yet find an acceptable political solution to the Kampuchean problem within
the provisions of the relevant resolutions of the UN and the International
Conference on Kampuchea.
12. The problem in the Middle East and the future of the Palestinian
people remain as intractable as ever. For some 40 years the Palestinian
people have been allowed to suffer the indignity and the ravages of
war. It is manifestly clear that we have the responsibility to assist in
the search for a solution to the Middle East crisis so that the
Palestinians may regain their legitimate homeland. Indeed
self-determination for the Palestinians is the crux of the issues at hand.
Your Excellency,
13. Another area of concern to Malaysia is the question of Antarctica. It
is the last unsettled frontier in the world and it remains our view that
all Mankind has a legitimate interest in the continent. Antarctica should
not be the exclusive preserve of only a few nations. Malaysia is ready to
cooperate with the member states of the Antarctica Treaty with a view to
finding an acceptable system wherein all nations may cooperate to preserve
that vast cold continent and sustain its environment until such time when
exploitation of its resources can be done without pollution and damaging
the ecological system.
Your Excellency,
14. Allow me once again to say how appreciative my delegation and I are
for this opportunity to visit your pictur esque country and the
hospitality extended to us.
15. May I now request you, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, to
rise and join me in a toast to the good health of His Excellency Poul
Schluter, Prime Minister of Denmark and to the further strengthening and
consolidation of the closer relations between Malaysia and Denmark.