Tempat/Venue : SRI PERDANA
Tarikh/Date : 10/05/85
Your Excellency Constantin Dascalescu, Prime Minister of the Government of
the Socialist Republic of Romania; Excellencies; Distinguished
Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen;
I am happy indeed to welcome Your Excellency, Madame Dascalescu, and
members of your delegation to Malaysia. I trust you will have a pleasant
and enjoyable stay. I recall my own visit to Romania in May 1983 and would
like once again to extend my sincere thanks to Your Excellency and members
of your Government for the kind hospitality accorded to me and members of
my delegation.
2. Your visit to Malaysia is most timely as it affords us the opportunity
to continue the useful and extensive discussions we had had in Bucharest
in May 1983. Indeed your visit to Malaysia is a manifestation of your
Government's desire to further strengthen our bilateral relations and
expand the scope of cooperation between our two countries.
3. Since the inception of diplomatic ties between Malaysia and Romania,
our relations have always been warm and cordial. It has steadily
progressed over the years and I am delighted to note that economic and
trade cooperation between our two countries have been intensified with the
very active high level exchange of visits in the recent past. The
Malaysia-Romania Joint Commission for Economic, and Technical Cooperation
and Trade has provided the vehicle for the realization of the desire of
our two Governments to cooperate meaningfully for our mutual benefit.
4. Geographical distances and socio-economic systems have not hindered the
expansion of our relations. The desire of both our countries to widen
relations with all countries irrespective of their socio-political systems
on the basis of respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity
and the non-interference in internal affairs have all contributed to the
growing relations between Malaysia and Romania.
5. As economic relations between our two countries is a relatively new
phenomena there remains a certain amount of caution amongst our business
sectors due largely to a lack of understanding of our respective economic
backgrounds and policies. Therefore, it is necessary for us to find ways
and means of better exposing our economic sectors to each other in
promoting trade and economic cooperation successfully. The intensification
of exchange of trade delegations, and the holding of exhibitions and
seminars would contribute towards a greater awareness of each other's
products and technology as well as capabilities. While there is already
meaningful cooperation at the government to government level, enterprises
in Romania should also seize the opportunities offered by the private
sector in Malaysia in the fields of trade, and joint venture investments.
Your Excellency.
6. Malaysia and Romania are relatively small countries which believe in
establishing friendly relations and cooperation among the countries in our
respective regions. My Government's support of Asean as a viable economic
organisation stands testimony of Malaysia's commitment towards regional
cooperation. We firmly believe that regional cooperation would not only
strengthen national and regional resilience but would also contribute
towards international understanding. In this regard your Government's
efforts at developing cooperation and friendly relations among the Balkan
states deserve the fullest support of the international community.
7. We in Asean are conscious of the fact that for many decades this region
has been an arena of superpower rivalry, with far reaching political
implications to us all. There fore, Asean has embarked on the creation of
a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality or ZOPFAN in Southeast Asia to
prevent all forms of external interference. However, the prevailing
situation in Kampuchea poses a threat to peace and stability in our region
and represents a retrogressive step in our efforts towards peaceful
collaboration among all the states in the region irrespective of political
8. The blatant occupation of Kampuchea by Vietnamese troops is without
question a violation of Kampuchea's national sovereignty and territorial
integrity. So also is the encroachment into Thai territory by
Vietnam. Malaysia and her Asean partners are appreciative of the
unequivocal support of Romania to the Coalition Government of Democratic
Kampuchea under the Presidency of His Highness Prince Norodom
Sihanouk. Romania's support has strengthened the resolve of the Asean
countries to further intensify efforts towards a political solution so
that the independence and non-aligned status of Kampuchea could be
restored and our quest for a durable peace and stability becomes a
9. While being preoccupied with the situation in the region, Malaysia is
not oblivious to developments elsewhere in the world. Malaysia shares
Romania's concern of increased armaments in Europe as we believe the
instability in the continent would also have wider political
implications. The enormous sums of money and resources being allocated to
the development of both nuclear and conventional weapons could better be
used to serve the cause of humanity.
10. All states should renew their commitment towards a comprehensive
programme of general and complete disarmament. In this regard Malaysia
hopes that the present negotiations between the United States and the
Soviet Union in Geneva will culminate in an agreement that would prevent
the escalation o f the arms race. We also hope that the Stockholm
Conference on Confidence and Security-Building Measures and Disarmament in
Europe, which Romania is actively involved in, would contribute to the
strengthening of security in Europe.
11. Let it be remembered that the security of the world or any continent
is not the concern only of the big powers.
The small countries whose security is the subject of negotiations also
have a role to play. They must be given the right to voice their thoughts
and ideas so that the security of the big powers will not be at the
sacrifice of the smaller nations.
Your Excellency,
12. The plight of the Palestinian people remains the crux of the problem
in West Asia. The years of untold suffering and enormous hardship have not
deterred the Palestinian people from continuing their just struggle to
achieve their national aspirations and rights. I wish to reiterate once
again Malaysia's support for the Palestinian cause. Only a comprehensive
solution to the Palestinian problem, taking into account the right of the
Palestinians to self determination, including their right to establish
their own home land, could guarantee a just and lasting peace in the
13. The war between Iran and Iraq, continues with no immediate signs of
the cessation of hostilities. The war has already caused great human and
material losses to both countries. The recent escalation of the fighting
increases dangerously the possibility of foreign involvement. Malaysia
together with the Islamic Peace Committee and the Non-Aligned Movement
will continue to work towards a negotiated settlement of the conflict.
14. Afghanistan, on the other hand, a non-aligned nation, is still being
subjected to foreign military occupation. Malaysia supports the role of
the United Nations in finding a political solution to the problem. The
flagrant violation of national independence must be condemned by all
nations which value world peace.
15. The situation prevailing in Antarctica is another area of concern to
my Government. Antarctica, the last uninhabited continent on earth is a
vast land with a fragile eco-system. Malaysia has no wish to exploit the
resources of Antarctica or to politicise its status. But it is wrong that
a few countries should lay claim to this vast continent to the exclusion
of others. Such uninhabited land should rightly belong to everyone, to all
humanity, whether capable or incapable of making their presence physically
felt. There should therefore be a reexamination of the administration of
this continent so as to find a more just and equitable system which will
be acceptable to the whole world.
16. Malaysia too shares Romania's concern at the present world economic
situation. The plight of all developing countries in having to cope with
the problems of high interest rates, the high level of foreign debt, and
the continuing trend towards protectionism are problems with which
Malaysia is deeply concerned. The lack of commitment on the part of the
developed countries to see these problems in their proper perspective have
contributed towards the prolongation of the economic crisis. The recent
Bonn summit meeting has not resulted in anything that can contribute to
wards the economic recovery of the world. In the face of this and the
disappointing results of the North-South dialogue, it is imperative that
the South promote greater South-South cooperation while each of us apply
stringent measures to stabilize our domestic economic situation. In this
regard Malaysia, within her limited resources, has extended technical and
other assistance to other developing countries through the Malaysian
Technical Cooperation Programme or the MTCP.
Your Excellency,
17. It is always a pleasure to welcome friends to our shores. In the
limited time that you have at your disposal, I do hope you will see for
yourself as much of Malaysia, and take with you fond memories of your
experiences here.
18. Excellencies, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I now
invite you to join me in a toast to His Excellency Constantin Dascalescu,
Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Romania, to the Government and
people of the Socialist Republic of Romania, and to the close and friendly
relations between our two countries.