Tempat/Venue 	: 	BEIJING, CHINA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	22/11/85 

Your Excellency Zhao Ziyang, Premier of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China; Your Excellency Wu Xuegian, Minister of Foreign Affairs
and State Councillor; 

Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen.

May I, on behalf of my wife and members of my delegation, bid Your
Excellency and other distinguished Chinese guests a very warm welcome. We
are delighted and honoured that you could be with us this evening and
allow us the op portunity to reciprocate, albeit in a small way, the
generous hospitality and care which you have lavished upon us since our
arrival in Beijing.

2. My visit to China has provided me with the opportunity to renew my
acquaintance with you, Your Excellency, but most of all a timely
opportunity to exchange views with you and other leaders of China on a
wide range of issues of common concern. The discussions we had were at
times exceedingly frank but, as befitting neighbours, were conducted in a
friendly and cordial manner.

3. I am sure you will agree that on some of these issues much more needs
to be done before common ground is reached. I am happy to say, however,
that on most issues we share a common perception and even a common
objective. I am particularly pleased that we both agree to give priority
to strengthening bilateral trade and economic cooperation and have
identified ways by which this objective can be achieved.

4. Tomorrow we will witness the signing of several important agreements
and memorandums of understanding. These represent an important basis for
the development of our relations. The signing of the agreement on the
Avoidance of Double Taxation in particular is the first agreement ever to
be signed between our two countries.

5. I must say that I am encouraged by these achievements and the
substantive discussions we have had. Despite problems, I sense there is a
mutual and firm commitment to foster mature and stable relations. We must
continue to build on this and press ahead. With mutual commitment and
sincere efforts, I am confident that we will be able to overcome our
problems and place our relations on a level that is nothing less than

6. Excellency, I have been in this capital city of Beijing for less than
three days and, while it is not humanly possible to grasp and absorb the
full impact of the history and beauty, the struggle and sacrifices that
make this city unique, I cannot but be impressed by the forceful dynamism
which clearly underlines the process of change all around us. It leaves me
with the impression that the road towards modernisation will be achieved
with rapidity that would impress even the most demanding.

7. Tomorrow, my delegation and I, depart Beijing for visits to other parts
of your country. Our journey will provide us the opportunity not only to
behold the ancient wonders of China and its beauty but also the industrial
metropolises upon which you hope to carry forward your modernisation. I
see in these visits the means to both enhance mutual understanding as well
as to establish beneficial economic contacts that would add momentum to
the development of our bilateral relations.

8. On the eve on my taking leave of you, let me thank you and through you,
the Government of China, for the many courtesies and hospitality extended
to my wife and I, and members of my delegation. I would like to place on
record my appreciation to all those who had contributed towards making
this visit as successful as it is enjoyable.

9. Finally, let me invite all those present here this evening to join me
in a toast to the good health of:- - His Excellency President Li Xiannian
- His Excellency Premier Zhao Ziyang - and to good relations between
Malaysia and China.

Thank you. 
