Tempat/Venue 	: 	SHANGHAI, CHINA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	23/11/85 

Excellencies; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am delighted to be in this bustling metropolis which also holds the
distinction of being China's largest city. I am also honoured to be
entertained by you this evening. Let me therefore, on behalf of my wife
and members of my delegation, thank you and the Municipal Government of
Shanghai for your hospitality and warm welcome.

2. I am told that Shanghai has always been in the fore front of all
aspects of Chinese life. Shanghai had been one of the first cities in
China to come into contact with the outside world although those early
contacts were less than equal. Nevertheless, I am sure that those long
years of contacts, those long years of exposure and those long years of
accumulated experience have provided the basis for Shanghai to assume the
leadership in this period of modernisation.

3. Excellency, as you are no doubt aware I have brought with me a large
delegation of leading Malaysian entrepreneurs and businessmen. It is my
hope that with your cooperation they would be able to fully explore
further opportunities for trade and economic cooperation between Shanghai
and Malaysia. Bearing in mind that Shanghai is also a great port, I see a
lot of prospects for strengthening shipping links between Shanghai and
Malaysian ports which could contribute to the enhancement of direct
tradeties between our two countries. Shanghai, as China's premier
industrial city, has therefore an important role to play in Malaysia-China

4. Before I conclude, may I once again thank Your Excellency and the
Municipal Government of Shanghai for receiving us with warmth and generous

5. May I now invite all those present here to join me in a toast to the
Municipal Government of Shanghai and to the health of His Excellency.

Thank you. 
