Tempat/Venue : SRI PERDANA
Tarikh/Date : 13/01/86
Your Excellency Mr. Kaare Willoch, Prime Minister of Norway; Madame
Willoch; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen.
It is with great pleasure that I, on behalf of the Government and people
of Malaysia, welcome Your Excellency, Madame Willoch and the distinguished
members of your delegation to Malaysia. Your visit to Malaysia is most
timely as it affords us the opportunity to continue the useful and
extensive discussions we had had in Oslo in April, 1985. Indeed your visit
is a manifestation of your Government's desire to further strengthen our
bilateral relations and expand the scope of cooperation between our two
2. Earlier in the day we had the opportunity to have a fruitful exchange
of views on bilateral matters as well as on regional and international
issues of mutual concern. I am convinced that there is tremendous scope
for the expansion of our bilateral relations particularly in the fields of
trade, investment and economic cooperation and have no doubt that your
visit will contribute much towards this end. I am happy to note that we
share similar views and perceptions on a number of international issues
and fully appreciate each other's points of view on the others.
3. Relations between Malaysia and Norway have grown steadily in a very
short span of time, founded as they are on our commitment to the free
enterprise system, our pursuit of close regional cooperation in our
respective regions and our abiding faith in, and commitment to, the ideals
and aspirations of the United Nations.
4. There have been a number of high-level exchange of visits between our
two countries in the past two years. I am glad to say that the relations
between Malaysia and Norway have been on the upswing since my visit to
Oslo last year. The signing of the agreement for the parallel financing by
Norway of two mini-hydro projects in the States of Kedah and Selangor is
yet another milestone in our bilateral relations.
5. The current level of bilateral trade, which has been almost
consistently in favour of Norway, holds considerable scope for further
expansion. Malaysia's abundant natural resources and her liberal
investment climate should provide an added incentive to Norwegian
investors. We are situated in a high growth region where there is a lot of
potential for joint collaboration targetted at the ASEAN and other
South-east Asian markets. We have pursued an economic diversification
policy from the very early days of our independence, for we learnt that
over-dependence on ommodities not only hampered economic growth but also
produced an erratic economic development. Hence, our determined pursuit of
a broader industrial base which calls for a reservoir of skilled manpower
and access to advanced technology.
6. Much of our efforts to ensure fair prices for our primary commodities,
of which Malaysia produces a variety, and our manufactured goods are
frustrated by tariffs, quotas and other barriers that hamper international
trade. We appreciate Norway's institution of duty-free access for most
manufactured products from the developing countries. We support all
efforts aimed at progressive dismantling of trade barriers.
7. Malaysia, like Norway, plays an active role in the effort to develop
close regional cooperation with her immediate neighbours. Our partners in
the Association of South East Asian Nations or ASEAN share a common goal
in our efforts to achieve economic development and assure the continued
prosperity of our peoples. Similarly, within your own region, Nordic
cooperation is an active vehicle for close relations between the
Governments and private enterprises across national borders. We note the
many facets of your cooperation that has evolved over several years. Such
cooperation as Norway and her Nordic partners have achieved, provides a
valuable example for other countries and regions to emulate and will
contribute much towards regional stability and resilience.
Your Excellency.
8. Malaysia has for some time now addressed itself to the menace of drug
abuse. The drug problem is a matter which Malaysia views with utmost
concern. As you are aware, there is a growing world-wide awareness of the
escalating dangers and multi-dimensional nature of the drug problem that
poses a threat not only to the social fabric of societies but also the
sovereignty and security of states. Malaysia has remained in the forefront
of international and regional efforts in combatting this problem by
working closely within the framework of the United Nations and directly
with other countries. In our view, the problem cannot be tackled
effectively unless the political will and awareness are galvanised at a
higher level and resources are fully mobilised for a more serious and
concerted campaign against drug abuse. In this respect, Malaysia is
appreciative of the various fresh initiatives being undertaken at the
international level, notably the convening of the World Conference on Drug
scheduled in 1987 in Vienna. It is hoped that the Conference will
culminate in a global undertaking in the form of an integrated
multi-disciplinary programme of action to which all parties concerned
could be equally committed so that the problem can be more effectively
tackled as to create the necessary impact and result. To this end,
Malaysia will work with all countries concerned so as to ensure that the
objectives of the Conference are achieved.
9. Notwithstanding our preoccupation with peace and security in South East
Asia,Malaysia is equally aware of the importance to Norway of detente and
stability in Europe. We have followed with interest various developments
pertaining to security and arms reduction in that part of the world. We
also note Norway's active role on the question of arms reduction and are
of the view that the issue is of vital concern to the whole world and not
just to the super powers alone. In this regard, small countries like
Malaysia and Norway can play a positive role in our respective regions for
the creation of a conducive atmosphere towards realising a general and
comprehensive disarmament.
Your Excellency.
10. I am confident that your visit will contribute towards furhter
strengthening the existing ties of friendship and cooperation and
fostering greater goodwill and understanding between our two countries.
11. I would like once again to express our pleasure in welcoming you and
Madame Willoch to Malaysia and I hope that your stay in this country will
be both enjoyable and memorable.
12. Honourable Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I invite
you all to rise and join me in a toast to the good health of His
Excellency the Prime Minister of Norway and Madame Willoch and to the good
relations between our two countries.