Tempat/Venue 	: 	VIENNA, AUSTRIA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	01/06/87 

 Mr. Secretary-General;
Distinguished delegates;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Thank  you  Mr. Secretary-General for having officiated
the occasion.  I  remain  indebted  to  you  for  your  kind
sentiments.  Your commitment to the fight against drug abuse
and illicit trafficking is well known.  It  was your address
at   the Economic and Social Council on 24 May, 1985 calling
for a  global  concerted  and comprehensive undertaking that
has brought about this Conference.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
2.   I am very grateful for the honour you have conferred on
me,  to  preside  over  this  Conference on Drug  Abuse  and
Illicit  Trafficking.  I can only promise that I shall do my
utmost to ensure the success of this Conference.    I accept
this heavy responsibility with some  trepidation  but  I  am
confident that I shall be guided by your  collective  wisdom
and the unswerving  unity of purpose on an issue, a scourge,
that spares  neither  individual nor  institution.   We have
before us  an  important  task, a fateful one.  In  the next
several days we must harness  all  our determination and our
expertise to  chart  a  clear programme to  rid us  and  the
society we live in of the cancer within our midst; drugs and
the  peddlers  that  make  profit  of  human misery.  Let us
therefore work towards ensuring that we accomplish this task
to the best  of  our abilities  in order that the world will
benefit  from it.
3.   Time and effort move on a continuum.   It is  a  truism
that  major achievements of Man have been the result of hard
work in a continuing process -- of responses to changes  and
challenges  in  dynamic situations.  It is equally true that
major achievements have been possible when  we  pause  along
the way to take stock of  the  situation,  to  make critical
adjustments before we continue on a course.
4.   Our  meeting   today   has  this   significance -- this
opportunity  to look critically at our work, at what we have
done  in the past, that will help us improve and take timely
decisions for the future.
5.   Today  we  bring  to  fruition  more  than two years of
painstaking preparations.  But we are also setting out on  a
new  beginning.   The start of an important quest -- that of
seeking and galvanising the political will of all nations to
act in concert against the plague  that  has  afflicted  the
international  community  --  the  pervasive  spread of drug
abuse and illicit trafficking.
6.   It is  not  true  that  the  United  Nations  lacked  a
programme  against  drug abuse.  On the contrary, the United
Nations had continued the work  of  drug  control  functions
formerly carried out by the League of Nations.  It was under
UN  auspices  that  the  1961  Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs was adopted.  This represents a significant effort  by
the  international  community  to  bring  together   various
decisions and agreements  into  a  coherent  and   effective
entity.  The  1961  convention  was  subsequently amended by
the 1972  protocol. Additionally in 1971, following a  clear
realisation of inherent inadequacies in the 1961 convention,
the  Convention  on Psychotropic Substances was adopted.  In
1981, the UN General Assembly adopted the international drug
abuse control strategy aimed at combatting  drug  abuse  and
illegal  trafficking.   This evolved into a 5 year programme
of action in 1982.  In 1984, the Assembly by its declaration
on the control of drug trafficking and drug abuse,  declared
that  trafficking  in narcotic drugs,  and  drug  abuse  had
become an 'international criminal  activity', demanding  the
most   urgent   attention   and   maximum  priority  of  the
international  community,  and  that  eradication of illicit
trafficking   in    narcotic    drugs   was  the  collective
responsibility  of all states.
7.   Clearly, therefore, there was no lack of  intention  or
programme  on the  part  of  the  UN; rather it had been the
inadequate commitment, the insufficient manifestation of the
political  will  in  many  producing,  transit and consuming
countries to act in concert against this common problem that
has allowed the rapid  spread  of  drug  abuse  and  illicit
trafficking.  One  unofficial  estimate  put the size of the
global   trade  in illicit drugs at US$300 billion,  a  mind
boggling  figure,  but  to  counter this, the United Nations
system as a  whole  can  only  mobilise a budget of  several
hundreds million   dollars.  This  is but one measure of the
inadequacy  of  our  response.
8.   Our  inadequate  response is perhaps symptomatic of our
different perceptions.   For some Governments  in  consuming
countries,  drug  abuse and addiction is held to be a social
aberration, akin and on the same level as cigarette  smoking
and alcoholism; for  many  in  the  producing countries, the
dilemma is more fundamental.  Social restructuring becomes a
major and sensitive problem as production has historical and
cultural roots.  Finding an alternative to  what  many  hill
tribesmen  and  villagers have come to consider as a primary
source of income will be  a  challenge  for  Governments  in
these  producing  countries.   For  transit  countries,  the
frustration  is how to stem the flood caused by the enormous
profits  that trafficking generates and equally important is
how  to prevent drug addiction and to rehabilitate those who
have become addicted either  as a result of the availability
of    drugs left unsold because of interdiction in consuming
countries  or as a result of demand from a home-grown addict
9.   A most serious manifestation, for a growing  number  of
countries  in  Latin  America,  North America and South East
Asia is that the drug problem has become a security  problem
with  implications for the country's continued viability and
the maintenance of its national sovereignty.
10.  Against  this  background,  it  is  my  view that  this
Conference is not only  to  work  out  or negotiate specific
programme  proposals  for  implementation.    This  will  be
largely  the  task of the competent technical bodies such as
the  Commission  on  Narcotic   Drugs,   the   International
Narcotics  Control  Board,  the United Nations Fund for Drug
Abuse  Control,  in  the  first instance and many  other  UN
agencies  such  as  the  World   Health   Organisation,  the
International  Labour  Organisation,   the  United   Nations
Educational,  Scientific and  Cultural Organisation, and the
relevant chapters of non-governmental organisations. The two
sessions  of  the Preparatory  Body  for this Conference had
established   valuable   guidelines    to   the   Conference
Secretariat to produce the   Comprehensive Multidisciplinary
Outline (CMO) of future  activities  on  drug  abuse control
which is  being  examined  and  finalised  for  adoption  as
possible guidelines  for  specific  project  development and
for implementation at national,  regional and  international
levels.  What  this  Conference  should  focus  upon  is the
manifestation  of the  political  will  to  act  in  concert
against the drug menace.  The significance of this cannot be
over emphasised.
11.  How  this manifestation should be expressed is for this
Conference to formulate.   Its major  significance  lies  in
that  Governments,  henceforth,  will  be  reminded of their
commitment  expressed  at this Conference to act together to
effectively combat drug abuse and trafficking  as  a  global
problem.    For  the  international drug problem has assumed
such scope and extent that an effective campaign against  it
cannot be mounted without international cooperation.
12.  The  expression  of  commitment  that must emanate from
this  Conference  is  important  not only as a reference and
reminder of a Government's moral obligation, it must also be
a  powerful   message  to  the drug traffickers  that  their
activities cannot continue with impunity -- that henceforth,
there will be a heavy price for them to pay.
13.  Equally important is the message to  the  international
community,  to  public  opinion,  the  ordinary  man  in the
street,  that  their  Governments  are  now agreed to act in
concert  against  those traffickers who have brought  misery
and    havoc  to their communities.  Let us show that we are
indeed   doing so by ensuring the early adoption of the  new
convention  against  illicit  traffic   in   narcotics   and
psychotropic substances.
14.  For  all  these  messages  to  get  through,  for their
objectives  to  be  understood  and  to be  realised, it  is
important that  this  Conference  approaches the drafting of
its  decisions  clearly  so  that there can be no  ambiguity
about   the    determination    to  eliminate  illicit  drug
trafficking is unequivocal  and  their resolve to help those
already  given  to    addiction  to enable them to return as
useful members of society is unquestioned. These, ladies and
gentlemen, should  be our primary and rightful focus.
15.  In the context of national efforts, many countries  are
already  compelled  to  exert the required political will to
act against the drug threat because of dire necessity.   The
experiences of many have also taught us an important lesson;
that to effectively counter the drug problem, action must be
undertaken  in  a  coordinated  manner  and  directed by the
highest   political   level   working  in  tandem  with  the
administrative and judicial system in the country.  No means
can  be spared.  The struggle against drug abuse and illicit
trafficking  must  also  be   undertaken at the  social  and
economic level.
16.  Internationally,  regional  collaboration  in the fight
against  drug  abuse  and  illicit  trafficking   has   been
relatively well developed. This is evident in Latin America,
in Europe, the Middle East and in ASEAN -- but there is room
to     increase  these  regional  efforts particularly among
states   that have become staging posts for the  transit  of
illicit   drug consignments.  Perhaps a major weakness which
this   Conference  can   address   is   the   inter-regional
cooperation  which  is  still  in   its   early  stages   of
development. While  there   has been cooperation between the
European Economic  community  and   ASEAN  there  is  strong
potential for developing such  cooperation  between the sub-
regions of Asia,  Africa,  Western Europe and the Americas.
17.  Another  major  focus  is to  strengthen  the  role  of
international  institutions  to  supplement  the   national,
regional and inter-regional efforts.   Here I  must  commend
the 40 years of good work done by the United Nations' system
in the   global effort  to  combat the drug problem.  Of the
implementing  agencies, impact  has  been made by the United
Nations Fund For Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC)  whose projects
cover     the  entire  range  of narcotic control activities
including   integrating   rural   development    and    crop
substitution, treatment and  rehabilitation of drug addicts,
preventive   education   and  information,  law  enforcement
assistance, and  training and research.
18.  We   welcome  the  role  played  by  the  World  Health
Organisation (WHO).  The  WHO  has  the  difficult  task  of
carrying  out  the  responsibilities  assigned  to it by the
international drug control treaties. It plays a pivotal role
in    helping to determine which substances should be placed
under   international    control   in  accordance  with  the
provisions  of  the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
and  the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances.
19.  The  contribution  made  by  the  International  Labour
Organisation is also significant.  Its work focuses on  drug
abuse  in the workplace and on vocational rehabilitation and
social reintegration of drug dependent persons.
20.  Of equal importance is the  prevention  of  drug  abuse
through  public  education and awareness and this has been a
primary  preoccupation  of  the  United  Nations  Education,
Scientific    and   Cultural  Organisation    (UNESCO).  The
integration of preventive education concerning drug use into
school  curricula  and out-of-school education is one of the
most   effective   measures   for   averting   the   serious
consequences of drug abuse among young people and adults.
21.  There  are  of  course  many  other  institutions   and
organisations.    Strengthening     these      international
institutions and their programmes of work will contribute to
national,  inter-regional,  regional  and  global efforts in
accelerated programmes to counter the growing drug menace.
22.  For this Conference, extensive  groundworks  have  been
prepared  by  the  two sessions of the Preparatory Body held
here in Vienna in February 1986 and February 1987.  It is my
hope that all these groundwork, the result of  collaborative
and  cooperative  action  by  all participating delegations,
will develop  into  an  agenda  for the 1990s for the United
Nations system in the continuing campaign against drug abuse
and illicit trafficking.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
23.  The drug problem that confront us is of such magnitude,
such  complexity that an effective counter would require our
fullest commitment, cooperation and sustained action.    Our
efforts  cannot  end  here at this Conference.  The campaign
should rightly form a part of the main agenda of the  United
Nations programme for the 1990s.
24.  I  personally  envisage  the  usefulness  of  follow-up
meetings, in  particular  the  convening  of  inter-regional
gatherings  of  experts  and policy makers to be assisted by
the United Nations where appropriate, to examine in  greater
detail  every  aspect  of  the  drug problem.   This meeting
should  be  an  inspiration  for  us to  follow  through  at
regional and national levels the suggested ways and means of
fighting the drug war.  We must return from this  Conference
with  steely resolve to win the war at home.  The Conference
is only a success if the joint-efforts  and  cooperation  it
generates  are translated into genuine and sustained actions
domestically.  The global war against  drug  will  never  be
successful  if  nations   continue   to   maintain   passive
resistance even after this Conference.
25.  The struggle that we are engaged in today is a struggle
for  the  minds  and  hearts  of  every  individual in every
country in every part of the globe. The reason for the rapid
spread of  the  international  drug  problem  has  been  our
failure to reach the minds of our people -- to alert them to
the real  dangers  that drug abuse portends and the havoc it
can  create.  The tide of the battle cannot be turned around
until we have raised that level of awareness that drug kills
and that drug destroys.  We have to correct the fallacy that
drug addiction happens only  to  someone  else's  child  but
never  ours,  that  the  source  of the problem lies in some
far-away land but never at home.  The battlefront is in each
individual household, each community, each country.
26.  Today, the genius of our  scientific  achievements  are
creating  tremendous changes in the relationship between man
and his environment.  They are also putting to test  various
norms   and  values.   Man,   clear  and  steadfast  in  his
commitment   to   progress,   can  bring   about   bountiful
advancement to all  humanity.   We can today mine the oceans
and the moon,  direct  electronic  signals  and  laser beams
through the atmosphere and travel in outerspace.  The genius
of  man by  the  grace of God seems to be boundless.  Let us
then  not  destroy  this  promise  of  a better   future  by
succumbing to the ravages of drugs abuse.
27.  Our  work  here  is  therefore of utmost importance and
priority.   Let me conclude by  extending  to  all  my  good
wishes  for  success  in your deliberations.   There will be
many  days  and  nights  of  hard  work  but  for  what  the
Conference will accomplish, these efforts will be well worth
our while.
     Thank you.

