Tarikh/Date 	: 	01/09/87 

 Mr. President;
Honourable Members of Parliaments
     of the Commonwealth;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I  am  happy  and  honoured to be with you today on the
occasion of the  33rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.
Malaysia  considers  it  a  great  privilege  to  host  this
Conference  for  the  third  time.  We   first   hosted  the
Conference in November 1963 and again in September 1971.  On
behalf  of  the  Government  and people of Malaysia, I would
like to extend a warm welcome to our  distinguished  guests,
the   Honourable   Parliamentarians  from  the  Commonwealth
2.   Yesterday Malaysia celebrated the thirtieth anniversary
of its Independence.  I understand that all of you joined in
the   celebrations   yesterday.    I  do   hope  that   what
you  have  seen  yesterday and also during your tours of the
country  would  enable  you  to  have   an   impression   of
multi-racial,  multi-religious  Malaysia  which  you are not
likely to get especially from reading about it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
3.   You  have  before  you   matters   of   importance   to
deliberate.    These  matters relate directly to the welfare
of   the   countries   and   people  you  represent,   their
relationship with each other  and  the  roles that they  and
their Governments play. This is in the best tradition of the
Commonwealth Parliamentary   Association  or  the  CPA   and
it is very commendable indeed. I wish you well for I am sure
that only  good  can  come from your meeting and exchange of
views.  The  knowledge and experience gained cannot but help
you to  understand  your  own  problems  better and may even
contribute towards their solution.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
4.   I am on record as being critical of  the  Commonwealth.
I  still  am.  But  the  CPA  is  somewhat  different.   The
Commonwealth  I  criticize  because far too often it did not
live up to  its  name.  There  is  nothing common about  the
wealth  of the Commonwealth.   Often there    is  not   even
a great wealth  of understanding  between  us. Thus the rich
among us frequently  refuse  even to understand the problems
faced by the poor  --   even when  the problem  is  of their
making.  As  the  poor struggle to deal with  these problems
they are   belaboured  with carping criticisms for being not
democratic enough, and so on.
5.   But  I am not completely right, of course.  My officers
often  remind  me  of  the  help we and other poor countries
receive.  There  is  the  Commonwealth  Fund  for  Technical
Cooperation, the Commonwealth Foundation, the   Commonwealth
Science  Council, the Commonwealth Youth Programme, etc.  It
would be churlish of me not to admit that  all  these  help.
That  is  why we  are  still in the Commonwealth despite our
other disappointments.
6.   The CPA is, as I said just now, quite a different body.
It is without doubt of the Commonwealth but  it  serves  the
very  useful  purpose  of spreading the role and practice of
parliament in a parliamentary democracy.  This is not to say
that  we cannot  learn  from  other sources but the constant
exchange of  ideas   and   visits   and   intermingling   of
parliamentarians  during  the various conferences of the CPA
cannot but heighten the perceptions of the  parliamentarians
of what parliament is all about.
7.  It  is important to remember that most of the members of
the  Commonwealth   gained   independence only a scant three
decades ago.   During  the  period  when  they were colonies
parliamentary  democracy   was  quite  unknown.   They  were
governed  by bureaucrats with near absolute authority. There
may  have  been  Legislative  Councils  but the members were
appointed  and  consequently  were  beholden   only  to  the
authorities.  There as therefore none of the traditions, and
the practices  associated with Westminster.
8.   Yet  when these countries gained independence they were
expected to suddenly practise parliamentary democracy.    No
allowance was made for the fact that they had little or no
experience or training.  From Legislative Councils where  no
opposition  existed they were expected to take on the thrust
and  parry  of  open  debate  between the Government and the
Opposition.  It  is a miracle that these countries manage to
retain parliaments and to survive.
9.   Perhaps it is the fact that they were  able  to  borrow
the  traditions  and  practices  of  the  older Commonwealth
countries  that  saved them from anarchy.  If it is, then we
have  to  thank  the  CPA for enabling the borrowing  to  be
effected.  We  all  know,   of   course,  that  the  CPA  is
instrumental   in    exposing    and    educating    many  a
parliamentarian   from   Commonwealth   countries   in   the
intricacies  of parliamentary practice and its traditions.
10.  But  the CPA, of course, does more than that.  It holds
conferences in countries of the Commonwealth.  It also holds
council  or  executive  committee  meetings  in  the smaller
countries which are unable to host the big conferences.
11.  A lot of people travel these days.  But many  countries
are  missed  out  because they are out of the way or are too
small.  The people of the Caribbean find  little  reason  to
visit  South  East Asia or the South Pacific and vice versa.
But  with  membership  of  the  Commonwealth   Parliamentary
Association these  places  are  visited and  friendship  and
understanding is the result.
12.  Malaysia is one of those  countries  which  appreciates
the   friendship   and   understanding  of  parliamentarians
everywhere.  We are a multi-racial country. It is not of our
own making.  It was thrust upon us during  the  period  when
we were under colonial rule. Since Independence we have been
trying  to  foster  racial  harmony.  It is not easy.  As an
example the Malays are Muslims and eat beef but abhor  pork.
The  Chinese  are  Taoists  or  Buddhists and eat pork.  The
Indians are Hindus and do  not  take  both  pork  and  beef.
Theoretically, we cannot even sit down together to eat.  But
we do and we do it  often.   This  clearly demonstrates that
Malaysians  respect  each  others   religions,  customs  and
beliefs, are able to give and take  and  are  also  tolerant
of one another.   We, therefore, get on reasonably well.
13.  One would think that the people who inflict this on  us
would appreciate this, appreciate the tolerance of the three
major  races  in Malaysia.  One would think that we would be
helped.   But no such appreciation is forthcoming.  Instead,
we read  reports  that  some  races  are  badly  treated  in
Malaysia, that very soon there will be racial violence, etc.
The  fact  that  that very soon, soon passes by with nothing
happening does not deter them.  Soon they will report  again
that very soon there will be racial riots in Malaysia.
14.  Your meeting here therefore is very welcome because you
can see for yourself the truth and you will  hear  also  the
views  --  both Government and Opposition.  You will be able
to judge for yourself.   I am sure other  countries  in  the
Commonwealth  who  are  the  subject  of  such calumny would
welcome the opportunity to put themselves on display, so  to
speak, for all and sundry to examine.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
15.  The  CPA is, of course, not so inward looking that each
country  is  interested  only  in its own image. We are also
very  interested  in the fate of humanity in every corner of
the globe.  In particular we are  interested in  he struggle
of the blacks in South Africa against the crime of apartheid
and  minority  rule.  Malaysia  has  been unequivocal in its
abhorrence and condemnation of  the  racist white  regime in
South Africa.  It was Malaysia which initiated the expulsion
of South Africa  from  the  Commonwealth.  And  as  early as
1965  Malaysia applied sanctions against South Africa.
16.  We in Malaysia feel strongly that South  Africa  should
be  completely ostracised.  The excuses that sanctions would
hurt the blacks more than the whites have    been  disproved
by the realities that  we  see  today. The blacks are  being
oppressed, ill-treated and murdered  even without sanctions.
We   are   only   prolonging   their   sufferings   by   our
half-measures.  The  only  answer  is  total  sanctions  and
isolation. The CPA must  urge  the  doubting  Margarets from
among  the  Heads  of  Government  attending  the  CHOGM  in
Vancouver to resolve to apply  sanctions  now. Then and then
only  will the Commonwealth  be meaningful.   The few should
not allow the many to suffer so much for filthy lucre.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
17.  The CPA is a multi-national organisation.  As such  its
discussions  are multi-lateral.  The greatest multi-national
organisation of all  is  the United  Nations. It was founded
on the premise that all nations are equal and therefore have
equal rights  to  discuss world  affairs.  However, of late,
we  see   a   tendency   to  ignore   the   United   Nations
multilateralism in favour of bilateralism or  limited  small
18.  If  the discussions of these small groups do not affect
other  countries  they  are  welcome  to it.   But  in  many
instances  the  resolutions adopted at these meetings affect
adversely a lot of other countries.
19.  A  case  in point is the Group of Seven rich countries.
It is as a  result  of  this Group's  meeting that  suddenly
many  poor  countries  have  been made poorer.  The exchange
rates of different currencies have been manipulated so  that
suddenly  poor  countries  find  their  external  debts have
been doubled and their export earnings reduced.
20.  Poor countries find it difficult enough to handle banks
which  speculate  in  their  currencies.   But  against  the
currency manipulation  of  rich  countries  they don't stand
a chance.  And when rich countries get together to rearrange
the  financial  and  economic  affairs of the world to their
advantage, poor countries cannot but be the losers.
21. We  must  return  to  multi-lateralism.   Admittedly the
United  Nations   is    cumbersome  and  some members can be
unreasonable.  But it is still the only truly representative
body of the  countries of the world.  It can be improved but
it must not be  by-passed.  The CPA, itself a multi-national
body,  must  support  multi-lateralism as exemplified by the
United Nations.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
22.  I  am  sure  that as your plane approached Malaysia you
would  have   been   warned   of  the  extreme  penalty  for
trafficking  in  drugs in Malaysia.  Our law is harsh but we
make no  apology.  Our  youths are being  destroyed  by this
scourge.    We  consider those who distribute drugs as their
destroyers,   their murderers.   And it is as murderers that
they   will  be  treated.   We  thank  all  members  of  the
Commonwealth for supporting  Malaysia's  candidature  at the
Vienna  Conference  on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
23.  Malaysia  welcomes  you.    We hope that your stay here
will be both interesting and pleasant.   Like  most  capital
cities,  Kuala  Lumpur, or KL as we call it, is cosmopolitan
and   not   quite  typical  of  the  rest  of  the  country.
Nevertheless, it has its own character. If you have the time
and  the inclination do visit other  parts  of  the  country
especially  Sarawak  and  Sabah,  where you will see what is
more typical of Malaysia.
24.  My wife and I feel  privileged  to  be  with  you  this
morning.  We  look  forward  to meeting you again  tommorrow
evening.  Your  charming  ladies  will  come  to Sri Perdana
tomorrow  afternoon  for  tea  with  my wife and I hope they
will have sufficient opportunity of exchanging views.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
25.  I wish the Conference all success and wish you well  in
your deliberations  which  I hope will contribute to greater
friendship and  understanding  among Parliamentarians of the
Commonwealth countries.
26.  I now have much pleasure in  declaring  open  the  33rd
Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference.

