Tarikh/Date : 15/11/87
Yang Berhormat Datuk S. Samy Vellu,
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penganjur;
Dif-Dif Kehormat;
Para Peserta dan para hadirin sekalian.
Saya mengucapkan selamat datang kepada para peserta
sekalian ke Persidangan-Seminar Antarabangsa Mengenai
Pengajian Tamil ini. Saya percaya berbagai perkara akan
dapat dibincangkan di Persidangan ini dan saya berharap
Persidangan ini akan dapat menyumbangkan ke arah peningkatan
ilmiah dan juga persefahaman. Saya juga berharap tuan-tuan
dan puan-puan akan cuba melapangkan masa untuk melihat bukan
sahaja Kuala Lumpur, tetapi jikalau boleh kawasan-kawasan
sekitarnya. Dengan berbuat demikian saudara-saudari akan
dapat mengalami dan memahami sedikit mengenai negara
Malaysia ini.
2. Persidangan pertama mengenai Pengajian
Tamil ini telah diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 1966,
iaitu 21 tahun yang lalu. Sekarang sekali lagi Kuala Lumpur
telah dipilih menjadi tuan rumah kepada Persidangan ini.
Dengan adanya Persidangan ini di Kuala Lumpur, ini jelas
membuktikan bahawa Kerajaan Malaysia membenarkan penggunaan
dan pengajian lain-lain bahasa, selain daripada Bahasa
Malaysia yang menjadi bahasa rasmi di negara ini.
Ladies and gentlemen,
3. The Tamil language with its long history has been also
acknowledged by scholars as one of the most melodious
languages of the world. There can be no doubt that
such a quality has been attained by the Tamil language
through the long period of its development and cultivation
by many generations of scholars, poets,teachers and students
since ancient times. Indeed, the idea of holding regular
meetings of scholars for the purpose of attaining higher
standards in the use of language and in the building up of a
good literary heritage is not new to the Tamil tradition,
for such an idea has been the basis of the academic
activities of the Sangam, or the Academy, of learned Tamil
4. At present the Tamil language is being used not only in
the state of Tamil Nadu in India, but also by Tamil
minorities in several other parts of the world such as
East and South Africa, Burma, Fiji, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,
Trinidad and Malaysia.
5. I understand that the oldest surviving instruments of
the Tamil language belong probably to the third century
B.C., though such literary works were no doubt preceded by
several centuries of literary development. Indeed, Tamil
literature shares antiquity with the other ancient and
classical literatures of the world and at the same time it
continues to flourish as a vigorous medium of speech and
writing in our own times. This is something that cannot be
said of some of the other ancient languages.
6. The earliest known evidence of the existence of Tamils
as a people with a distinct culture comes from the remains
of the pre-historic sites in the Indian subcontinent. A
significant feature of Tamil culture is that several of
these elements would seem to have attracted the attention
of people in other parts of the world in the course of early
and regular maritime contacts which the Tamils have had with
them. The Tamils as merchants, craftsmen, priests and
scholars have played an important role in the development of
great civilizations in India as well as in other parts of
the world including Southeast Asia.
7. The field of Tamil studies is indeed a large one
involving various disciplines such as linguistics,
literature, history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology
and science. This Conference, I am told, will present and
discuss a wide range of subjects and topics. This includes a
section on science and techology where several papers on the
use of Tamil language in computers and word processors will
be discussed. This is clearly indicative of the expansion of
Tamilology to include new horizons in keeping with modern
Ladies and Gentlemen,
8. Tamilologies ought not to be merely satisfied with
pointing out the relics of the past. There is no doubt that
the archaeologists or the historians of society, language,
literature, religion, and arts are the discoverers and
investigators of the past. But they need not be mere
recorders of the past; indeed they ought also to be the
interpreters of its relevance to the present and the
assessors of the achievements through the ages.
9. This scholarly interpretations should represent the
voices of human progress and human vision, which afford
an important corrective to the superficial instant judgments
which is the fashion now. Such interpretations of permanent
age-old values of human mores, ethics and philosophy would
serve not only as a guide for the future, but also as a
bulwark against the dangers of depersonalization of
Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. Finally, I would like to express my hope that all the
participants and guests of the Conference would have a
comfortable and enjoyable stay in Malaysia and that the
participants would have a successful deliberation.
11. I now have much pleasure to declare the Sixth
International Conference-Seminar of Tamil Studies officially