Tarikh/Date : 17/03/88
Your Excellency Mr. Poul Schluter,
Prime Minister of Denmark;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen.
On behalf of the Government and people of Malaysia
allow me to extend a very warm welcome to you and other
distinguished members of your delegation. I am particularly
delighted by your visit as it rekindles the many pleasant
memories that I had brought back with me from my last visit
to your beautiful country. Indeed, your return visit is a
clear demonstration of your expression of friendship towards
Malaysia. We reciprocate this whole-heartedly.
2. It is my sincere hope that you will have a pleasant
stay in Malaysia just as it is our pleasure and honour to be
your host. I look forward to the discussions which we will
be having tomorrow which I believe will provide a clear
insight into our mutual and respective concerns, both near
and far. I would also welcome your views on bilateral and
international issues that would help generate greater
cooperation and understanding between our two countries.
Your Excellency,
3. A bilateral visit of this kind is certainly a good
occasion to review the state of our relations. It provides
us with an opportunity to assess the progress made as well
as the various shortcomings that need to be overcome to
further strengthen our bilateral relations. I must say that
the climate of political cooperation that exist between our
two countries continues to remain good and healthy. The
inherent goodwill on both sides engendered over the years
continues to find positive expression in the various
endeavours undertaken by our countries either bilaterally or
4. I note that the record low prices of commodities
encountered over the past few years had brought about a
decline in value terms of Malaysia's exports to Denmark
although in quantitative terms the Danish market continues
to register increasing off-takes from Malaysia. Malaysia
hopes to over- come the persistent trade deficit faced so as
to establish a more balanced trade relations with Denmark.
It is also our hope to fully tap the growing potential of
the Danish market and to develop Denmark into a major
distributing centre for Malaysia's exports to the Nordic
countries. I believe that cooperative efforts towards
realising these objectives would be a positive step in
increasing the overall trade between our two countries.
5. Whilst various incentives have been offered by the
Malaysian Government, the growth of Danish investments in
Malaysia has not reflected Denmark's real potential. I hope
an attitudinal change could be effected by leaders of the
Danish industry so that the quantum of Danish participation
and investment in Malaysia could be significantly increased.
It is indeed in our interest to welcome your capital and
technology just as it is in your interest to partake of the
benefits of our economic development.
6. Notwithstanding the modest bilateral economic
collaborations, I am particularly grateful to Denmark for
the positive attitude displayed in those areas of special
interest to Malaysia. Your technical assistance and credit
line facilities have been well received and beneficial to
us, for which we would like to express our appreciation.
Similarly, your steadfast opposition to the European
Community's proposed levy on vegetable and marine oils and
fats is greatly appreciated by Malaysia, as a major producer
of palm oil. Malaysia too recognises Denmark's positive role
in absorbing some of the refugees given first asylum by
Malaysia. We are aware of the constraints and domestic
pressures encountered by your government on this matter but
would nevertheless appreciate Denmark's continued role in
helping to reduce the number of refugees that Malaysia is
presently saddled with.
Your Excellency,
7. I am pleased with the commonality of views that we have
over a wide range of international issues of interest to
both countries. Of particular concern to us is the state of
East-West relations. We have a common need to exercise our
influence, however limited, in shaping the course of events
towards securing international peace and security.
8. The world has come a long way since the days of the
cold war. We recall the brinkmanship displayed during the
Berlin blockade and the Cuban missile crisis and how
relieved the world was when statesmanship won the day. The
question that faces us is whether the world today is any
safer than in the days of the cold war. Are the big powers
really sincere when they decided to remove and dismantle
their intermediate missiles or are they merely discarding
out of date weaponry in favour of more lethal state of the
art weapons? Are we really heading for disarmament or
greater sophistication in the big powers' capacity for mass
9. Whilst the superpowers grappled with their strategic
equations, seemingly in the interest of peace on earth, they
seem to be involved directly or indirectly in a number of
local conflicts. While the countries of the Third World
welcome the INF treaty, we would like to reduce the proxy
wars fought on our soil. We have no wish to be destroyed in
order to prove which conventional weapon is most effective.
We want peace in order to develop our countries and to give
a better life to our people.
10. If the environment in Europe has seemingly changed for
the better the environment in Southeast Asia has not. The
end of the war in Vietnam should have brought peace to our
region. But unfortunately, Vietnam decided to invade
Kampuchea. We are still searching for a comprehensive
political solution to this unnecessary and unfortunate state
of affairs. ASEAN will persevere and is appreciative of
the support extended by Denmark to all its efforts.
Your Excellency,
11. I trust your visit has afforded you the opportunity to
gauge at first hand the dynamics of the social and economic
engineering taking place in Malaysia. This onerous task has
to be undertaken by us because we had no control over our
population when we were colonised. Our multiracial
population is by comparison to other similar population
fairly harmonious. We would appreciate greater understanding
of our problems by our friends.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
12. May I now invite you to raise your glasses in a toast
to His Excellency Mr. Poul Schluter and to the lasting
friendship between the peoples of Denmark and Malaysia.