Tempat/Venue 	: 	NEW YORK 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	04/10/88 

 Mr. President,
    It  is  with  much  pleasure  that  I  extend to you my
heartiest congratulations on your election as  President  of
the  43rd  General  Assembly.    Your  well known diplomatic
skills  and  outstanding  abilities  will  ensure  that  the
deliberations  of  this  assembly  will  be constructive and
2.   To your predecessor, His Excellency Mr.  Peter  Florin,
we  owe  a great debt of gratitude for his tireless devotion
in presiding, with consummate  skill  and  infinite  wisdom,
over  the  deliberations  of the 42nd Session of the General
3.   To  the  Secretary  General,  we  offer   our   sincere
felicitations  on his outstanding contributions to the cause
of world peace and security.  My delegation also extends our
congratulations,  through  the  Secretary  General,  to  the
United  Nations  Peacekeeping  Forces  for  the award of the
Nobel Peace prize so fittingly  bestowed  upon  them.    The
Nobel  Peace  prize  speaks  eloquently  as a tribute to the
individuals from various Member States of the United Nations
and those within the United Nations organisation who have so
honourably  discharged  their  duties   in   upholding   the
principles embodied in the United Nations Charter.
4.   The  General  Assembly  meets this year at a propitious
time indeed.  World regard for the United Nations has  taken
a  turn  for  the better -- influenced as everyone is by the
return of peace and the promises  of  peace  to  many  flash
points; Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, Namibia, Western Sahara,
Cyprus,   Kampuchea,   and   perhaps   also  to  the  Korean
Peninsular.     In  contrast  to  the   cynicism   and   the
disillusionment  that  many  have felt in the past about the
U.N., we are now witnessing a clear shift towards  a  better
appreciation  of  the  role of the U.N. and its relevance to
the aspirations of the community of nations.  We would  like
to believe that at long last the U.N. is coming into its own
and  fulfilling  the  tasks  of  moving  conflicts  from the
battlefields to the conference table.
5.   Malaysia's faith and confidence in the  United  Nations
have  never  wavered but we were saddened to see in the past
the struggle of the United Nations to retain  its  relevance
and  credibility.   Multilateralism had become a bad word as
the powerful nations resorted to solving problems  on  their
own.   We are therefore pleased to welcome this change, this
renewal of faith in the U.N. which we hope  would  mean  the
birth of a new era in multilateralism.
6.   As  an  international  organisation,  the  U.N. must be
perceived to  be  relevant  in  meeting  the  needs  of  its
members,  as  a  forum  for  multilateral  diplomacy,  as an
instrument for maintaining international peace and  security
and  as  a  catalyst  for  promoting  international economic
growth and development.  The United Nations is at  its  most
effective  in  the  discharge  of  its functions when Member
States fully support the course of action  that  the  United
Nations  takes.    The most telling example is the unanimous
support given by the members of the Security Council to  the
UN  Secretary General to bring about an end to the Iran-Iraq
war.   The  collective  efforts  of  the  Security  Council,
permanent  and  non-permanent  members together, have raised
clear hopes towards conflict resolutions.  We are witnessing
for the first time in decades, a convergence of interest and
will, of member  countries  to  effect  solutions  on  major
issues.    This  development, it is hoped, would fulfill the
vision of the pioneers of the U.N. when they conferred  upon
the  Security  Council  the  primary  responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security.    Malaysia
stands for the full and effective discharge of the Council's
conciliatory   and   mandatory   powers  and  for  universal
compliance  with,  and  implementation  of   the   Council's
decisions.    It is a matter of great assurance to all of us
that the increased effectiveness of the Security Council has
been made possible by the convergence of interest and action
of the United States and the Soviet Union.    Conversely  it
should  be  instructive to these two countries that they are
drawing from the best of themselves when  they  counsel  and
collaborate  together  with  the rest of the world on common
7.   When on extols the achievements of the United  Nations,
one is not refusing to recognise that the steady improvement
of  relations between the United States and the Soviet Union
have helped significantly  in  bringing  about  progress  on
conflict  resolutions.    All  of  us  who  have lived under
periods of unease  and  uncertainty,  when  the  two  powers
stared  at  each  other  eye-ball  to  eye-ball, are greatly
relieved that  these  two  super  powers  are  realistically
discussing  peace  and  construction between them.  They can
make an enormous contribution  to  the  realisation  of  the
principles  and  purposes of the United Nations Charter.  It
is our common appeal to both these countries that they  seek
recourse  through all the institutions of the United Nations
when attempting to defuse conflicts and in realising a  more
equitable  world order.  A United Nations functioning at its
best will be in the interest of  all  its  members  and  not
simply  serve  the  interest  of  certain powers or group of
states.   The time for  U.N.  bashing  and  the  assault  on
multilateralism  is over.   If universal responsibility is a
creed that this and future generations can believe in,  then
every  country  must  provide  full commitment to the United
Nations.  A revitalized United Nations poised to assume even
greater responsibilities must not be hampered by a  lack  of
financial  resources.   A sine qua non for its very survival
is the timely payment by member countries of their  assessed
Mr. President,
8.   Malaysia  welcomes the signing of the Geneva Accords on
Afghanistan.     There  must  be   complete   and   faithful
implementation of these accords by all concerned parties, if
the  sufferings  of  the  people of Afghanistan, after eight
years of bloody and brutal war, is to  come  to  a  definite
conclusion and if Afghanistan is to regain its independence.
At  this  juncture,  may I pay tribute to the late President
Zia-Ul-Haq of Pakistan for his immense contribution  towards
the  successful  signing  of the Geneva Accords.  My country
and many others will sadly  miss  the  friendship  and  wise
counsel of the late President.
9.   The  withdrawal  of  Soviet forces must continue and be
completed within the agreed time-frame.  It is our hope that
the accords would be fully implemented to enable the  Afghan
people  to freely exercise their right to self-determination
through the process of genuine reconciliation.
10.  Malaysia hopes  the  United  Nations  humanitarian  and
economic  assistance programmes relating to Afghanistan will
be  able  to  meet  the  immediate  needs  for  relief   and
rehabilitation  as  well  as  the long term requirements for
reconstruction of the country.  But full  implementation  of
such  assistance  could only be realised under conditions of
peace and stability in Afghanistan.
11.  The acceptance by Iran and  Iraq  of  Security  Council
resolution  598  as the framework for the termination of the
Iran-Iraq War is a source of satisfaction to us  all.    The
world witnessed in horror and helplessness the terrible toll
exacted  by  the  conflict  for  eight  long years.   We are
therefore thankful  that  the  first  crucial  steps  for  a
durable solution have been taken.  It is our hope and prayer
that  the  resolve by Iran and Iraq to embark on the path of
peace is irrevocable and that they will now turn their  full
attention  to  marshalling the creative energies and talents
of  their  peoples  to  the   urgent   tasks   of   national
reconstruction and development.
12.  Despite all efforts, the Middle East is still embroiled
in   an  endless  cycle  of  violence.    Israel  must  bear
responsibility for  this  tragic  state  of  affairs  as  it
remains  the  main  stumbling block to any peace attempts in
the region.  The United Nations has not been allowed to play
its proper role in the search for a settlement primarily  on
account  of Israel's intransigence.  Israel is single-minded
in the execution of its policies of aggression and expansion
and brutal subjugation of the Palestinian people.    It  has
defied  the  international  community's  call  for  a  total
withdrawal from all occupied territories.   The  Palestinian
problem,  the  core  of  the  Middle  East conflict, remains
unresolved due  to  the  arrogant  Israeli  hubris  and  its
continued refusal to recognize the rights of the Palestinian
people to self-determination and to an independent state.
13.  Israel  cannot  continue  to believe that it can ensure
its security and survival by  adherence  to  policies  which
seek  to  consign the Palestinian people to either permanent
diaspora  or  permanent  oppressive  Israeli  rule.      The
holocaust  cannot  be  flaunted  by  Israel as an excuse for
treating Arabs under their rule in like manner.
14.  Israel's policy of dictating to the Palestinians as  to
whom  they  should  choose  to  speak  for them, has been an
unmitigated failure.    The  P.L.O.  remains  the  sole  and
legitimate  representative  of  the Palestinian people.  The
best hope for a durable and comprehensive settlement of  the
Palestinian   problem   lies   in   the   convening   of  an
international peace conference on the Middle East, with  the
participation  of all parties, including the P.L.O. Malaysia
fully supports the convening of such a conference and  calls
upon those powers that have been the strongest supporters of
Israel  to  lend their influence to convince Israel that its
vital interests are best served by dialogue and negotiations
at a peace  conference  rather  than  by  the  mailed  fist.
Indeed  these  supporters  of  Israel  must  share the moral
responsibility for the injustice and inhumanity committed by
Israel against the Palestinians.
Mr. President,
15.  In South Africa, we are confronted with  the  challenge
of  a  regime  that  seeks to dehumanize human beings on the
basis of colour.   The only response of  good  men  to  this
crime  against  humanity  and  an  affront  to the universal
conscience must be to seek the total destruction of the evil
system of apartheid.  It is a delusion for anyone to believe
that we can effect an evolution of the system into something
more human  and  humane.    The  hideous  manifestations  of
apartheid  are  seen  daily  in  the atrocities inflicted on
black South Africans.
16.  Malaysia has never  been  persuaded  by  the  arguments
advanced by some that it is in the interest of the blacks of
South  Africa  that  comprehensive  sanctions  should not be
imposed against the Pretoria regime.  We therefore reiterate
our call for decisive action in the  form  of  comprehensive
mandatory  sanctions  under  Chapter 7 of the United Nations
17.  Consistent with our stand, we have  undertaken  efforts
to  provide  assistance  to  black  South  Africans  and the
front-line  states  to  assist  them  in  coping  with   the
destabilisation caused by South Africa and to enable them to
cope  with  possible  effects  which comprehensive sanctions
would have on them.   A  total  of  US$2  million  has  been
pledged  as  Malaysia's  contribution  to  the  Africa  Fund
established for this Purpose by  the  Non-Aligned  Movement.
We  wish to appeal for generous support by the international
community for the Africa Fund which must be seen as part  of
a  universal  battle to bring about the total elimination of
the system of apartheid.
18.  The agreement on the comprehensive settlement of  South
Western  Africa, offers Namibia the promise of realizing its
freedom and independence.  It is our hope that  all  parties
to the agreement will enter into the spirit of the times and
bring  peace  and  freedom  to  the long suffering people of
Namibia.  Familiar with the record of the Pretoria regime in
exploiting every opportunity to perpetuate its iron grip  on
Namibia, we must continue to apply unrelenting international
pressure on the regime to honour its commitments.
19.  In  the  meantime,  our  support of SWAPO must continue
unabated.   We  have  seen  how  SWAPO's  successes  on  the
battlefields of Namibia have forced the hand of the Pretoria
regime  to reluctantly agree to a negotiated solution of the
problem.  Pressure must therefore be sustained on the ground
to prevent South Africa from reneging on its promises.
Mr. President,
20.  The question of Kampuchea has been a subject for debate
at every United Nations General  Assembly  Session  for  the
last nine years.  With the support of a huge majority of its
members,  this  Assembly has repeatedly called for the total
withdrawal  of  Vietnamese  forces,  the   restoration   and
preservation    of   the   independence,   sovereignty   and
territorial integrity of Kampuchea and the reaffirmation  of
the right of its people to self-determination.
21.  The  fundamental  issues of the Kampuchean problem have
to be clearly addressed.  Vietnam's forces in Kampuchea must
withdraw.   Vietnam should not be  allowed  to  continue  to
cloud  this issue.  There cannot be any conditionality.  The
concerns of the international community and ASEAN to prevent
the  return  of  the  universally  condemned  policies   and
practices   of  a  recent  past  must  be  addressed.    The
Kampuchean people must be ensured that  they  will  be  free
from the horrors of the past.  National reconciliation under
the  effective  leadership  of  His  Royal  Highness  Prince
Norodom Sihanouk will not only heal  divisions  between  the
various  Kampuchean  partners, but will also regain for that
turbulent country its rightful sovereignty and independence.
22.  The  constant  search  for  a  solution  by  the  ASEAN
countries  has yielded a significant measure of success with
the convening of the Jakarta Informal Meeting in July.  This
meeting was a regional  initiative  which  is  an  important
milestone   in   the  process  of  finding  a  comprehensive
political  solution  to  the  Kampuchean  problem.      This
initiative  should  be  allowed  to  continue.   The present
international climate augurs well for the parties  concerned
to  come together in the near future to achieve agreement on
the  issues.    Malaysia  welcomes  the   efforts   of   the
Non-Aligned.    Movement  to  complement regional efforts on
23.  Peace in  Kampuchea  will  contribute  tremendously  to
regional peace and security.  It will facilitate the way for
more  cooperative  relations  among  the states of Southeast
Asia, particularly between ASEAN and Vietnam.    It  is  our
hope  that  the  peace  that  we long for will bring about a
climate of regional stability and cooperation which can then
realise early the regional aspiration  for  zone  of  peace,
freedom and neutrality in Southeast Asia.
24.  The Vietnamese invasion and occupation of Kampuchea has
resulted  in  the  displacement of a large number of people.
Further the influx  of  boat  people  from  Vietnam  seeking
better  opportunities elsewhere have for several years added
serious problems to countries like  Malaysia,  Thailand  and
others.  Of late, Malaysia has reached an understanding with
the  Government  of  Vietnam in which the latter will accept
the repatriation of those boat people in  Malaysia  who  are
not  qualified  for  resettlement  in third countries and to
prevent fresh exodus.  We are happy to note that Vietnam has
agreed to  participate  in  the  Preparatory  Meeting  which
Malaysia  hopes  to  host  to  prepare for the International
Conference on Indochinese Refugees and the boat people.
Mr. President,
25.  In Central America the high expectations raised by  the
regionally initiated Esquipulas Peace Agreement have not yet
been  fulfilled.   The aspirations of the peoples of Central
America for peace, freedom and justice remain hostage to the
harsh dictates of international and  external  divisions  in
the  region.    Coercive measures from outside the area only
compound the problems of  the  region,  and  should  not  be
allowed  to continue.  It is our hope that the peace process
will be given renewed impetus  by  the  very  leaders  whose
vision   and   statesmanship  led  to  the  signing  of  the
Esquipulas Agreement.
26.  In raising the issue of Antarctica at the U.N., it  was
the   intention   of  Malaysia  and  the  other  like-minded
countries   to   draw   attention   to   the    considerable
environmental,  climatic  and scientific significance of the
continent  to  the  world.    We  also  earnestly  seek   an
international   instrument  having  universal  validity  and
serving the interests of and for the benefit of mankind.
27.  It  is  most  regrettable  that  a  Convention  on  the
Regulation  of  Antarctica  Mineral Resources Activities has
been  concluded  recently  in  total  disregard   for   U.N.
resolutions  calling for a moratorium on all negotiations on
a minerals regime until such time  as  all  members  of  the
international   community  can  fully  participate  in  such
negotiations.  We cannot understand the  haste  because  all
the minerals that can possibly be found in Antarctica can be
found in plenty elsewhere.
28.  We  also  regret  that the General Assembly appeals for
urgent measures to exclude the racist regime of South Africa
from participating  in  the  meetings  of  the  Consultative
Parties  at  the earliest possible date, have not been acted
29.  Antarctica  represents  to  us  a  touchstone  on   the
constancy  of  the  adherence of the Consultative Parties to
fundamental principles and norms which have evolved  through
common  endeavours and have gained universal currency in the
course  of  the  democratizing  process   of   international
relations  and  institutions.    We  remain steadfast in our
conviction that  a  regime  for  Antarctica  built  on  such
foundations  will better reflect and respond to the needs of
our  age  than  the  one  founded  upon  circumstances   and
considerations    which   are   tainted   with   colonialist
30.  The issue of disarmament must remain high on the agenda
of this organization and must continue to merit  the  urgent
attention  of  the  international  community.    Threats  to
mankind derive not only from the stockpiling and  continuous
development of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction
but   also   from  the  growing  arsenals  of  sophisticated
conventional weapons.   We  are  now  also  beset  with  the
problem of nuclear and toxic wastes dumped in the developing
countries.  Our efforts at arms control and disarmament must
proceed  on all fronts and a prerequisite for any success in
this regard must be a general improvement in the climate  of
relations  amongst states.  An important start has been made
with the signing of the Agreement  on  Intermediate  Nuclear
Forces between the United States and the Soviet Union in May
this  year.  This agreement is an important breakthrough and
should generate the necessary mutual confidence and trust to
conclude negotiations on the reduction of strategic  weapons
and on the additional verification procedures required for a
complete test ban treaty.
31.  While  the  two superpowers with the largest arsenal of
nuclear weapons must carry the  primary  responsibility  for
bringing about progress in nuclear disarmament, multilateral
approaches  should  make  an  important  contribution in the
attainment of mankind's aims of a safer world  through  arms
control and disarmament.
32.  We  regret  that  the outcome of the General Assembly's
Third Special Session devoted to Disarmament  did  not  meet
with our highest expectations but we remain hopeful that the
steady   improvement   in  the  international  climate  will
generate the necessary political will  for  the  success  of
such  multilateral  initiatives,  which  provides  the  best
opportunity for a genuine harmonisation  and  reconciliation
of   all  interests.     The  resources  released  from  the
successful achievement  of  the  disarmament  process  would
provide  a source of much needed funds for humanitarian work
and productive investments in the  economic  development  of
the developing world.
33.  Outer  space,  which we reaffirm as the common heritage
of mankind, should be used exclusively for peaceful purposes
and we urge that  negotiations  on  the  prevention  of  the
militarisation  of  outer  space  should  begin  in earnest.
Malaysia would also like to lend its strong support for  the
early   conclusion   of   a   convention  for  the  complete
prohibition of the production, research, stockpiling and use
of all chemical weapons.
Mr. President,
34.  The economic issues before this Assembly  would  appear
to  be  stale  issues  for they have been repeatedly debated
over the years.  But being stale does not make it  any  less
relevant,  nor less urgent.  On the contrary, the resolution
of these economic problems, such as the establishment  of  a
fairer    and    more   favourable   international   trading
environment, a re-examination of the role and  functions  of
the   multilateral  financial  institutions,  a  review  and
re-alignment of the international exchange rate regime and a
resolution  of  the  international  debt  problem  would  be
positive beginnings of the United Nations' work programme in
the economic area.
35.  Malaysia,  as  a  primary commodities producer which is
also heavily dependent on  exports  of  manufactured  goods,
attaches  great  importance  to  the  Uruguay  Round  of the
Multilateral Trade Negotiations.  While the objective of the
Uruguay Round seeks to retain an open international  trading
system and to promote increased trade liberalisation, we are
also  concerned  about  the  opposing  trend  of  increasing
integration which brings about greater exclusion.  It is our
hope therefore that the intentions of the European  Economic
Community  to  achieve an integrated internal market by 1992
does not obstruct efforts under the U.N. auspices  aimed  at
greater  trade  liberalisation.   To effectively maintain an
open and  liberal  international  trading  environment,  the
developed   countries   in  particular  must  curb  domestic
pressures for protectionist policies which have historically
proven to by myopic, leading to  distortions  in  trade  and
stifling growth and expansion.
36.  Aside  from restraints on protectionist tendencies, the
world's trading nations must also agree on a more  realistic
and   broad-based   action  on  their  currency-realignment.
Agreements confined only to an exclusive group  have  proven
disastrous  to the poorer nations whose currencies and small
trade  advantages  have  been  seriously  affected.      The
interests  of  the  smaller nations are best served by their
representation at such gathering when  issues  which  affect
them are taken up.
37.  The  debt  crisis  is  debilitating  for  the  affected
countries,  diverting  attention  and  energies  away   from
domestic  political,  economic  and social needs.  While the
crisis has deepened in the past year, we  see  hope  in  the
initiatives  of  some  commercial  banks  to write-off their
loans and of governments which have converted some of  their
official  loans into outright grants.  UNCTAD's proposal for
a thirty percent cut in commercial bad debts owed by the  15
most    heavily    indebted    countries    merits   serious
considerations.  The World Bank and the IMF must engage more
actively in the design and creation of a debt reconstruction
facility.  Proposals abound, but the international community
must quickly  study  various  modalities  to  relieve  those
countries which are carrying impossible burdens.  The United
Nations  has  provided  the forum for detailed discussion on
the  debt  crisis  and  participated  in  the   search   for
solutions.    Malaysia  fully  supports  the United Nations'
efforts   in   this   regard   and   endorses   the   recent
recommendations made by the Africa Recovery Review Committee
to  substantially  increase  financial  flows  to  Africa to
ensure reform and development.
Mr. President,
38.  Two years ago during the 41st Session of this Assembly,
I spoke about the initiative of the developing countries  to
set  up an independent South Commission.  The Commission has
since been set up to complement and supplement other efforts
in making a fresh and objective analysis of  the  formidable
economic,  social  and  political challenges confronting the
developing countries and  attempts  to  identify  areas  for
practical  and  mutually beneficial South-South cooperation.
It is heartening to note that since its  inception  in  July
last   year,  the  Commission  has  vigorously  pursued  the
responsibilities entrusted upon it.
39.  The International Conference on Drug Abuse and  Illicit
Trafficking  held in Vienna in June 1987 brought home to the
138 participating countries the extent  and  seriousness  of
the  international  drug problem.   The seeming impotence of
the  international  community  to  combat  the  drug  threat
brought  the realisation that without the manifest political
will of nations to act, and to act in concert to counter the
drug problem, there can be no effective solution.  Thus, the
adoption by ICDAIT of  its  political  declaration  and  the
Comprehensive   Multi   Disciplinary   Outline   of   Future
Activities, represent a  collective  struggle  to  eliminate
drug abuse and illicit trafficking.
40.  Malaysia     congratulates    the    U.N.    and    the
Secretary-General  for  this  success  and  this   important
beginning.  The momentum created by ICDAIT last year must be
maintained.    In  this  connection,  Malaysia  welcomes the
convening of  the  Plenipotentiary  Conference  on  the  New
Convention  Against  Illicit  Traffic  in Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances in Vienna from November to  December
this  year  to  adopt  the new convention which will plug an
important loophole and provide for  further  action  against
illicit drug traffickers.
Mr. President,
41.  We are always concerned when there is extreme disparity
between  rich  and  poor  within  any country.   But in some
countries, there is no disparity.   Everyone is  just  poor.
If  we  are  asked  to imagine what poverty is like in these
poor  nations,  we  will  find  it  extremely  difficult  to
visualise it accurately.  But we need not imagine.  Today we
see  in colourful detail accompanied by sound and motion the
extent and horror of human poverty.  We see living  children
being  literally  devoured  by  flies.    We  see  skeletons
hobbling around.  We see people so ill that  we  wonder  how
they survive at all.
42.  Even  if  we  have  to  spend  billions  on weapons, on
preserving the beauty of nature, the trees and the  forests,
the  rare insect species, and the other things that we claim
will enhance the quality of our life, we have no  excuse  in
this day and age to permit such misery to befall millions of
fellow humans.
43.  The  response  of  millions  of  ordinary people to the
appeals for aid to the suffering poor is laudable.  But  the
task  is  too big for ad hoc charitable efforts.  The answer
would lie in a full time and fully manned authority to fight
against the scourge of poverty.  This civilization  of  ours
will be condemned by posterity if we can put man on the moon
but we cannot give enough help to the needy on earth at only
a fraction of the cost.
44.  Inequality  is  the  bane of human society.   Democracy
purportedly cherished by all, is  associated  with  equality
and  equitability.    While  governments  are  urged  to  be
democratic, in the  affairs  between  nations  democracy  is
noticeably  absent.    In  the  community  of  nations,  the
strongest and the richest take advantage of the weak and the
poor.  There is no equality there.
45.  This does not happen only in  the  economic  sense  but
also in the political sense.  Ideologies and philosophies as
well  as  value  systems are forced upon weak nations in the
name  of   democracy.      As   with   fanatical   religious
proselytisers,  the so-called champions of democracy are not
averse to using undemocratic and  coercive  means  to  force
their  particular  brand  of  democracy  on the weak and the
poor.  Refusal to comply, results in all kinds  of  economic
and political arm-twisting.
46.  Democracy  must confer a freedom of choice.  No one has
a monopoly on the democratic type that everyone should have.
Certainly,  no  one  should  force  his   own   choice   and
interpretation  on  someone  else.    While  harsh  and even
violent methods may be used to force dictatorship  to  yield
to  democratic  forces,  it  would  be  tragic if a working,
prosperous  democratic  nation  is  destroyed  because  some
self-appointed  democrat  felt it was not democratic enough.
This holier than thou attitude is out of  tune  with  modern
47.  The  democracies  of the West took hundreds of years in
the making.    Do  not  expect  colonial  territories  ruled
autocratically  for several centuries by Western democracies
to become perfect democracies overnight.
Mr. President,
48.  I have very confidence that this 43rd General  Assembly
will  prove  to  be deliberative and fruitful.  The time and
circumstance  have  never  been  more   propitious.      Our
multilateral   institution   stands  on  a  strong  wave  of
credibility.  If we can be weary of war and strife,  and  be
ready  to  beat  our  swords  into ploughshares, then we can
devote our collective energies to our  economic  and  social
advancement.    The next challenge, if more formidable, will
be the ability of this institution to grapple with the issue
of international economic asymmetry in the  context  of  the
need  for  equitable resources management.  It should be our
concerted purpose to ensure that the last decade  before  we
enter  into  the  next  millennium  will be one of peace and
construction for the benefit of all.
     I thank you, Mr. President.

