Tarikh/Date 	: 	04/09/89 

 Mr Chairman
    May  I  on behalf of my delegation and on my own behalf
offer you our  sincere  congratulations  on  your  unanimous
election as Chairman of the Ninth Conference of the Heads of
State  or  Government  of the Non-Aligned Movement.   We are
confident that under your  distinguished  Chairmanship,  the
deliberations  of  this  Conference  will  be   successfully
concluded. My delegation would also like to express ou  deep
appreciation  for the warm and generous hospitality accorded
us as well as the excellent arrangements made to ensure  our
comfortable stay in this beautiful city of Belgrade.
Mr. Chairman,
2.   My delegation also wish to  place  on  record  our deep
appreciation  to  His  Excellency  Mr  Robert Mugabe for his
guidance  of  the  affairs  of  the   Movement   during  his
Chairmanship.  The  Movement's  current  high   standing  in
international  affairs  is  a  tribute to the dedication and
statesmanship of Mr Mugabe.
Mr. Chairman,
3.   It  was  in  Belgrade  that the historic meeting of the
heads of non-aligned nations was held in 1961 to usher  into
a  troubled  world  a third force to mitigate the effects of
East-West confrontation.  In the 28  years of its  existence
the  Non-Aligned Movement has played a vital role to prevent
the world from  being  completely  split  into  two  warring
4.   It  has  been  a costly role.   Many of us have had our
arms badly twisted, have been subverted, have been wasted by
proxy wars, have had to fight and fight again to retain  our
independence--social,  economic,  political  and ideological
5.   But we have also gained.    Slowly  and  painfully  the
world  has  been  made a more peaceful place.  The East-West
rivalries  also  served  to  highlight  the  needs  of  poor
countries, and the necessity for helping them.
6.   Today  we  see  a  vast change in the world's political
scene.  Although  it  is  too  soon  to  say that  East-West
confrontation  is  over, the fact remains that the intensity
of  the  ideological  struggle  between  the two  blocs  has
abated. We  see  the  two superpowers talking to each other.
We  see  the  elimination  of  some  nuclear weapons and the
reduction of some conventional ones.  We see the changes  in
Poland  and  Hungary,  the  withdrawal of Soviet forces from
Afghanistan, the tendency to compromise and reduce the proxy
fights in third world countries.
7.   We  see  also a trend towards peace.  The ceasefire has
been achieved in the Iran-Iraq war, the UN is now overseeing
the birth of Namibia, the problems in Angola and  Mozambique
are set to end.
Mr. Chairman,
8.   On  the  economic  front,  however,  we  see disturbing
trends toward consolidation of the developed countries  into
powerful  trading  blocs.   We  see  the  centrally  planned
socialist countries moving away from political affinities in
favour of economic benefits.
9.   The  lines  that  divide  East  and  West  are becoming
blurred.  The  first  and   second  worlds   are  no  longer
distinct. If  the  reason for the Non-Aligned Movement is to
provide  a   third  force   to   limit   and   balance   the
disruptive  influences  of  the other two, what will be  its
role  now  that its  principle  raison d'etre  is  seemingly
disappearing.  Should  we  regard  ourselves  as  no  longer
relevant or is  there  going  to  be a new confrontation for
which  we  have  to  prepare, a  confrontation  between  the
combined East and  West  in   the  Northern  Hemisphere  and
the  erstwhile  poverty stricken nations of the South.
Mr. Chairman,
10.  While we mull over the future of our movement in a less
divided world we have also to consider the realities of  the
present.    Rapprochement  between  East and West may reduce
tension between them but many   of   the pressures  we  have
been  subjected  to  have  not  lessened.   Indeed  in  many
instances they have increased and taken new forms.
11.  There  is  a  distinct  attempt  to relegate the United
Nations  to an inferior role while new  and  exclusive for a
have been formed designed to exclude  the  participation  of
the poor nations. The group of seven rich nations have taken
it  upon  themselves  to  regulate  the  world's economy and
finances.  One result  is  that countries like Malaysia have
had their debts doubled by the upward revision  of  the  Yen
we  borrowed.   The intention is to reduce Japanese exports,
but we have to pay the price.
12.  But Japan has not been made any less competitive by the
Yen revaluation.  Instead it is now twice  as  rich  and  is
buying  up  businesses and properties belonging to the other
six.  This  can   be   regarded  as   poetic   justice   but
unfortunately  the  finances  of  the  poor have suffered as
13.  The  terms  of trade are not getting any better for the
third  world.  But  now  protectionism  and  unfair  trading
methods are creating havoc with  the economies of the  poor.
While   subsidies   by   the   third  world  may  result  in
countervailing duties by the rich, they themselves subsidise
their  industries  to  the  point  where  overproduction  is
encouraged  and  the markets become saturated.  Consequently
the   products  of  the poor nations have become unsaleable.
Surplus  food  is  used to deprive poor countries  of  their
Mr. Chairman,
14.  The  environment  is now made into a trade weapon.  The
thinning of the ozone layer is blamed on logging of tropical
forests.  The  fact  that  the  burning  of fossil fuels and
release of CFC into the atmosphere occur largely in the rich
countries are significantly ignored.   Also ignored  is  the
logging  of  vast tracts of temperate forests which is still
going on despite the fact that millions of square  miles  of
temperate  forests have already been cleared for development
of the rich countries over the centuries.
15.  In the deserts of America underground water  is  pumped
up  to  water  golf courses and create lakes to build luxury
hotels on.  Yet the water can easily reafforest the  deserts
to reduce the gases which destroy the ozone layer as well as
creating the green house effect.  Instead poor countries are
being  forced  not  to  extract wealth from their forests in
order to keep the environment safe for the rich.
16.  The  developed  countries have now appointed themselves
the arbiter of human rights worldwide.  In the name of human
rights they have applied all kinds of pressures on countries
unable to defend themselves.  Every now and again new  forms
of  human  rights  are  invented  and   any   country  found
defaulting  is  subjected  to  vile  publicity   and   other
repressive  measures.
17.  Having been responsible for the killing and torture  of
millions  in  the  past, they  now  adopt a holier than thou
attitude and want to impose their new-found ideas  on  human
rights  on the rest of the world.  Although the missionaries
have largely disappeared, they have now been replaced by the
equally   fanatical   'crusading   environmentalists'    and
'self-appointed human rights fighters' who would rather have
disruptive  civil wars in the poor nations than permit  them
to 'violate the latest in human rights'.
18.  In  Malaysia  a campaign is being waged by outsiders to
force  a  primitive  jungle  tribe,  the  Penans,  to remain
primitive on the grounds that this is their right. That  the        se
people  live  a  miserable  life, without the amenities that
other Malaysians enjoy, is not  given  any  thought.    That
these   people  suffer  from   all  kinds  of  diseases  and
consequently  have  a  shorter  life-span  is  ignored.  The
outsiders want to retain  the  so-called  picturesque way of
life of these unfortunate people forever. They are to remain
museum  pieces.
19.  The sympathy for the Penans is hypocritical.  All these
so-called    environmentalists   are  interested  in  is  to
prevent  tropical  timber  from  competing   with  temperate
20.  Yet  reafforestation  is  a  natural  process  in   the
rain-drenched  countries  of  the  tropics.  These   forests
regenerate without  need  for replanting and trees grow  the
whole  year round.  The debt for nature offer will still not
solve  our  long  term   development  needs.  Besides,   the
shifting  slash and  burn  cultivators whom we are prevented
from resettling  will  still  destroy the forests.  The rich
should spend their  money  to reafforest their own lands and
the world's deserts.  Reduce  the use of space-wasting motor
vehicles and  increase mass  transport systems.  Ban the use
of CFCs and go back to  squeezing rubber bulbs or hand pumps
to spray.  All  these  can  be  done  immediately  and there
should be rapid improvements in the environment. Stop making
poor countries to pay for the quality of life of the rich.
Mr. Chairman,
21.  Many poor countries are now so much in debt  that  they
can  never  repay  without  surrendering their independence.
When a borrower overborrows, the fault is not entirely  his.
The  lender is equally  to  be  blamed  as  he  has  made an
imprudent loan.  He must therefore pay for his indiscretion.
22.  Schemes  to  collect  debts  from  some  of  the   most
extensively indebted countries are simply not going to work.
Refusing to lend anymore and  bankrupting  countries is  not
going to help anyone.  Nor should the people of a country be
punished as society punishes debtors.
23.  The  only  real  solution  to  the  debt  crisis  is to
write-off  the  whole or very nearly the whole of the  debts
owing. The  lenders must admit they were indiscreet and must
pay for it. Commercial  banks  and  Governments  alike  must
accept  the losses.  The Governments  of  the rich countries
will not be  bankrupted  because of the write-off. And their
banks can still be rehabilitated.
Mr. Chairman,
24.  The countries of the South have  formed  a  South-South
Commission  to  look into   ways  of solving the problems of
the poor countries through  South-South  cooperation.    The
willingness  of  poor  people to help each other is limited.
But the potentials of the poor are not so limited.  We have,
if nothing else, our huge populations which can be harnessed
for our development rather than being only  migrant  workers
in  the  North.    Instead  some labour intensive industries
should be relocated in the South to provide  employment  and
contribute towards its economic growth.  Induced brain drain
to the North should be stopped.
Mr. Chairman,
25.  Democracy is being preached by the liberal democrats of
the  West  with  religious  fervour.  Everyone  must  accept
liberal democracy  or  have  their  countries  destabilized,
civil  war fomented  or at the very least economic  sanction
and vilification by the media.
26.  We  are  all  for  human rights and for democracy.  But
human  rights  and  freedom  must begin with the right to be
free   from hunger and disease, malnutrition and illiteracy.
Human rights  as defined by the West is meaningless if there
is  no  roof  over our heads, no food on our tables  and  no
schools  for  our  children.  The   Western   liberals  must
understand that  we cannot practise their brand of democracy
and  human rights overnight. Nor do we want a carbon copy in
their own image.  The democratic system requires an advanced
degree of sophistication  among  the  masses  practising it.
The people must know the limits of freedom if anarchy is  to
be  avoided. Only a vague boundary separates the exercise of
freedom and  the excesses of anarchy.
27.  Countries which for thousands of years had  only  known
authoritarian   rule   cannot become  democratic  overnight.
Sudden  freedom  will  result  in disruptions, which in turn
will  retard  the  progress  towards a more liberal and open
society.  The  liberal  democrats  of  the west should cease
trying  to  force  the  pace.  They  should let  the  people
concerned  work things out for themselves.
28.  Unfortunately  instigations by the liberal democrats of
the west have already resulted in bloodshed and  retardation
of   the  progress  of  some  countries.    The  problem  is
exacerbated by the attempts to  apply  sanctions  after  the
foreign inspired disturbances are put down.
29.  The  peoples  in the countries undergoing change should
exercise  restrain.  Demanding   too  much   too   soon   is
counter productive.  The western liberals should be ignored.
With   patience and judicious pressure the changes will take
place. Do not be  goaded  into wild demonstrations which can
only attract repression and delay  the very change you yearn
Mr. Chairman,
30.  Many  of  the  world's  problems  are still with us and
among them is  the  despicable  apartheid  system  of  South
Africa.    The  efforts  to eliminate the hideous system and
bring about majority rule in South Africa must be redoubled.
A major socialist country who has always condemned apartheid
would now appear to be soft peddling the need  to  intensify
the  struggle.  Negotiations  are   being   attempted   when
everyone knows that apartheid has to be eliminated and in no
way can  it  be reformed.  The blacks of South Africa cannot
afford even  the  slightest slackening of world-wide support
for their cause.   The white regime  of  South  Africa  must
be  ostracised   and  condemned.    Sanctions  must  be more
effectively applied.
31.  We already see some results from sanctions.  The  white
regime  is beginning to make overtures, although some of the
noises emanating from them are hypocritical.    In  Namibia,
the  South  African  regime  have  been  forced  to  be more
accommodating.  We  have  to sustain the pressure if we  are
going  to  get  anywhere  with this throwback  of the racist
past.  Indeed,  we  have  to  increase  the pressure for the
process needs to be  hastened.   Our black brothers in South
Africa have suffered long enough.
Mr. Chairman,
32.  The Palestinian problem is another  example  where  the
Movement  must  insist  that  the  international   community
particularly    the   major   powers   own   up   to   their
responsibilities   and   commitments.   Israel's  policy  in
Palestinian and other   Arab territories must continue to be
universally  condemned.    The Intifada has exposed the true
character of the Israelis.  They  are  no  better than their
former oppressors. Yet the PLO has been courageous enough to
accept reality  and  the need  for a comprehensive political
settlement.  The friends  of Israel  must  now  force  it to
33.  As  regards  Cambodia   the   conflict   now   has   an
international  framework.    Clearly  the Cambodian factions
must be  mindful of their responsibilities.  There must be a
sharing   of powers under the leadership of Prince Sihanouk.
The  universally condemned  practices  of  the  past must no
longer  threaten Cambodia nor can there  be  foreign  armies
transgressing Cambodian sovereignty.
34.  As   for   Afghanistan,   it   is   time    that    the
unrepresentative Government steps down and  the  fratricidal
fighting  give  way  to  a  Government  by  consensus.   The
people  of  Afghanistan  deserve  this for their courage and
unprecedented  fortitude.
Mr. Chairman,
35.  Malaysia has always taken a strong and consistent stand
against drug traffickers.  Now that drug barons are not only
able to  corrupt  and  to  indulge  in violence but also  to
declare war on a nation, we hope that the seriousness of the
drug menace to a nation's independence and  well-being  will
be  better appreciated.   The war on drugs is far from being
over.  We will see more tragedies before the world wakes  up
to the need for a truly all out effort.
Mr. Chairman,
36.  In   the   meantime   we   have   to  ensure  that  the
revitalisation of the  UN  is  completed.  There can  be  no
doubt  that  but  for the efforts of the UN we would not see
the  more  peaceful  world  that  we  are seeing today.  The
Iran-Iraq  war,  the Soviet occupation of  Afghanistan,  the
South  African  recalcitrance  on  Namibia, the disturbances
in  several  African  Central  American  countries  and  the
problems  in  Asia  would not be resolved or reduced but for
the UN.
37.  We  have  a  duty  to  strengthen  the  UN  as the sole
instrument  for establishing a more equitable and just world
society.    We  must  not  allow  exclusive organisations to
take  over.  We owe it to  ourselves and to the rest of  the
world to sustain and support the UN and its work.
Mr. Chairman,
38.  Finally  we  must  ensure that the Non-Aligned Movement
remains relevant.  The East and the West may patch up  their
differences.    They  may cease trying to drag us into their
conflicts.  But there is no guarantee that we are  going  to
get  a  fair  deal  from them either separately or together.
The signs are not yet propitious for a fairer deal from  the
North.   Released from their preoccupation with each other's
threat, each will have more time to cast baleful eyes on us.
39.  It is imperative therefore that we stay together,  that
we present a united front, that we continue to strive for  a
more    just and equitable world.  We must be free to choose
our own way of managing our internal affairs without outside
interference.  We must not allow ourselves to be harassed by
crusading movements which have now taken  over  where  their
Governments  have become unacceptable.  No one should have a
monopoly on refining the definition of  rights  and  wrongs.
Free people must be free to refine and redefine basic values
themselves.   Unless  the  deviation  from  basic  values is
flagrant,  they  should  not be interfered with.  As much as
human  freedom  must  be upheld, so must national freedom be
upheld. Internal democracy without  international  democracy
means imperialism will continue to plague this world.
