Tarikh/Date : 01/08/90
His Excellency President Carlos Andres Perez,
and Madame Perez;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen.
First of all, please allow me to express my sincere ap-
preciation to you Mr. President for your very warm words of
welcome to my wife and I and to members of my delegation.
We are deeply touched by the warmth of your hospitality and
the friendship and kind sentiments that greet us. It is
truly a pleasure to be here in this beautiful city of
Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
2. Formal diplomatic ties between Venezuela and Malaysia
are still very much in its infancy, having been established
only in 1986. As you know, our two countries have very dif-
ferent cultural backgrounds, history and language. In addi-
tion, we are separated by vast geographical distance. In
conventional terms there would perhaps be little reason for
our two countries to have much of a relationship at all.
And yet, you Mr. President have visited Malaysia twice,
while this, my first visit to the continent of South Amer-
ica, is to Venezuela.
3. Those who would seek a rationale or perhaps an explana-
tion for the growth of our relations need look no further
than our mutual commitment to South-South cooperation and to
the belief that neither distance nor cultural or linguistic
differences are impediments to mutually beneficial cooper-
ation. This mutual commitment was so aptly demonstrated in
Kuala Lumpur recently when both our countries joined with
other like-minded countries to chart a new course for South-
South cooperation. We also proposed to go beyond eloquent
statements and get on with the task of implementing practi-
cal programmes that would contribute to our respective de-
velopment efforts.
4. In this spirit, our two countries have already begun
negotiations on a range of agreements and issues that would
give substance to the ideals that we in the South have al-
ways cherished. The Economic and Technical Cooperation
Agreement that we are discussing, together with new methods
of promoting trade and investments will, I am confident, re-
sult in tangible benefits to both our countries. It is my
hope that a new framework for cooperation will emerge that
will serve as a model for South-South relations.
5. My Government's commitment to South-South cooperation
and to developing comprehensive and mutually beneficial re-
lations with Venezuela is fully shared by the Malaysian pri-
vate sector, some of whose members have joined me on this
visit. For countries such as ours which believe in the
primacy of free-enterprise as the main vehicle for growth
and development, the role of the private sector is vital.
In this sense, our visit is at a particularly appropriate
time as I understand that Your Excellency's government is
also pushing ahead with free market programmes and
privatisation. In the short term there may well be diffi-
culties but from our own experience I know that the results,
in terms of rapid socio-economic development, more than out-
weigh the problems that crop up from time to time. It is my
sincere hope that the private sectors of our two countries,
long separated by lack of information and by different ori-
entations, will now forge enduring links that would help
sustain the momentum of economic cooperation.
Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
6. Our world has witnessed vast changes in recent months.
The virtual elimination of super-power rivalry holds out the
promise of a more peaceful era. I am not sure however
whether this will translate into a more conducive environ-
ment for the South. For one thing, the collapse of Soviet
power has now placed the industrialised North in a position
to impose its own political and economic agenda on others.
Economic assistance and access to markets are increasingly
tied to the political objectives and frequently the economic
needs of the North.
7. At the same time, we appear to be moving from the Cold
War to a global economic struggle. The developed countries
seemed determined to use every means at their disposal to
block meaningful global economic reforms that are necessary
if the South is to overcome its economic difficulties. Quo-
tas, non-tariff barriers, democratic practices, human rights
records, exchange rates, environment, intellectual property,
treatment of illegal immigrants, classification of countries
are all being used to stifle economic growth in the South.
Yet when the same misdemeanours are perpetrated in the
North, they are acceptable.
8. It is therefore vital for the countries of the South to
evolve common strategies in dealing with the North and to
collectively seek to negotiate a more favourable global eco-
nomic environment. We need to coordinate our policies on
the full range of issues that confront us. Without this I
fear that all our efforts at strengthening bilateral cooper-
ation will not avail much.
9. Under Your Excellency's distinguished leadership,
Venezuela has played an important role in galvanising the
South to collective action. Indeed, the launching of the
Final Report of the South Commission here in Caracas, bears
testimony to Venezuela's role. I think it is indeed fitting
that the Report is launched in Caracas some twenty-six years
after the formation of the G-77 which took place in this
beautiful city in 1964. I very much look forward to ex-
changing views with Your Excellency on these important is-
Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
10. Before I conclude, let me say again that we are de-
lighted to be here in Venezuela. We are excited by the op-
portunities arising from a new framework of sustained
economic cooperation between our two countries. My deleg-
ation and I look forward to our meetings with Your
Excellency and members of Your Excellency's Government.
Ladies and gentlemen,
11. May I now invite you to join me in a toast to His
Excellency, President Perez and Madame Perez and to the
friendship and cooperation between Malaysia and Venezuela.
Thank you.