Tarikh/Date : 03/09/90
Distinguished guests;
Ladies and gentlemen.
I would like to thank the organisers for inviting me to
address this First Asian Conference on Food Safety. Food
safety is an increasingly important issue that is of per-
sonal interest to all of us, to our families and to our na-
2. This Conference provides an opportunity for developing
countries in the region to discuss matters relating to food
safety as well as trade and economic goals in a concerted
and positive manner. This Conference also presents a timely
opportunity for those of you in government as well as indus-
try to consider the various approaches towards improving
food safety in all the countries of Asia where more than
half the world's population live. To ensure some measure of
success, political commitment at the highest levels will be
needed to give the necessary momentum.
Ladies and gentlemen,
3. The world food situation is generally more positive now
than it was a decade ago. In some parts of the world, food
surpluses rather then food shortages is seen as the problem.
However, food production worldwide is only increasing at
about 2.6% per year, slightly faster than the growth of the
world's population. The perspective of feeding the world has
also changed considerably. There is still hunger in the
world, but this is mostly caused by war and civil strife,
disorganization in transportation and distribution, and poor
purchasing power.
4. Although the subject of this Conference is scientific
in nature, we cannot totally ignore the social and economic
factors, which, if not addressed, will impede the implemen-
tation of food safety programmes worldwide. Today there is
a vast and growing difference in income and wealth between
rich and poor nations, and in many instances between the
rich and the poor within each nation. And, we have seen, in
many developing countries, there are people eking out a
meagre hand-to-mouth existence, who in times of economic re-
cession, may be forced to face food shortages, which could
be further aggravated by the problems of food safety.
5. Food safety currently appears to be one of the most
widespread health problems in the world. Some of the under-
lying causes of this problem are as old as the human race,
while others are the results of more recent developments of
modern society. The widespread use of agrochemicals is an
example of the double edged sword of modern technology --
without them our food production would be severely limited,
but their use also poses risks to our environment and health
and in some instances to food sources themselves. While
scientific progress has offered the advantages of a more
abundant, diverse and safer food supply, assuring the safety
of food requires constant vigilance based on the most modern
and up-to-date methods and knowledge.
Ladies and gentlemen,
6. In the past few years, a number of food trade issues
have clouded relations between producing developing coun-
tries and the developed consumer and producer countries.
Unjustified claims as a basis of health and safety by those
able to mount massive propaganda campaigns have actually de-
prived consumers of cheap sources of food generally coming
from developing countries. In the process the producer
countries in the developing south have suffered. The reason
for the campaign is not the concern with health and safety
but is due to purely economic considerations of the parties
concerned. Such irrespossible behaviour is not contributing
to food safety or to overcoming poverty or food shortages.
Another trade barrier is the over-zealous implementation of
quarantine measures which prevent direct exports of fresh
produce and animal products from developing countries.
Specifications and standards demanded by importers have to
be realistic. Advancements in analytical techniques have
made possible the detection of contaminants, at first in
parts per million, then, parts per billion and now parts per
trillion. Scientists will continue to chase the elusive
zero, but is this realistic for implementation?
7. Efforts are being made, at the current round of negoti-
ations under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs to
use available international standards in adjudicating dis-
putes involving issues of safety and health. The world is
moving towards a common set of criteria for assessing food
safety, and it is these global criteria which will have to
be accepted at the national level. This Conference, there-
fore, comes at a critical time when we all must rationalize
our food safety decisions and improve our understanding of
the wider areas of food safety. In this context, it is im-
perative that we think globally, yet act locally to assure
our consistency with international food safety standards.
While those in the region must help themselves and each
other in achieving the international standard, international
cooperation is also required since the world food trade is
now truly global. And, through experience, to be more ef-
fective these international activities should be undertaken
at the regional level.
8. In addition to the global trade aspects of food safety,
developing countries of Asia further face prevalent problems
of foodborne diseases, largely caused by poor food handling
practices. According to reports of the World Health Organ-
ization, gastrointestinal infections are among the main
causes of morbidity among infants and young children in de-
prived societies. Although the problem of foodborne
diarrhoea is worldwide, it is particularly acute in develop-
ing countries, where nutritionally inadequate diets render
the problem even more severe. Foodborne diarrhoea is a ma-
jor contributor to malnutrition and may trigger very serious
chronic diseases.
9. Reports from developed countries indicate that most
foodborne diseases are caused by microbiologically contam-
inated food, and the source of the contamination has,
rightly or wrongly, been attributed to products or tourists
coming from the developing countries, or the ethnic food
handlers working in the countries concerned. Statistical
data also show that in many countries, including developed
countries, the incidence of these diseases has dramatically
increased over the past several years.
10. Microbial foodborne diseases are not the only food
safety problem that is of concern to developing countries of
Asia. Currently, the use of pesticides, growth hormones,
antibiotics, illegal additives, as well as environmental and
industrial pollution, have increased the multitude of food
safety problems. On the other hand, affluent societies suf-
fer from improper diets which lead to obesity, hypertension
and cardiac arrest.
Ladies and gentlemen,
11. The safety of food is a complex issue. It is an issue
to health authorities, it is an issue to producers, and it
is an issue to consumers. Around the world, it has resulted
in deaths of many innocent victims, losses to food companies
in terms of closures, loss of consumer confidence, lost
working hours, hospitalizations and compensations, not to
mention the cost of lengthy legal proceedings. It has af-
fected the image of many countries. Food safety programmes
vary tremendously from country to country.
12. Developing countries have to collectively overcome the
many constraints facing them. We need to have adequate and
effective laws and regulations which are constantly updated
to keep pace with changes in social structures, food habits,
modern agriculture and food technology. Given the multidis-
ciplinary nature of food safety, there must be coordinated
interministerial approach among the different implementing
agencies in each country. Proper infrastructure and basic
laboratory facilities have to be provided and inspection
services upgraded. These physical provisions will not be of
much use if trained human resources are neglected. This is
where international cooperation will be most appreciated.
13. There must also be community awareness of issues in-
volved in food safety and these programmes should be inte-
grated into primary health care systems. Consumers also
have a key role to play in assuring food safety. By in-
creasing their awareness and knowledge of food safety, con-
sumers can learn to protect themselves and their families
from foodborne hazards both in the market place and their
own homes.
14. Talking about consumers, I sometimes wonder how know-
ledgeable consumers in developed countries really are.
Lately there is an attempt to mislead consumers in the de-
veloped countries with such labelling as "no tropical oil".
All these labellings put doubts in the consumer's mind, and
question the role of food control authorities. Ingredient
labelling, required by law, is meant to inform consumers,
but not to deceive them. If it is wrong to deceive consum-
ers regarding the "goodness" of certain food when such is
not proven, surely it must be equally wrong to deceive con-
sumers on the "badness" of the food concerned when such is
not proven. It is even more wrong when the intention is to
get a competitive edge for another product.
15. Food scientists, like all scientists, have been reluc-
tant to voice their opinions for fear of being quoted inac-
curately. It should be a scientist's responsibility and the
journalist's desire to be clear to the public. This some-
times means using non-scientific language but it should not
mean sacrificing accuracy. Too often the expert explains
scientific consensus, and may feel the job is completed by
mere accurate transmission of facts. But telling a mother
the residue she just fed her baby has less than a one in a
million cancer risk does not reduce her fear, but alienates
her further. On the other hand, the mass media should be
more responsible in their reporting, and not cause consumer
alarm with their "media outbreak".
16. Malaysia has recognized the importance of a safe food
supply and has given it top priority. This recognition does
not mean that Malaysia has overcome the problems associated
with unsafe food. We have experienced many cases of
foodborne outbreaks, the most serious one being in 1988
which cost the lives of 13 innocent children. We are com-
mitted to doing everything possible to ensure that condi-
tions associated with this tragic incident would not recur.
Ladies and gentlemen,
17. The changing nature of the food business will bring
about new problems, still unforseen. Legislators must take
into account food risk-benefit arguments as they set the
climate for food regulations. Through meetings like this,
the common goal of meeting the target of health through food
safety, can be achieved through developing national capabil-
ities and enhancing our economic viability. Given the scar-
city of our resources, priorities must be established, and
priority must be given to the never ending process of im-
proving the provision of basic human needs and economic
Ladies and gentlemen,
18. I wish this conference every success in its deliber-
ations. With this remark I now have much pleasure to de-
clare open the First Asian Conference on Food Safety.