Tempat/Venue :
Tarikh/Date : 01/07/91
Your Excellency President Carlos Saul Menem;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen.
First of all let me say how delighted I am
to be here in Argentina. I have heard much about
Argentina's rich history, its riches, its beauty and
its many accomplishments. Therefore I look for-
ward to this visit, my first to Argentina.
Although my visit to Argentina is a short one, it promises
to be very eventful and productive.
2. I must also express my sincere appreciation to you Mr.
President and to your government for the very warm welcome
and gracious hospitality that has been extended to my wife
and I and members of my delegation. I am also particularly
pleased for the opportunity to meet with you again and to
renew the contacts we first established when you visited
Kuala Lumpur last year for the G-15 summit.
Mr. President,
3. Malaysia and Argentina established diplomatic relations
in 1964. Though we have cooperated well in international
fora, our bilateral relations have until recently lacked
substance. But this is now changing. There is now a
greater realisation that while our trade and consequently
our economic health may depend on the markets of the
industrialised countries, there is much to be gained from
closer collaboration with other developing countries.
4. Mr. President, I am sure you will agree with me the
G-15 process has already begun to germinate greater cooper-
ation and exchanges amongst its members. There is now also
a greater consciousness of the potential of South-South co-
operation and trade.
5. Like you, I am keen to exploit the full potential of
economic cooperation between our two countries in the spirit
of South-South cooperation. The Malaysian market is open to
Argentinian products ranging from machinery to wheat and
beef. Some Argentinian companies are already doing well in
Malaysia. A few turnkey projects are also being discussed.
The Malaysian economy is set to grow at around 8% this year.
There will thus be a great demand for goods and services
which Argentina can help supply. On our part we have a
whole range of goods and services to offer as well. The
more than sixty Malaysian businessmen who have come with me
to Argentina is an indication both of our commitment to eco-
nomic cooperation and to the potential for trade.
Mr. President,
6. Our efforts to strengthen bilateral relations and eco-
nomic cooperation comes at an opportune time. There is a
growing trend towards economic regionalism in the world to-
day. In Europe and in North America trading blocs have
taken shape. Though based on laudable principles of free
trade their actions are often at variance with what they
preach. I appreciate that economic imperatives may make it
necessary for Argentina and other South American countries
to be associated with these groupings in order to have ac-
cess to trade, investments and economic cooperation. We
wish you every success. Your success will be good for us
just as our success will be good for you. I hope, however,
that this will not lead to a diminution of the mutually ben-
eficial ties that this region has with East Asia. With its
high growth rates which average between 7 to 10 per cent,
East Asia represents an important economic focus for South
America. I hope, therefore, that closer ties with East Asia
will be an intrinsic part of any South American strategy for
economic growth and development.
7. For East Asia free trade is absolutely essential to de-
velopment and growth. The East Asian nations will thus con-
tinue to be open to free trade and receptive to closer
interaction with South America. The East Asia Economic
Group or EAEG that is now being discussed within ASEAN will
help uphold free trade and promote economic inter-dependence
between regions. On the basis of our discussions today, I
must say that I am greatly encouraged by the prospects for
cooperation not only between our two countries but also
amongst developing countries as a whole.
8. On that note of optimism, may I once again thank you
for receiving me and my delegation with such warmth and hos-
pitality. May I now propose a toast to you Mr. President
and to the friendship between Malaysia and Argentina.