Tempat/Venue : MEXICO CITY
Tarikh/Date : 17/09/91
His Excellency, President Salinas,
Madame Salinas,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for your very warm words of welcome to my
wife and I and members of my delegation. We are delighted
to have this opportunity to visit your country. Mexico has
a rich historical and cultural tradition going back many
thousands of years. The great Aztec and Maya civilisations,
which were both centred in this land, were well known for
their achievements, especially in architecture, science and
2. Today, under Your Excellency's able leadership, Mexico
continues in this fine tradition of being a pace-setter.
Your efforts to liberalise Mexico's economy, stimulate pri-
vate sector participation and further integrate Mexico with
the world economy have been viewed positively not only in
the Americas but also in East Asia. Your liberal economic
policies also provide new opportunities for bilateral and
inter-regional trade and economic cooperation.
3. We are living in a time of rapid change and we are con-
fronted with both challenges and opportunities. A new world
order characterised by the ability of a few powers to impose
their own agenda on the global community both politically
and economically appears to be in the making. Political
agendas are being foisted upon countries regardless of the
enormous social and economic dislocations that follow and
which often lead to chaos and disintegration. Malaysia has
always practised democracy but we believe that democracy
thrives best in an environment of economic growth and free
trade. It is almost cynical for developed countries to
press for democratic reform while denying nascent democra-
cies market access. This will only lead to weak and unsta-
ble democracies forever dependent upon the developed
4. On the economic front, the developed countries continue
to hold the international trading system hostage by their
refusal to eliminate agricultural subsidies. Without a
firm commitment to internationally agreed rules, developed
countries appear to be resorting to unilateralism and
regionalism in the conduct of trade. More ominously, devel-
oped countries are also increasingly resorting to new
conditionalities ranging from so-called human and labour
rights to environmental issues to hinder the economic
progress of developing countries.
5. In the light of these challenges, developing countries
need to cooperate more closely with one another. Our goal
has never been confrontation with others but simply the evo-
lution of a conducive environment that would enable us to
prosper and grow. Malaysia looks forward to cooperating
with Mexico in pursuit of this vital objective.
6. Apart from this, we must also enhance cooperation
amongst developing countries. You may recall that at the
first summit meeting of G-15 countries, we agreed to make
this a priority issue. In pursuit of this objective I have
travelled to many developing countries including those in
the Americas, to explore avenues for greater South-South co-
operation. While there are many opportunities for trade and
cooperation, they are very frequently left unexploited be-
cause of our preoccupation with established markets. Coop-
eration amongst developing countries does not have to be at
the expense of our linkages with established markets. It
should result in additional markets which can help us diver-
sify and perhaps reduce our over-dependence on just a few
7. It can also help identify new sources of technology for
us. Several developing countries are now participating in
Malaysia`s development programmes including road building,
construction, rural electrification and heavy industry. We
are satisfied with their work and will continue to open our
economy to developing countries. We also welcome Mexico's
participation. Indeed, a Mexican company is already in-
volved in our steel industry.
8. I am convinced that the economic liberalisation that is
now sweeping much of the developing world will result in a
new era of progress and prosperity and provide greater op-
portunities for mutual cooperation among developing coun-
tries. It would be tragic if the liberalisation of
developing countries only benefit the developed countries.
9. Earlier I had mentioned the trend towards economic
regionalism. In the Americas, Mexico's decision to negoti-
ate membership of a North American Free Trade Area or NAFTA
is highly significant. Malaysia and others in East Asia
have some concern as to how this could effect international
trade. We, however, look to Mexico to help ensure that such
a regional grouping does not adversely affect the free and
open international trading system that we all depend upon.
Most developing countries need access to a broad spread of
markets and therefore do not want to see the world fracture
along economic fault lines.
10. In East Asia, there is increasing concern over the fu-
ture of the international trading system. The East Asian
economies today enjoy some of the highest growth rates in
the world and we have prospered because of international
trade. The non-progress of the Uruguay Round and increasing
trade disputes is therefore something we worry about. With
this in mind, Malaysia has proposed the formation of an East
Asia Economic Group that would be committed to upholding the
open international trading system. It would act as a
consultative forum to discuss issues affecting international
trade and play a balancing role in support of the interna-
tional free trading system.
11. I know Your Excellency fully share this commitment to
international trade and economic cooperation. Since coming
to office, you have in fact given emphasis to Mexico's re-
lations with other regions and especially with the Asia
Pacific region. Mexico is active in the Pacific Economic
Cooperative Council (PECC) and the Pacific Basin Economic
Council (PBEC) and has moved to establish a diplomatic pres-
ence in most of the Asia-Pacific countries including
Malaysia. I welcome this very much. Mexico is as much a
Pacific nation as other North American countries and can
play a useful role in emerging structures of Pacific cooper-
ation including APEC. You can therefore be sure of our sup-
port in this regard.
12. We have had very fruitful discussions today. As we both
agreed, the opportunities for mutually beneficial cooper-
ation are vast. Both the Bilateral Payment Arrangement that
was signed last August and the Trade Agreement which we will
sign will give stronger impetus to bilateral cooperation.
More importantly will be the contacts that our respective
private sectors will establish in the course of this visit.
I am greatly heartened by your own commitment to private
sector cooperation as evidenced by your decision to meet
personally with the Malaysian businessmen in my delegation.
This cannot but augur well for the future of our relations.
13. Before I conclude, may I once again thank you for your
kind hospitality and for receiving us with such warmth and
friendship. We will certainly take back with us many pleas-
ant memories of our visit to Mexico.
Ladies and gentlemen,
14. May I now invite you to join me in a toast to the good
health of His Excellency President Salinas and to the
friendship and cooperation between Mexico and Malaysia.