Tarikh/Date : 11/11/91
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan,
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultanah,
Ampun Tuanku beribu-ribu ampun, sembah patik mohon diampun.
Patik merafak sembah mengalu-alukan keberangkatan Kebawah
Duli-Duli Tuanku, dan seterusnya menjunjung kasih atas
limpah perkenan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku
berangkat ke majlis ini.
Ampun Tuanku, patek dengan penuh takzim memohon izin untuk
berucap kepada hadirin sekalian. Ampun Tuanku.
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to Langkawi, Malaysia, the newest destination
for the tourists seeking a relaxed holiday. Welcome to LIMA
91, the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace
Exhibition, 1991.
2. You may ask why there is a need for yet another air
show. Worldwide there is a surfeit of air shows. Now in
the Far East, air shows are becoming almost a dime a dozen.
At the rate we are going airplanes will have to be built
purely for exhibition and aircraft manufacturers will have
to spend more time flying from one exhibition to another,
not to speak of Defence Ministers and defence chiefs from
neighbouring countries and elsewhere.
3. When the idea of an air show in Langkawi was mooted, it
was felt that there was a special need to exhibit aircrafts
which may interest a region that is not only getting more
affluent but the geography of which makes air commuting not
just a convenience but a necessity.
4. It is acknowledged that the South East and East Asia
regions are the most dynamic in the world. When other parts
of the world barely grow economically, these Asian regions
regularly register high and even double digit growth. And
the growth is consistent and is most likely to continue.
5. Georaphically these two regions are fragmented and road
and rail linkages are so poor that most travelling has to be
done by air. Within each country domestic air routes are
fairly well served, even when the countries are categorised
as developing countries.
6. Today in Malaysia a padi farmer thinks nothing of fly-
ing from his state to Kuala Lumpur in the morning to return
late at night. It may be merely visiting sick relatives or
attending some meeting with Government officials or what-
ever. The fact is that air travel has become an accepted
form of travel even for the low-income.
7. The same is true for the bigger ASEAN countries. Cer-
tainly it is the most convenient means of travel between the
ASEAN countries.
8. With increasing affluence, domestic tourism is picking
up. A fair number of domestic tourists travel by air.
There is an increasing demand for the provincial airports to
be linked by commuter planes. And commuter lines are also
required to link the international airports with outlying
districts and provinces.
9. The economic growth of the region is largely due to
private enterprises. Some of the private companies (i.e.
the non-Government public limited companies) in the region
are big names even by Fortune Magazine standards. Execu-
tives of these large corporations have to travel and travel
fast without being constrained by airline schedules.
10. Already some companies own small propeller-driven or
jet aircrafts and helicopters. It is not unreasonable to
think that in the near future more companies will want to
own aircraft individually or jointly. And, of course, small
aircraft charters are going to be more popular.
11. Flying is being encouraged by all the Governments in
the region. It is not only because it is a great sport but
with the rapid expansion of airline of the regions there
will be a need for more airline pilots in the future. Al-
ready the national airlines in the region are having to hire
pilots from outside the region.
12. The region's needs can only be met if more youths take
up flying. Trainer aircrafts are therefore going to be in
demand more and more. There will be a need for basic train-
ers as well as more advanced ones.
13. The amateur flying schools and flying academies in the
region are unable to cope with the demand for places. As
more schools are set up and existing ones enlarged the de-
mand for all kinds of training is going to increase.
Malaysia welcomes the setting up of flying schools from
abroad in joint ventures with local partners.
14. Between flying as a sport and the need for pilots for
commercial airlines in the region not only will trainer
planes be in great demand, but also the aircrafts used in
sports flying and sky-diving.
15. Clearly the demand for small aircrafts, including
commuters of all sizes, will be increasing in the East Asian
region in the near future. It is for this reason that the
Malaysian Government considers the holding of an airshow for
small aircrafts appropriate and timely. We had in fact
thought of an Oshkosh East. However, when the exhibition
became known, a lot of interest was shown by companies wish-
ing to exhibit military aircrafts as well as large commer-
cial jets.
Ladies and gentlemen,
16. Malaysia entertains ideas about pioneering new routes
in the South. Today it is necessary for travellers from
South-East-Asia wishing to go to the southern part of Africa
or South America to go north to Europe or North America
first and then fly south. Admittedly there are presently
not many of such travellers whether tourists or businessmen.
But people will travel if it is convenient and cheap. Obvi-
ously it is neither convenient nor cheap to fly north in or-
der to go south.
17. But the southern route poses problems because of the
vast expanse of water that has to be crossed. If there are
large numbers of passengers and freight, the present wide-
bodied long-range aircraft can be used. But in the initial
stages there is very little likelihood for economic demands
for such aircraft. The need is therefore for long haul
smaller aircraft capable of a maximum of say 150 passengers
possibly with combi configuration.
18. Perhaps aircraft like the 757, 737 or BAc 146 with ex-
tra fuel tanks could prove suitable. Twin-engined aircrafts
flying over vast expanses of water will need some ability to
stay afloat should they be forced to land on water. Not be-
ing an aircraft engineer I had often wondered why the kind
of inflatable floats or sponsons sometimes available on hel-
icopters cannot be fitted to keep aircrafts afloat longer in
the water. It is a silly idea, but I would feel much safer
if I think that engine failure over the oceans would result
in the aircraft staying afloat long enough for location by
rescue vessels to reach it.
Ladies and gentlemen,
19. LIMA is, of course, not only an aerospace exhibition,
but a marine exhibition as well. This is the first time
that the two have been combined. Langkawi is most suited
for this combined exhibition.
20. Again we believe that the increasing affluence of the
people in this region will make ownership of pleasure boats
more common. Presently such crafts are not being promoted
and marketed in this region to take advantage of the poten-
21. Malaysia imposes no tax on pleasure crafts. Foreigners
are welcome to register their boats in Malaysia. Of course,
they can keep their boats here as well. We intend to en-
courage the setting up of marinas and boat servicing and
maintenance facilities in Malaysia, in particular in
Langkawi in the West Coast, and Terengganu in the East
Coast. Additionally Labuan, the Off-Shore International Fi-
nancial Centre, will be equipped with similar facilities.
22. Yacht racing and therefore ownership is getting more
popular. Several yacht clubs are very active on the West
Coast of Malaysia. Boat rentals for both power boats and
sail boats are also getting popular.
23. With all the countries of South-East-Asia bounded by
very long coastlines, patrol-boats with all the sophisti-
cated equipments that they must have are in great demand.
The boat yards of the region are not sophisticated enough at
the moment. Patrol-boats and other small police, customs,
immigration and naval crafts will be in continuous demand.
A whole new industry is needed to meet this demand.
24. While it may be easier to buy the boats from abroad,
convenience and good business sense demand that such boats
be built in the region. Numerous local partners and inves-
tors would, I am sure, welcome the idea of joint-ventures to
build all kinds of crafts here.
25. Malaysia has numerous incentives for such investments.
Additionally we have a highly trainable and disciplined
workforce able to handle all language problems. As with the
very many investors who have invested in all kinds of manu-
facturing industries in Malaysia, I am quite sure that any-
one investing in boat-building or other naval products in
Malaysia will not regret his decision.
Ladies and gentlemen,
26. There is a third reason for LIMA 91. We are promoting
Langkawi for selected aerospace industry and business. Am-
ple land has been acquired next to this airport for the pur-
27. As Langkawi is a free trade area, imports and exports
are completely taxfree. Components or products can be
brought in for processing or sale and reexported without any
28. For this purpose we intend to allow expatriates to take
up temporary residence here. Bungalows and condominiums are
being built for sale or rental or time-sharing in order to
enable expatriates to live comfortably. Imported foods and
supermarkets will meet the needs of the expatriates as in-
deed throughout Malaysia.
Ladies and gentlemen,
29. I am sure that you will appreciate now why LIMA 91 is
not just another aerospace show or boat show. I cannot
guarantee that you will make a sale here. But I am quite
sure that there will be a lot of potential buyers whom you
can cultivate. After all, one does not decide to buy an
aeroplane or a yacht just like that. They cost a pretty
penny and the people who come by these pretty pennies are
not the kind who will throw them away.
30. I wish all exhibitors all the best. Even if you make
no sale you will have a nice relaxed vacation in Langkawi,
the 99 enchanted islands of Malaysia.
Thank you.