Tarikh/Date 	: 	21/01/93 

    Allah be praised for by His Grace we are able to gather
here this morning to officiate the opening of the Conference
on Islam and Industralisation.
2.   The    topic    of    this    Conference   "Islam   and
Industrialisation" may seem odd to some Muslims.   Is  there
an  Islamic  industry  or an industry based on Islam, or can
the industries we  know  and  are  familiar  with  today  be
Islamised?    Up till now we have not considered the signif-
icance of industry's contribution to Islam or to Muslims  or
to  Islamic practices.   We believe that without industries,
we can still be a Muslims, indeed even  good  Muslims.    In
fact,  during  the  time of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) there
were no such industries as we know today, yet Islam was able
to spread and to prosper.  Why then is there a need to  link
industry  with  Islam?   Indeed why is industry necessary at
3.   We often consider industry merely as  a  business,    a
quest for excessive profits.  Consequently, we regard indus-
trialists  as people who are greedy, who are interested only
in an affluent lifestyle,  and  are  thus  linked  to  being
irreligious.   We also tend to think that any venture to ac-
cumulate wealth will involve cheating  and  other  forms  of
abuses.  Therefore, we regard all industries as unIslamic or
deviational  and obstructive to the performance of our reli-
gious duties or ibadah in Islam.
4.   However if we examine industry from the  truly  Islamic
perspective  we  will  realise  that  industry is a service.
While this service can bring evil if misapplied, it can also
be beneficial and important to religion  and  our  religious
5.   Before  the  introduction of printing for instance, the
al-Qur'an was hand-written.  Even for this purpose  a  paper
industry  was needed, if leaves were not to be used as writ-
ing materials.  When the al-Qura'n had to be hand-  written,
the number of copies of the al-Qur'an was limited.  The pos-
sibility  that copies owned by a particular society would be
destroyed because of war,  calamities  or  fire  was  great.
Thus it became necessary for some people to memorise the al-
Qura'n.    This  was in order to prevent the text of the al-
Qura'n from being lost.
6.   When printing was first invented many  Islamic  clerics
issued  religious rulings that Islam forbade the printing of
the al-Qura'n.   This ruling  was  also  influenced  by  the
scribes  who  wrote the al-Qura'n.   They felt that printing
the al-Qura'n would threaten this livelihood.
7.   Because of this ruling for many centuries Muslims  gen-
erally,  religious  teachers  and officials could not own or
read the al-Qura'n.  On the other hand, when the ruling  was
revoked  later,  Muslims  were able to own and study the al-
Qura'n.  As a result Muslims became able  to  enhance  their
Islamic  knowledge.    Today it is unthinkable for anyone to
issue a 'fatwa' preventing the printing   of the  al-Qura'n.
But  "fatwas"  can  and are still being made based on narrow
perceptions.  And this is true with  industry  as  a  whole.
Because  of  a wrong perception of industry, it does not get
the focus nor the support from the religious perspective.
8.   Today it must be acknowledged that the printing  indus-
try has benefited Islam.  True, the printing industry can be
misused  --  as  for example in the printing of pornography.
But we cannot blame the printing industry.  The blame should
be placed on the printers.  If all new  inventions  in  this
industry are made by Muslims who are conscious that industry
is  a  service  to  the  community, it is possible that they
could find ways to prevent the abuse of the industry.    For
example  if  only Muslims have expertise in the field of de-
sign and production of printing equipment, they could supply
them with conditions imposed or they could refuse to  supply
them  altogether.    Such has been the case when Islamic na-
tions were supplied with arms  by  other  countries.    They
could not use them freely.
9.   Without  industry, many religious rites would be diffi-
cult to perform.  The textile industry is important in order
to pray, indeed to cover the 'aurat'.  More Muslims are able
to perform their pilgrimage with the invention of  aircrafts
and  the  development  of the aero-space industry.  The con-
struction industry has enabled us to perform our prayers  in
mosques  which  can  accommodate  the  increasing  number of
Muslims.  In other words, there is no  industry  that  would
not  provide  service  to Muslims in their daily life and in
performing their religious duties.
10.  One responsibility of an Islamic community is  to  pre-
pare  for defence.  During the Prophet's time defence equip-
ment meant horses and swords.  And during the Prophet's time
there existed industries to produce swords and war horses.
11.  Preparation for defence in this era requires a  defence
industry  consistent with modern technology.  It is the duty
of those who adhere to the teachings of the al-Qura'n to in-
vent, produce and supply defence equipment.  The defence in-
dustry is very important to Muslims.   But  because  Muslims
paid  no  attention  to industry, a sophisticated Muslim de-
fence industry is not available.  What is important  to  re-
member  is  that  the  arms  industry  cannot  exist without
thousands of other industries.  All kinds of  knowledge  and
capabilities  are required to invent and produce arms, land,
sea and air transports and spacecrafts.  Muslims must there-
fore master all industries and not just  the  production  of
defence equipments.
12.  Today  we witness with sorrow the killing and torturing
of thousands of Muslims, including the  abuse  of  women  in
Bosnia.    Nothing  can  be  done  by the Muslims because no
Islamic nation has the capability in terms  of  a  sophisti-
cated  and strong military force.  All this is due to a per-
verted view of  modern  industry  and  the  assumption  that
industry  is  not  related to Islam.  Industrialists are not
respected by Islamic society or recognised  as  contributors
to the well being of Islam.
13.  When  Turkey  was  a  world power capable of conquering
large  parts  of  Eastern  Europe,  the  country's  military
modernisation process was hampered because its religious ex-
perts  objected  to the soldiers wearing trousers.  For dec-
ades this  trivial  matter  was  debated  by  the  religious
experts  while the attacks on the Turkish empire were inten-
sified.  Today the wearing of trousers is no longer  a  con-
troversial  religious  issue.   Anyone can wear them.  We do
not become unIslamic just because we wear western  trousers.
But  the time spent on debating the problem had hindered the
process of modernising the Turkish army and its defence  in-
dustry  to  the extent that Turkey lost its empire.  To some
extent the fate of the people of Bosnia Herzegovina today is
due to the polemic over the trousers which had hampered  the
modernization  of  the  Turkish  army.    In  the end, young
Turkish army officers were so frustrated with  the  attitude
of  the  religious  leaders that they blamed religion.  When
they gained power they set up the so-called "Secular Govern-
ment".  Many Muslims are critical of these Turkish officers,
"The Young Turks", for supposedly choosing a secular  system
of  Government.  But before we condemn them it should be re-
membered that at that time the Turkish Sultanate  Government
was so weak that the Western powers planned to divide Turkey
among themselves.  Only the bravery and actions of the Young
Turks  saved Turkey.  Because of this, Turkey, including its
territory in Europe was saved and remained an Islamic state.
14.  What is the relevance of Turkish history to  Islam  and
industry?   Its relevance lies in the fact Muslims are often
distracted by trivialities that  they  forget  their  bigger
problems  and  responsibilities.   We often focus on trivial
issues, yet ignore serious matters like the  Muslims'  capa-
bility  in industry.  True, industries which are established
purely for wealth with no consideration of  service  towards
society  is  not  compatible  with the Islamic ethics.   But
Muslim entrepreneurs can always emphasise the  services  as-
pect and what industry could do to the society.  Profits may
be  enjoyed,  but  profits too must be spent on Research and
Development so that the service rendered  could  be  further
improved  and made cheaper.  In this way, more profits could
actually be obtained.  But this does not mean that  industry
should  be regarded by the Muslims as a charity.  Legitimate
and reasonable profits are permissible in Islam.    But  the
service  aspects  must  be emphasised.   With this, industry
will be more acceptable to the Islamic community.    Regard-
less  of  the Muslims' stance on industry, we should realise
that although industry, which is  being  controlled  by  non
Muslims,  has no religious objectives, it can indeed destroy
the Muslims.  Cases in point are Bosnia and West Asia.
15.  Industry will continue to play a role as a provider  of
services  needed  by society.  No industry can be successful
if it does not supply something that is needed  by  society.
A  food  entrepreneur is no less important than an entrepre-
neur in heavy or sophisticated industry in terms of  service
to the community.  If we can look at industry from this per-
spective,  that  is  from the perspective of the supplier of
services, then the role of industry  to  Muslims  and  Islam
would  be  better  understood and supported.  Indeed Muslims
who venture into an industry would  be  more  aware  of  its
links  to  religion if they look at industry as a service to
society and religion.  In considering industry as a service,
focus should be made not only on  wealth  and  profits,  but
also  on  the  quality  and value of services provided.   If
Muslim entrepreneurs have this character  and  approach  to-
wards  industry,  inevitably  their  industries would become
more developed in terms of quality and  profits.    And  why
not?   Goods produced by entrepreneurs who wish to give ser-
vice in addition to obtaining profits,  will  definitely  be
more  sophisticated,  and have better quality and be reason-
ably priced.  Customers would prefer to  buy  sophisticated,
good  quality and reasonably priced goods.  To regard an in-
dustry as a service is not only consistent with the  Islamic
viewpoint  towards any venture and wealth, but will actually
contribute towards success.
16.  If we accept industry as a service to the ummah and re-
ligion, I am confident there  would  be  an  enhancement  of
Muslim  interest  in industry.   With this, various types of
industries, researches, acquisition  of  knowledge  and  the
creation  of  a  noble  attitude could be promoted among the
Islamic countries and among Muslims.  God willing, this will
also make Islamic nations and Muslims more  progressive  and
successful  as  well as ensure that the Islamic religion and
Muslims are more respected.
17.  Seen from this angle, this Conference  is  crucial  and
timely.    Muslims  should  regard  industry  as  a means to
strengthen the Muslim states and the Muslims  so  that  they
are  better  respected  and capable of defending themselves.
Ignorant Muslims cannot contribute towards the greatness  of
Islam.   On the other hand industrial capability, as well as
the extensive command of all kinds  of  knowledge  necessary
for  industrialisation, will make Islam and Muslims more re-
18.  The negative view and attitude of the  Muslims  towards
industry  will not only be unprofitable for them but will in
fact be against Islam and its teachings.  The time has  come
for Muslims to mould an approach and attitude towards indus-
try that is truly Islamic.
19.  I hope this Conference will be able to shape Muslim at-
titude  towards  industrialisation  which is consistent with
Islam.  If this attitude can be moulded, then  numerous  ef-
forts  could  be made to ensure that Muslims are able to own
and manage industries effectively and will benefit Islam and
all the Muslims.
20.  On this note, in the name of Allah, the  Most  Gracious
and Most Merciful I declare this Conference officially open.
     Wabillahitaufik       walhidayah,      wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

