Tempat/Venue 	: 	TASHKENT 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	31/03/93 

 Your Excellency President Islam Karimov,
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I wish at the very outset to express my great  personal
pleasure at being in Uzbekistan  at  a  time  of  historical
renewal.  The memory of my first  visit  to  your  beautiful
country in 1987 remains fresh in my mind.  It is appropriate
that I take this opportunity, on behalf  of  the  Government
and   people  of  Malaysia,  to  congratulate  you  on  your
assertion of sovereignty and  independence  and  to  welcome
your active participation within the community of nations. 
2.  I wish to express my sincere appreciation for  the  warm
hospitality and kind reception which has been accorded to my
wife and I  and  my  delegation  during  our  stay  in  your
beautiful country.  I hope this  visit  will  pave  the  way
for mutually beneficial relations between our two countries.
It is for
important leaders of the Malaysian business community. Their
task  will  be  that  of  developing  trade  and  investment
cooperation with the business community in your country.
Your Excellency,
3.  The world has witnessed more revolutionary changes  with
in the last three years than have taken  place  in  all  the
changes have
world order, based
mutual respect and
old and new, rich and
to miss this historic opportunity to benefit from the easing
of ten sions resulting
4.  The national and international challenge at the turn  of
the 20th Century is largely to  harmonise  global,  regional
and  national  structural  changes.  There  must  be  global
consolidation   in   the   next   century,   since    global
fragmentation brings only danger to  our  planet.   Malaysia
believes that global consolidation could be achieved through
consensus and consent.  In this regard,  we  have  supported
the United Nations (UN) at every turn.   We believe the U.N.
system provides the appropriate  mechanism  for  creating  a
more equitable world
concert to ensure that
5. While we welcome unity in the Community of Nations in the
political arena  in  the  immediate  past,  making  possible
settlement of several long standing  conflicts  in  Southern
Africa,  Kampuchea,  Afghanistan,  Angola  and  Somalia,  we
cannot but be disturbed at the recent  apparent  failure  of
resolve at coping with newer conflicts no less deserving  of
our attention  as  represented  by  the  tragedy  in  Bosnia
Herzegovina.  At  no  time  has  the  world  witnessed  such
blatant violations  of human rights and yet failed to extend
meaningful help. 
6.  We see the same disturbing failure of resolve at  coping
with the challenge of a  more  open  global  trading  system
beneficial for all.  Although Malaysia is a relatively small
country, we are nevertheless a substantial  trading  nation.
Our prosperity depends on our trading relations  with  other
countries all over the world, both  large  and  small.  Much
benefit is derived from trading relations between countries.
It is for this reason  that  we  have  endeavoured  to  open
trading relations with as many countries, in as many regions
strengthening economic and trade relations with your country
, on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.  Let us  work
together as partners for our prosperity. 
7.  Your country is  embarking  on  economic  and  political
reforms. We fully support your efforts.  I believe that  our
two countries can usefully share and benefit from each other
's experiences.  Since achieving our independence  35  years
ago,  Malaysia has transformed its  economy.  From  being  a
raw-material exporter we are  now  a  leading  manufacturing
centre and exporter of manufactured goods.  We would be very
happy  to  share  with  your  country  our  experience   and
expertise,   especially   in  such   areas  as  agricultural
management, privatisation and  industrial  development.  For
this purpose,  Malaysia has established an ongoing  economic
and technical  cooperation  programme  with  all  developing
countries. We welcomed recently participants from Uzbekistan
at the Malaysian Institute of Diplomacyand Foreign Relations
.  This we  hope  is  the  beginning  of  more  such  mutual
participation in other  areas  of  training  where  our  two
countries have  proven experience and expertise.     
8.    I  observed  earlier  that  the  world  is  undergoing
revolutionary changes, with  new patterns  of  regional  and
international   cooperation    emerging.   While   bilateral
relations and bilateral cooperation  play an important  role
in developing peaceful relations between  nations,  regional
cooperation  has  become  even   more   relevant.   Our  own
experience with the Association of South-East Asian  Nations
(ASEAN)  exemplify  this.   I  believe  that  the   Economic
Cooperation Organisation  (ECO)  and  the   Organisation  of
Heads of State of Central Asia convened by President Karimov
could  also play a vital role inensuring peace and  security
and in bringing about  greater  development  and  prosperity
throughout the region.  Malaysia and ASEAN would be happy to
share our experiences  in  regional  cooperation  with  your
Your Excellency,
9. My wife and I will take home with us  as  many  pleasant
memories of our stay  in  your  beautiful  country  on  this
occasion as we did during our previous visit in 1987. May I,
once again, on behalf of my wife and my delegation take this
opportunity to express  our  sincere  appreciation  for
hospitality  and  warm  reception  accorded  to  us 
Government  and the people of Uzbekistan.  Thank you.

