Tarikh/Date : 30/04/93
It is a pleasure for me and my wife to be invited
to this dinner organised by the Malaysia China
Friendship Association for the honour
2. In accepting the appointment as patron of MCFA, I
have given consideration to the purpose and value
of such an Association in
3. political and cultural relationship with China.
Over the course of in search of trade. Because of
the monsoons many stayed back to await favourable
weather. Some started to do onshore business and
very so on many stayed back for longer periods and
even permanently. Since the sailors and traders did
not include women, many married locals and
accepted local customs and language. Soon a
distinctive Chinese Malay culture evolved and these
people came to be known as Babas and Nyonyas. They
blended very well with the local Malays and lived
harmoniously with them.
4. culture. This distinct blending was found mainly
in Malacca and later in Singapore and Penang. Since
the numbers were never very the Malays or to their
culture. The Babas dan Nyonyas also did not feel
that they were forgetting their Chinese identity.
5. Then came the British. Almost immediately they
began to identify the Babas and Nyonyas as a
separate group. They were classified as Straits
Chinese. Through the spread of English as a language
of administration and commerce, the Straits Chinese
were reduced. to the extent that the Babas and Nyonyas
came to regard them selves as British formed the
Straits themselves to be the King's Chinese. The gulf
between the Malays and the Babas widened.
6. The activities. They consequently encouraged
mass immigration of Chinese from mainland China.
These immigrants came so rapidly that they had no
time to integrate either with the Straits actively
7. Chinese of each other. Most Chinese sincerely
felt they were Malayan citizens while the Malays
felt they were aliens. Normally this would result
in continuous racial conflicts which would destroy
the country. This is what happens to most countries
with a multi racial population.
8. But fortunately for Malaysia, good sense prevailed
both among the Malays as well as the Chinese
Malaysians. Except for the racial riots in 1969,
the races in Malaysia have lived, if not totally
harmoniously, at least peacefully. The original
racial confrontation has given way to sensible
debates and consultations. The attempts by some
to win support through response. The majority of
the people prefer cooperation to confrontation and
are happy to forget racial origins in the larger
interest of the nation.
9. It is as an independent nation that we conduct
foreign policy now. The people of Malaysia belong
here. Their origins As much as their roots should
not divide them, their roots too should not be the
dominant basis of their relations with other
10. Because_of ideological differences, the
relationship between Malaysia and China was, for a
long time, not as good as it should Today, the
is very much
11. China with roots in denied. affinities. If
that is not a bad thing.
12. Malaysia also recognises China as an
independent nation. accepted. But China is based
on their being Malaysians, albeit with Chinese
roots. If this contributes towards easier contacts
and understanding it is
13. _The time has now come to maximise the positive
aspects of land China. the linkages and the
friendship of Malaysian and Chinese peoples. Today
Malaysians are investing and helping to develop
China. On the other hand, China with its 1.2
billion people is the biggest oil. The Chinese are
also investing and proposing many joint venture
projects in Malaysia.
14. The economic linkages and interaction between
China and the benefit of both countries. In order
that there should be greater greater cooperation
body such as the MCFA is
15. position to take initiatives without
committing the governments. It will not be
hamstrung by bureaucratic redtape or formalities. On
the other hand, if its initiative is contrary to
official policies, it will not be difficult to
reverse it or to drop it.
16. for Nothing facilitates trade more than the
closeness of the relationship between the
individuals doing the business. Doing business
with total strangers is fraught with all kinds of
17. The Association can provide a forum for
individuals in Malaysia who are interested in China,
to meet. A counterpart Association in China can
provide similar facilities for Chinese nationals in
China. The contact and interaction between the two
for Malaysian and
18. On the other hand, the Association can
provide information on China in order to increase the
knowledge of Malaysians about things Chinese. This
should include the culture and way of life of the
Chinese. There is no doubt that such knowledge will
not only promote friendship and understanding but
will also facilitate commerce and trade.
Misunderstandings too can be eliminated or tackled
19. Ideologically we are still different. But
Malaysia's policy is to ignore these differences in
the conduct of her foreign relations. As much as we
do not wish to export or impose our ideology on
others, we are sure others, including China, will not
want to propagate its ideology here. Nor should we
want to interfere in the internal affairs of each
other. These parameters need to be understood and
propagated by the MCFA.
20. As much as the Malaysian Chinese have a special
interest in China, Malays have a special interest in
the Muslims of China. It is a matter of constant
surprise for the Malays to find that Malays in help
foster understanding and friendship between the two
21. China's acceptance of the principles of
peaceful coexistence is most significant. Disputes
will arise between the best of based on agreed
principles, resolutions are much more likely.
Malaysia is less apprehensive about possible
disputes because of the principles which govern
China's foreign relations. Malaysia of course has
always adhered to these principles.
22. I foresee the development of greater
cooperation between the governments of Malaysia and
China in the future as the economies of our two
countries expand. At the same time there will
inevitably be more contacts between the peoples of
our two countries. Whether through government or
private sponsorship, these exchanges of visits will
bring benefits to both sides. For example, over the
last one year, private corporations in Malaysia have
extended invitations to Chinese state and provincial
delegations to study our market economy and city
systems. Malaysia will benefit a great deal from
Chinese scientific and technological developments,
including advances in traditional herbal
medicine. Now that we have a MCFA, I hope the
informal linkages which already existed in the private
sector, would be further strengthened to foster
friendship and cooperation with China.
23. I the Chairman of the MCFA and to the members of
the committee for their efforts in forming the
Association. Thank you.