Tempat/Venue 	: 	TIRANA, ALBANIA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	12/07/93 

 H.E. Aleksander Meksi, The Prime Minister of Albania;
Madam Durata Meksi;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Malaysia  and  Albania   had   established   diplomatic
relations twelve years ago.  However, we knew very little of
each other and had little to do with each other.  More often
than  not,  when  Albania  was  mentioned,  one of your most
celebrated  daughters  and  a  Nobel  Prize  Winner,  Mother
Theresa came  to  mind.   Nevertheless, for most Malaysians,
Albania seems such a far and distant place.
2.   That   we   are   here   together  today  represents  a
significant  milestone in our  relations,  ushered in by the
dramatic political  and  economic  changes  that  have taken
place in  Albania very recently.  My wife and I, and members
of my delegation are therefore very delighted to be in  this
country, bringing with us the greetings of friendship of the
government  and  people of  Malaysia to the  government  and
people of Albania.
3.   At this juncture,  I  wish  to  express  to  you,  Your
Excellency,  our  deep appreciation for the warm welcome and
kind  hospitality  that have  been  accorded to us since our
arrival.  The excellent  arrangements  you  have  made  have
given  us the opportunity to  appreciate the beauty of  your
country, to  understand  the  policy changes that have  been
introduced under your government and to assess the  possible
areas  of  cooperation  between  our  two  countries.
Your Excellency,
4.   This  morning  I have had  very useful discussions with
H.E.  the President as well as with you and other members of
the Council of Ministers.  I am now better  acquainted  with
your  government's  policies  and  programmes  for Albania's
economic   development  in  order  to  bring   progress  and
prosperity  to the people in an  atmosphere of  freedom  and
democracy.  It is indeed a daunting task  to  undertake -- a
task that not only  requires  enormous capital and  know-how
but also a new frame of mind and attitude.   My own country,
Malaysia,  had gone  through  such  an experience when, upon
becoming independent in 1957,  it had to undertake a  series
of  development  programmes  to  alleviate  poverty  and  to
transform the economy from  mere dependence on the export of
primary commodities  to  one  that  is  diversified,  with a
strong emphasis on  processing and manufacturing industries.
5.   Our  efforts  succeeded due to a combination of several
factors, among them are the  right  policies,  hardwork  and
discipline,  political  stability  and  the  ability  of the
different ethnic  and  religious groups  that  make  up  the
Malaysian  population  to  work together as a nation.  Today
the people of Malaysia  are  enjoying  one  of  the  highest
standards  of  living  among developing countries and we are
confident of achieving our  goal  of  becoming  a  developed
country  by the year 2020.  We have accumulated considerable
experience and expertise in different  aspects  of  economic
management  and  planning  including  the  privatisation  of
government industries.  Should you think that our experience
will  be  of  benefit to Albania, we are ready to share them
with you and provide training to Albanians in specific areas
where we have the expertise under our Technical  Cooperation
6.   As a country that has an open economy and practises the
free  enterprise  system, Malaysia has a very active private
sector  that  has  made   significant  contribution  to  the
country's  economic development.   Malaysian businessmen and
entrepreneurs   are  encouraged  to  seek  new  markets  and
invest overseas  in  projects  that  could bring benefits to
Malaysia and the countries concerned.   We  shall  encourage
our private sector to look at the various  opportunities  to
participate in the economic development of  Albania  through
investment and joint-ventures in areas that are now open  to
foreign  participation.
Your Excellency,
7.   The  end  of the Cold War had given rise to fresh hopes
and expectations of global peace and  stability  and  a  new
world   order.   Unfortunately   such  optimism proved to be
premature.  Several long-standing issues  remain  unresolved
while  new  regional  and  sub-regional conflicts emerged in
various parts of the world.  The disintegration of  the  old
world  order  had  brought  to surface previously suppressed
ethnic nationalist sentiments,  intolerance  and  rivalries.
No  where  are  such  developments  more  pronounced that in
Bosnia-Herzegovina where blatant aggression  and  the  drive
for  ethnic  supremacy  by  the  Serbs  is  leading  to  the
destruction  and  annihilation of  an entire group of people
and nation.
8.    Albania's  close proximity to this horrendous scene of
genocide and ethnic  cleansing  understandably  causes  your
country  acute  concern  as it  does to us in Malaysia.  The
unwillingness of the  major  powers  to  take  resolute  and
decisive action  to  put  an  end to  this  open  aggression
against  the   independence,   sovereignty  and  territorial
integrity of Bosnia-Herzegovina  and the  blatant  abuse  of
human   rights   of  the    Bosnian   people,   is   totally
incomprehensible and unacceptable.
9.   Malaysia also shares Albania's anxiety and concern over
other developments in the former Yugoslavia, especially  the
situation in Kosovo where the population, mostly of Albanian
descent,  are  under  tremendous  pressure by the Serbs.  We
agree that preventive action should  be  initiated  for  the
peace and stability of the Balkans and the region.
Your Excellency,
10.    In conclusion, I wish to once again thank you for the
kind and gracious hospitality accorded to my wife and I,  as
well  as  to  members of the Malaysian delegation.  This has
been a memorable `getting-to-know-you' visit for all  of  us
and  I hope it will be the beginning of  more  contacts  and
exchanges between our two countries.   I look forward to the
pleasure  of  reciprocating  your  generous  hospitality  in

