Tarikh/Date 	: 	13/09/93 

     It is a pleasure  to be  here  today on the occasion of
the official  opening  of  the  14th  Commonwealth  Forestry
Conference.   Let me, first of all, thank the organisers for
inviting me to address and officiate  the  opening  of  this
conference.    Let me also extend a very warm welcome to all
our  guests  and  participants  and  wish  them  a  fruitful
conference and a pleasant stay.
2.   We have all witnessed how forestry has today emerged as
a  dominant  issue high on the list of both the domestic and
international  agenda.    As  a  country  with   substantial
tropical  forests,  Malaysia  has  consistently  voiced  her
concern over any unrestrained exploitation.   The issue  has
to  be  viewed  in its right perspective and approached in a
balanced and holistic manner, taking into account  not  only
the  inter-relationship between environment and development,
but also between forest and non-forest  issues  as  well  as
between tropical and non-tropical forests.
3.   Environmental problems confronting the  world today are
a  result  of  global  pollution  for  which  the  developed
countries   are   mainly    responsible.   Deforestation  in
the  tropics   occurs   much   later   than  the  widespread
destruction  of  non-tropical forests in developed countries
due to the agricultural and industrial revolutions  as  well
as  the  expansionist  past of these countries.  Problems of
sustainability beset not only tropical forests but also  all
other  types  of  forests  which  have  suffered  from  past
destruction and are in danger of continuous degradation  and
decline   from  acid  rains,  pollution  and  fires.    More
importantly, the underlying causes of tropical deforestation
are not orderly logging but rather poverty, indebtedness  as
well  as  the  needs for fuel and land for agriculture, food
and shelter.
4.   Our quest  for a balanced and fair  approach  to  these
global  issues  on  forestry  has now been acknowledged.  In
fact, it was reflected in the Langkawi  Declaration  on  the
environment  adopted by the Commonwealth Heads of Government
Meeting (CHOGM) in Kuala Lumpur in October 1989.
5.   The momentum gained from the Langkawi  Declaration  was
consolidated  in  the  Paris  Declaration passed by the 10th
World Forestry Congress in 1991, which addressed  all  types
of  forests in the world in the desired holistic way.  Among
other things the declaration called  on  decision-makers  to
commit  themselves  to  the  greening  of  the  world, limit
emission of greenhouse gases  and  pollutants  and  increase
financial provisions to offset losses incurred by developing
6.   More than a year has passed since the forest principles
were  adopted.   Apart from the decision taken by the United
Nations  Commission  on  Sustainable  Development  (CSD)  to
review   forestry   related  matters  under  its  multi-year
thematic work programme at its session in  1995,  there  has
been  no  significant implementation of these principles and
other UNCED decisions on forestry.  The initiative  for  the
establishment  of an independent world commission on forests
and sustainable development appears  to  have  faltered  for
lack  of  support  from many countries.   Yet, the necessary
preparations have to be put in place to ensure a substantive
and fruitful review by the CSD in 1995.  Given the heavy and
wide-ranging work programme of the CSD and that forests have
emerged as an issue which demands our urgent  attention  and
action,  it  is  imperative  that an inter-governmental task
force on forestry be established under the aegis of the  CSD
to  undertake  the  necessary preparations and consultations
for the CSD review in 1995.  This is a more constructive way
to push for  the  effective  implementation  of  the  entire
post-UNCED agenda on global forestry.
7.   Despite  efforts  to  develop and adopt a more balanced
and  holistic  framework  for   global   forestry,   general
perceptions,  attitudes  and thinking of developed countries
are still focused on tropical forests.  Promises for new and
additional resources and the transfer of  technology  remain
basically  unfulfilled.    Tropical forests continue to face
unfair scrutiny and conditionalities while  tropical  timber
is subjected to mounting pressures and threats of labelling,
bans and boycotts.
8.   The  only  set  of  internationally agreed standards on
sustainability in  existence  is  the  one  adopted  by  the
International  Tropical  Timber  Organisation  (ITTO)  which
applies exclusively to tropical forests.    Tropical  forest
countries  which  are  members of ITTO have also given their
commitment to the  attainment  of  the  ITTO  sustainability
target  by  the  year  2000.    What bothers us most is that
non-tropical forests and timbers which compete with tropical
timber in the same international timber market are not being
subjected at all to any internationally agreed standards and
commitment to sustainability.  Yet we know that the practice
of clear felling of miles and  miles  of  temperate  forests
causes   more   environmental  damage  than  the  controlled
selective logging practised in tropical forests.
9.   This  is  a  glaring  case   of  double  standards  and
a clear  contradiction  to  the  decisions  of  UNCED.    It
requires  immediate  redress.   In the on-going negotiations
for a successor  agreement  to  the  International  Tropical
Timber Agreement (ITTA) 1983, producer members have proposed
the  expansion  of  the  scope of the agreement to cover all
timbers, so that non-tropical timbers can  be  subjected  to
the   same  sustainability  criteria  and  all  problems  of
discrimination  and  double  standards  can  be  effectively
eliminated.    Not  surprisingly,  this  proposal  has  been
rejected by consumers of the North.
10.   The truth is consumers in the North have been dragging
their  feet  on  the  issue  of  the sustainability of their
non-tropical forests and timbers  and  have  not  shown  any
serious  and sincere intention to make a concrete commitment
to the sustainability of  their  forests  even  outside  the
ITTA.   A recent effort by the ministerial conference on the
protection  of  forest  in  Europe  at  Helsinki  has   been
criticised  as  being  too  little  too  late  and seriously
lacking in clarity, substantiveness and time-frame.  Forests
are renewable natural resources and developed countries  can
redeem  themselves  by  raising  their  forest  cover  to  a
respectable  level  through,  perhaps,  the  conversion   to
forests  of their heavily subsidised farms which are causing
grievous harm to unsubsidised commodity export of developing
11.   The 14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference is the first
being  held after the historic Earth Summit which took place
in Rio last year.   In view  of  this  and  considering  its
pioneer  effort  in  promoting  a  balanced  approach to the
global issues of forest and environment through the Langkawi
Declaration, the Commonwealth is well placed to  once  again
lead   by   example  in  the  implementation  of  the  UNCED
decisions.   Uncertainties clouding  some  of  the  existing
international  efforts  on  forestry, including the Tropical
Forestry Action Programme (TFAP), give further  credence  to
this emerging opportunity.
12.   On  the  basis  of  this need, I would like to suggest
that  the   initiative    be   launched  to  streamline  the
implementation  of  the  UNCED  forest principles within the
Commonwealth with emphasis on the following:
     (a)  Acceptance by all that states have  the  sovereign
          right to exploit and manage their forest resources
          on  a  sustainable  basis  taking into account the
          need  for  social and economic development as well
          as  the  protection  of  the   forests   and   the
     (b)  Sustainable     forest     management    and   the
          sustainability criteria should be made  applicable
          to all types of forests and timbers;
     (c)  Efforts towards the greening of the  world  should
          be the main responsibility of those countries with
          low   forest  cover  and  should be pursued in the
          context  of increasing the world's forest cover to
          30 percent of its land area by the year 2000;
     (d)  Developing countries should be provided  with  new
          and  additional  resources  and be given access to
          environmentally-sound  technologies  on favourable
          terms  in  order  to  enhance  their  capacity  to
          sustainably manage,  conserve  and  develop  their
     (e)  The   promotion  of  a  supportive   international
          economic  climate   and  trade in  forest products
          based  on  non-discriminatory   and   multilateral
          agreed  rules  and  procedures,  as  well  as  the
          removal  of  tariff and  non-tariff  barriers  and
          impediments to trade in forest products; and
     (f)  The conservation and sustainable use of biological
          diversity  as  provided  for  in the convention of
          biological diversity should take cognisance of the
          importance  of  forests,   particularly   tropical
          forests, as  the  main  repository  of terrestrial
13.  Malaysia has been known for her outspokenness on global
issues  concerning  forests  and the environment.  Following
our active participation in the negotiations  at  UNCED,  we
have  stepped  up  our national efforts towards implementing
the decisions of UNCED.  These include conducting a national
seminar on the follow-up to the Rio Earth Summit, signing of
the framework convention on  climate  change,  incorporating
sustainable    development   into   the   governmental   and
administrative framework, formulating a national action plan
on biological diversity and assuming the first  chairmanship
of the CSD.
14.  On forestry, our forest and tree cover remain at almost
60  percent and more than 70 percent respectively and we are
fully committed to our pledge  of  retaining  a  minimum  50
percent  level  of  forest and tree cover in perpetuity.  In
this connection, our Permanent Forest Estate (PFE) has  been
expanded  from  12.7  million  to 14.1 million hectares.   A
total of 4.7 million hectares of  forests  outside  the  PFE
representing  14.3  percent of the total land area, has been
dedicated   for   the   protection   of   biodiversity   and
environment.   The National Forestry Policy has been updated
in 1992 and we have recently amended the  National  Forestry
Act  to  strengthen  its provisions and to introduce stiffer
penalties for forest offences.   The  state  of  Sarawak  is
adjusting   its   log  production  in  accordance  with  the
recommendations of the Cranbrook  Report  by  1994  and  has
undertaken  specific  programmes  to cater for the needs and
welfare of the indigenous people who are directly  dependent
on  the forests.   At the international level, Malaysia as a
member of  ITTO,  has  given  her  full  commitment  to  the
attainment  of  the  ITTO  sustainability target by the year
2000, and is involved in collaborative work in forestry on a
bilateral basis with a number of countries including  Japan,
United  Kingdom,  Germany,  New  Zealand, Canada, the United
States and Sweden.
15.   I  believe  that  on  the  basis  of  these  measures,
Malaysia is in a good position  to  fulfill  her  commitment
towards   the   sustainable   management,  conservation  and
development of her forests.  This should give us the courage
and confidence to meet the challenges  and  developments  in
global forestry in the years to come.
16.   With these remarks, ladies and gentlemen, I have great
pleasure in declaring open the  14th  Commonwealth  Forestry


