Tarikh/Date : 25/03/94
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to welcome Your
Excellency and the distinguished members of your delegation
to Malaysia. I hope that you have a pleasant stay in our
country. I recall fondly my own visit to your country in
April 1992 during which I had the opportunity of meeting
2. I am happy to note that bilateral relations between our
two countries are developing in an excellent manner. This
is evident in the frequent exchange of visits between the
leaders and officials of both countries in recent years.
Your visit is another manifestation of the close relations
that exist between our two countries. Through the exchange
of visits, both sides are able to have constant dialogue,
thus promoting goodwill and understanding which are
essential ingredients for closer friendship and cooperation
between neighbouring countries.
3. The efforts on both sides in promoting bilateral
relations and cooperation during the last few years have
brought about many positive results. We can be proud of
this achievement. We should strive to maintain and further
develop the relationship. Cooperation between our two
countries can be expanded further to cover other areas.
4. There is a distinct increase in trade between Malaysia
and Vietnam over the last two years. Our total bilateral
trade which stood at RM235.4 million in 1991 increased to
RM473 million for the first nine months of 1993. The scope
is wide for a further increase in the volume of trade. The
conclusion of the Bilateral Payments Arrangement (BPA)
between the two countries has to a large extent contributed
to this increase. This shows that the BPA is an innovative
and viable mechanism for promoting trade between and among
developing countries.
5. Malaysia recognises and admires the vast potential for
Vietnam's economic growth and development. Vietnam has an
abundance of natural resources. Its people are hardworking.
We believe we can form a genuine partnership in various
economic activities for mutual benefit. It is with this in
mind that the Malaysian Government has encouraged Malaysians
to invest in Vietnam. I am glad that they have responded
well. I am also glad that there has been an equally
positive and enthusiastic response from Vietnam. Over the
last two years, Malaysian companies have undertaken to
invest close to US$426 million in Vietnam. I am happy to
note that a Malaysian consortium has successfully begun the
development of an Export Processing Zone in Danang with its
official launching three days ago on 22 March. I am glad
that Malaysians have been entrusted to undertake this
project. We believe this can contribute much to the
development of Vietnam's economy. There are other projects
in which Malaysian companies are involved or have shown
interest in. I hope that the Vietnamese Government would
continue to give positive consideration to Malaysian
participation in these projects.
6. Malaysia follows with great interest the efforts to
promote economic development that are being undertaken in
Vietnam. These efforts have already brought about some
impressive results. I am sure that with the correct
approach and sound policies, the Vietnamese Government can
bring about more significant economic achievements.
Malaysia welcomes the decision by President Clinton to lift
the American trade embargo on Vietnam in February this year.
This is good for both America and Vietnam. It should create
a more favourable condition for Vietnam to continue with the
current efforts to develop. I am confident that with your
pragmatic approach and strong commitment to development,
peace and stability, Vietnam will grow and prosper like the
rest of South-east Asia. We in Malaysia believe that the
prosperity of our neighbours are closely linked to our own
prosperity. Hence, we see the necessity for maintaining
close cooperation with all countries in South-east Asia. In
recent years we have witnessed some very positive
developments contributing towards greater peace and
stability in the region. In this connection, Vietnam's
accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in
South-east Asia and ASEAN's decision to grant observer
status to Vietnam at ASEAN Ministerial Meetings are
significant developments in your country's relations with
the other countries in the region. This offers excellent
prospects for long term cooperative association between
Vietnam and its neighbours in South-east Asia leading
eventually to Vietnam's own membership within ASEAN. I
should again reiterate my view that all the ten South-east
Asian countries should eventually become members of ASEAN.
7. Given the changes and developments politically,
economically and technologically throughout the world, there
is an even greater need to preserve understanding,
strengthen goodwill and nurture cooperation among nations in
our region. We must create the conditions which will enable
us to move forward to meet the various challenges. The
fostering of friendship and good neighbourliness among us
would contribute to a stable, peaceful and prosperous
region. We should speak with one voice on issues of common
concern. We should endeavour to resolve problems among
ourselves in a peaceful manner. We should cooperate in all
areas which will bring mutual benefit. We must realise the
dream of a peaceful, stable and united South-east Asian
8. Once again I wish to express my hope that your visit to
Malaysia will be an enjoyable and meaningful one and that
the reception and hospitality extended to you and members of
your delegation will not be found wanting.