Tarikh/Date : 04/04/94
It is an honour and a privilege for me, on behalf of
the Malaysian government, to welcome you as well as members
of your delegation to Malaysia. This is the first time that
we have the honour of receiving a Prime Minister from Sweden
and we are indeed pleased at the opportunity to reciprocate
the hospitality and warm reception extended by the Swedish
government and people to both myself as well as my
predecessors during our visits to your lovely country.
2. I hope that during your short visit here you will be
able to observe for yourself how Malaysia's multiracial
society lives and our efforts at nation-building and
economic development.
3. This morning we have had a very fruitful discussion on
a wide range of issues of mutual interest and concern.
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between
Malaysia and Sweden, both our countries have enjoyed
friendly relations which have gradually expanded over the
years, bilaterally as well as multi-laterally.
4. Today, among the Scandinavian countries, Sweden ranks as
Malaysia's largest trading partner and there are significant
Swedish investments in Malaysia. The modernity and
sophistication of Swedish technology is world renowned and
we certainly look forward to learning from you as we
intensify our industrialisation efforts. In this regard,
the initiative of Swedish companies in Malaysia to establish
a Malaysia-Sweden Scholarship Fund is indeed commendable,
enabling Malaysians to acquire practical training and
hi-tech knowhow from Sweden.
5. Today, Southeast Asia is at peace with itself and the
rest of the world. We now have the opportunity to
concentrate our energies on achieving stability and
6. Southeast Asia is among the few fortunate regions to
benefit from the ending of the Cold War. The same is
happening to the Nordic region where the Baltic republics
are seeking reintegration with their western neighbours.
Regrettably, in the Balkan region, Serbian aggression and
extreme nationalism has thrown Bosnia-Herzegovina into
senseless conflict and turmoil, which may well extend to
Kosovo and Macedonia.
7. Malaysia appreciates that Sweden has contributed
generously to the UN peacekeeping and humanitarian relief
efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Malaysia too has deployed
1,500 soldiers in Bosnia under UNPROFOR. This together with
our active participation in practically all United Nations
peacekeeping activities reflect our belief in collective
responsibility to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of member states. As a small nation Malaysia is
well aware that we are not free from such threats.
8. Recent developments on the Bosnian situation have given
rise to a glimmer of hope for normalcy and peace for that
tragic nation. However, we must not deceive ourselves into
any premature celebration. A durable peace can only be
achieved if the European powers are prepared to let deeds
follow words. It is the shooting down of few Serbian
aircraft that delivered the message. But for that the
massacres would have gone on.
9. Malaysia has also noted with interest the recent
completion of the negotiation process in the application of
Sweden, as well as Austria, Finland and Norway to join the
European Union (EU). An enlarged European Union, stretching
into the Arctic Circle and the borders of Russia, with a
single market of over 370 million people presents us with an
enormous challenge and opportunity of increased trade and
cooperation. We hope that Swedish participation in the EU
would lead to a more liberal economic approach by the EU
internationally. As trading nations, our future well-being
depends very much upon open and unmanaged international
10. We should therefore welcome the recent agreement in the
GATT negotiations and the proposal for a World Trading
Organisation. We hope that everyone will abide by the terms
of the agreement. It would be disastrous if some were to
renege or take unilateral action.
11. A developing country like Malaysia has very few
comparative advantages. When we industrialise we have to
pay interest on foreign capital, royalty on foreign
technology, taxes to penetrate the markets of the rich and
considerable amounts on consultancy. Our sole advantage is
our lower cost of labour, made possible by our low cost of
living. We have to forego many luxuries, and even some
12. If this sole advantage is taken away from us then we
will not be able to develop much less catch up with the
developed countries. Yet there have been talks of levelling
the playing field by removing the labour cost advantage we
13. I would like to point out that a level playing field is
only meaningful if the contestants are of comparable
strength. But a level playing field is meaningless for
midgets competing against giants. We of the developing
countries are midgets and can find no solace in levelling
the playing field without cutting down the giants to size.
14. In conclusion, may I once again express our pleasure in
having you and members of your delegation with us this