Tarikh/Date 	: 	16/04/94 

 Your Excellency Mr. Khamtay Siphandone
and Madame Thongvanh Siphandone;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    It  is  a  great  honour for my wife and I to have been
invited to visit your beautiful country.  We feel privileged
to be  here  at  a  time  when  the  Lao  people  are  still
celebrating the Lao New Year.  Please allow me then, on this
auspicious  occasion,  to  wish  Your  Excellency  and Madam
Thongvanh as well as the Government and people  of  the  Lao
People's Democratic Republic a very happy and prosperous New
2.     I would also like to take this opportunity to express
my appreciation to your Excellency and your  Government  for
the  warm  reception, hospitality and excellent arrangements
accorded to me and my delegation.   We are  touched  by  the
warmth  and friendliness of your people.  Our stay, although
brief,  would  surely  be  a  most  memorable   one.
3.  I still recall Your Excellency's  visit  to  Malaysia in
December 1992 during which we  exchanged  views  on  various
issues  of  mutual  interest.    I emphasised then that your
visit  would  symbolise  the  beginning  of  a  new  era  in
bilateral   relations   between  Malaysia  and  Laos.    Our
bilateral relations indeed have been  enhanced  considerably
since  then.   There is now better understanding between us.
There is obviously a mutual need to promote  cooperation  in
various  fields.    It is with this objective in mind that I
have accepted your  invitation  to  visit  this  country  to
continue  the  dialogue  we  had  begun.    I  welcome  this
opportunity to engage in further discussions and to exchange
views with Your Excellency.   I am very  encouraged  by  the
outcome  of our meeting earlier today which provides further
impetus for enhancing bilateral relations  between  Malaysia
and Laos.
Your Excellency,
4.   This visit is, for me, a very significant one.  This is
my  first  visit  to Laos.   Indeed, this is the first visit
ever by  a  Malaysian  Prime  Minister  to  this  enchanting
country.  I have included in my delegation Ministers, senior
officials  and  leading  figures  from the Malaysian private
sector.   It  is  my  hope  that  they  will  all  have  the
opportunity  to  learn more about your country and to get to
know Laotians as part of our common effort to create  better
understanding between the peoples of the two countries.
5.   This afternoon, we reviewed the status of our bilateral
relations.    We  also  had  a  useful  exchange of views on
regional and international issues.    We  agreed  that  more
could  be done to strengthen our friendship and cooperation.
Today, we witnessed the signing of  the  Bilateral  Payments
Arrangement  Agreement  (BPA) between the two central banks.
This is another important milestone in  the  development  of
economic  relations  and  the promotion of trade between our
two countries.   The BPA  has  proven  to  be  a  successful
mechanism  for  increasing trade among developing countries.
I am confident that the BPA, together  with  the  Investment
Guarantee Agreement already signed in 1992, would contribute
much  to  our  economic relations.   Malaysian companies are
also confident of the economic policies being pursued by the
Government of your  country.    This  is  reflected  in  the
business  arrangements  between  Malaysian  businessmen  and
their Laotian counterparts.
Your Excellency,
6.    Consistent with our common  desire  to  work  together
closely  within  the  context  of  regional  and South-South
Cooperation, Malaysia will continue to  support  and  assist
Laos  in its development efforts.  A prosperous Laos means a
prosperous Southeast Asia.  And a prosperous Southeast  Asia
is  an  important prerequisite to peace and stability in the
7.    This afternoon, I had the  opportunity  to  visit  the
Friendship  Bridge.    More than a magnificent structure, it
symbolises  friendship  and  cooperation  between  our   two
countries.    The  bridge  represents not only an avenue for
communication and commerce between Laos  and  Thailand,  but
also a vital link between different parts of Southeast Asia.
The  bridge  could  be  the precursor to more vital linkages
that will bring countries in the region much closer in a web
of interlocking  trade  and  economic  relations  and  other
8.      I  foresee  that  with the opening of the Friendship
Bridge, the recent completion of the North-South Highway  in
Malaysia,  the building of a second linkage between Malaysia
and Singapore, the improvement of highways in  Thailand  and
the  future  construction  of  major  road networks in Laos,
Cambodia and Vietnam, there would be an  increased  flow  of
goods and people among the countries concerned.
Your Excellency,
9.     Laos is now an observer in ASEAN.  I believe Laos has
gained  better  insights  into  ASEAN's   organisation   and
structure,  and  the ASEAN way of doing things.  The path is
now clear  for  Laos  to  participate  in  ASEAN  programmes
involving  cooperation  in  various fields.   Malaysia would
most warmly welcome  Laos  when  it  decides  to  eventually
become  a  member  of  ASEAN.   I would again reiterate that
ASEAN would be strengthened by the membership of all the ten
countries of Southeast Asia.
10.  Malaysia and Laos also share a deep commitment  towards
the  pursuit  of international peace and security.  Malaysia
feels strongly that serious efforts should be made to ensure
the continued stability of the East Asian region.   As  such
it is important that all countries cooperate fully to ensure
prosperity and progress for the peoples of this region.
