Tarikh/Date : 27/04/94
Your Excellency President Robert Mugabe;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My wife and I are very happy to be back here in
Zimbabwe. Indeed we have been looking forward to this third
visit in order to renew our acquaintance and to further
strengthen existing ties of friendship and cooperation
between our two countries.
2. On behalf of my wife and my delegation, I would like to
express our gratitude to you Mr. President, the government
and the people of Zimbabwe, for the gracious hospitality
accorded to us since our arrival.
Mr. President,
3. I am happy to note that bilateral relations between
Malaysia and Zimbabwe continue to grow from strength to
strength. Indeed, we have been able to cooperate closely in
a wide variety of fields. Internationally, both our
countries share similar views and perspectives on many
issues. As members of the U.N., Commonwealth, NAM, G-77 and
G-15, we have both sought to contribute to the maintenance
of international peace and security and to the promotion of
economic and social development worldwide. Our shared
aspirations are reflected in our common approaches in the
search for an end to the tragic conflicts in many regions of
the world. Malaysia, like Zimbabwe, is a fervent supporter
of UN in its role to maintain international peace and
security. We have and continue to support UN peace-keeping
efforts. While we firmly support the centrality of the UN's
role in international affairs, we believe that the process
of democratisation of international relations and
institutions must not stop short of a restructuring of the
U.N. Security Council to better reflect the changing
circumstances of the world today.
4. As regards the exchange of visits between our two
countries, I am happy to note the increasing momentum that
have brought about more intensive contacts and interactions
between our peoples. These exchanges have not only
broadened and deepened the areas of cooperation in education
and training between us but have also showed positive
results in our economic relations. Malaysia is firmly
committed to further enhancing its economic and trading ties
with Zimbabwe. We are therefore equally serious in wanting
to share technical expertise with each other. This is
consistent with our commitment towards realising the full
potentials of South-South Cooperation.
5. The fourth G-15 Summit held in New Delhi last month
further underlined the need for countries of the South to
cooperate in order to safeguard their interests. While the
pattern of global trade and financial flow is still heavily
inclined in the North- South direction, our ability and
readiness to effect South-South Cooperation will contribute
significantly not only to our economic growth but will
strengthen our positions in dealing with the North.
6. I am honoured to have been invited to officiate at the
opening of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair at
Bulawayo. I have also brought with me a delegation of
leading Malaysian businessmen who are eager to explore
business and commercial potentials in Zimbabwe.
Mr. President,
7. Tomorrow we will have the honour of witnessing the
signing of Bilateral Agreements on Avoidance of Double
Taxation, Investment Guarantee, and Air Services. While
these Agreements aim to set the framework for further
cooperation, the real impetus to a more intensive and
meaningful relations must come from the respective private
sectors. There are opportunities for investment and
joint-venture collaboration in such areas as construction,
building materials, transport, mining, tourism,
pharmaceutical and energy. With Policy Reforms being
introduced by the Zimbabwean government in order to attract
foreign investment, I am confident that Zimbabwe will become
increasingly attractive to Malaysian investors, many of whom
are actively seeking market niches the world over.
8. The opportunities for greater economic interaction
between Malaysia and Zimbabwe are vast. The Malaysian
economy which is fast expanding offers good markets for
export and a source of supply for Zimbabwe for a broad range
of primary and manufactured products. In addition, Malaysia
can offer Zimbabwe a gateway to the regional market in
Southeast Asia and East Asia which is experiencing rapid
expansion as a result of buoyant economic conditions there -
a region which has recorded one of the fastest growth rates
in the world. The area's foremost regional organisation,
ASEAN, is also making real strides towards the realisation
of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) which will further
enhance economic development of its member states.
9. Peace and stability is a necessary prerequisite for
national growth and development. We would like to applaud
the contributions of Zimbabwe in fostering peace and
security in this region. You have personally, Mr.
President, played and continue to play a major role in this
regard. The Rome Accord that ushered in a new era of peace
and political changes in Mozambique owes its success to you
for your dedication, relentless efforts and selfless
Mr. President,
10. Before concluding, may I once again express my sincere
appreciation to you and your government for the warm
hospitality and the excellent arrangement made for our