Tempat/Venue 	: 	BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	29/04/94 

 Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I  am  honoured to have the opportunity to address this
distinguished gathering of Zimbabwean business and  industry
leaders  and  their  Malaysian  counterparts.   This meeting
between leading  members  of  the  commercial  sectors  will
undoubtedly help to strengthen the economic linkages between
both countries.
2.      I am encouraged to note that greater effort has been
made to promote closer cooperation since my last visit  here
in  1991  to  attend  the  Commonwealth  Heads of Government
3.     Malaysia has  carried  out  an  active  programme  of
promotional activities and has participated several times in
the   Zimbabwe   International  Fair.     We  are  currently
participating in the International Fair that  is  now  being
held  here.  I am pleased to note that Malaysian businessmen
have made regular visits to Zimbabwe, either individually or
as  members  of  trade   missions,   so   as   to   identify
opportunities   for  participation  and  to  enhance  trade.
Similarly, many Zimbabwean  businessmen  have  also  visited
Malaysia to evaluate the economic opportunities there.
4.      Such  two-way  promotional  efforts  demonstrate the
commitment of the business communities of both countries  to
raise  the  level  of bilateral cooperation.  It is hoped my
visit will generate greater flow of  trade  and  investments
between our two countries.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
5.      Despite  the  intensification  of  efforts  by  both
countries, the level of trade is  still  small.    Bilateral
trade  amounted to only US$8 million in 1993.  This could be
due to the narrow range of products currently  being  traded
and the limited information concerning market opportunities.
While  Malaysian exports to Zimbabwe comprise mainly rubber,
palm oil and cocoa, Malaysian main imports from Zimbabwe are
tobacco, asbestos, iron and steel.
6.   However, I am confident that there is a  big  potential
to expand further the scope of joint cooperation considering
the  immense  opportunities available in trade, investments,
services and other economic sectors.  Towards this  end,  it
is  important  for the business sectors of both countries to
expand the composition of products currently being traded.
7.   It is for this reason that I have  brought  with  me  a
delegation  of  leading  businessmen  and  entrepreneurs  to
enhance contacts and to explore new business opportunities.
8.       Zimbabwe  is  a  developing   economy   with   good
infrastructural  facilities.  It is also rich in natural and
mineral   resources,   with    agriculture,    mining    and
manufacturing constituting major economic activities.
9.     As for Malaysia, its rapid economic growth means also
that it has a substantial market for imports.  In 1993,  for
instance, total imports amounted to US$45 billion accounting
for  1.2 per cent of total world import trade.  According to
the GATT 1993 International Trade Report,  Malaysia  is  the
19th  largest  import  market in the world.  Yet, Zimbabwe's
share  of  the  Malaysian  market  for  imports  is   almost
negligible.    Given  Malaysia's liberal import policies and
the increasing affluence of the  population,  the  Malaysian
import market is expected to grow in importance.
10.  Since market prospects in Malaysia for major Zimbabwean
exports such as gold and copper, iron and steel, maize, beef
and  dairy  products,  tobacco,  fruits,  cotton,  yarn  and
textiles  are  favourable,  I  wish  to  invite   Zimbabwean
suppliers  to  come  to  Malaysia  to see for yourselves the
tremendous opportunities available.  Our business  community
will  no  doubt  be prepared to give its full cooperation to
Zimbabwean exporters looking for markets for their products.
11.    In  return,  Malaysia  can  offer  a  wide  range  of
manufactured  products  at competitive prices.  They include
processed   food,   clothing,   footwear   and    electrical
appliances, building materials and intermediate products for
the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
12.      Malaysia's   robust  economic  performance  can  be
attributed to, among other  things,  a  judicious  blend  of
vigorous   private   sector  entrepreneurship  and  cautious
government intervention.  Conducive environment  for  growth
is created through development planning which allows private
enterprise  to  play its full role in development.  This has
been  achieved  through  careful  nurturing   of   strategic
partnership   between   the   public  and  private  sectors,
initiated more  than  a  decade  ago  through  the  Malaysia
Incorporated (Malaysia Inc.) concept.
13.  Malaysia Inc. fosters shared  values and a common sense
of  purpose.   It puts into place the processes that promote
efficient and  quality  service  in  the  public  sector  to
provide the necessary support enabling the private sector to
be the engine of growth.
14.  To strengthen Malaysia Inc., we established in February
1991  the  Malaysian  Business Council (MBC).   The MBC is a
forum where leaders in government, service and the corporate
world, including trade unionists, meet on  a  regular  basis
for  creative  consultation  and  meaningful dialogue.   The
objective  is  to  facilitate  information   flow,   promote
productive  cooperation  and generate consensus for national
economic direction and strategies.
15.  It was during the inauguration of the MBC that I  first
presented  the vision of Malaysia becoming a fully-developed
nation by the year 2020.  It is hoped that Malaysia will  by
then become "a developed country whose society, infused by a
strong  moral and ethical values, is democratic, liberal and
tolerant,   caring,   economically   just   and   equitable,
progressive and prosperous, and competitive, dynamic, robust
and resilient".
16.    I  am  pleased to say that Vision 2020 has caught the
imagination of the whole nation, become a rallying point and
a focus for national development effort.  It is the basis on
which Malaysians have doubled their  efforts  in  all  their
17.    Making  Vision  2020 The Agenda of Action for the MBC
gives it full national ownership and not just  a  government
decree.    Therein  lies  the value of strategic partnership
between the public and private sectors.
18.  Since then several manifestations of such  partnerships
at operational levels have come into being.  One such is the
Malaysian  Technology  Development Corporation (MTDC), which
has 30 per cent government and 70 per  cent  private  sector
equity.  MTDC is a venture capital company that promotes the
start-up  of  technology-driven  enterprises, as part of the
strategy to widen Malaysian's manufacturing base in  meeting
the industrial target of Vision 2020.
19.    Another  example is the Malaysian Industry Government
Group for High Technology  (MIGHT),  a  company  limited  by
guarantee,  and without share capital.  MIGHT has membership
from some 60 Malaysian companies and 20 government agencies.
Its main  activities  are  `prospecting',  a    process  for
identifying   business   opportunities   through  technology
exploitation,   for   jump-starting   innovation   and   for
identifying  and proposing technology-related policy options
to Government.  MIGHT is part of the  mechanism  to  realise
Vision 2020.
20.    The  presence in Zimbabwe today of Malaysian business
leaders, some of whom are members of the MBC, is a result of
our  public-private  sector  partnership.    Many  companies
represented  here  are  shareholders  of MTDC and members of
21.    I  understand  that  the  embryo   of   a   strategic
public-private  sector  partnership (The Zimbabwe Consortium
of Industrialists for Technology) is in existence  and  that
there  is  a  strong  desire  to formalise the group into an
entity that can play a rightful role in the  development  of
Zimbabwe.  I am sure it will do a lot for the development of
22.    I am glad that the Commonwealth Consultative Group on
Technology  Management  (CCGTM)  and  its   Private   Sector
Partnership  has  been  helping  in  the  formation  of  The
Zimbabwe Consortium.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
23.   Malaysian businessmen have acquired much experience in
a  number  of  areas  through  their  involvement   in   the
development  of  the  Malaysian  economy.   In this respect,
Malaysian companies are prepared to   share their  expertise
by  cooperating  with  interested Zimbabwean companies on a
mutually  beneficial  basis  in  the  development   of   the
Zimbabwean economy.
24.    Sectors  of  the  Zimbabwean  economy  of interest to
Malaysian  companies  are  mining,  plantation   management,
downstream   processing  of  agricultural  and  mineral  and
natural resource sectors and the services industry  such  as
infrastructural  projects, construction, telecommunications,
engineering consultancy and tourism-related projects.    Our
companies  are  already  participating  in  these sectors in
several South countries.  These companies can certainly make
positive contributions  to  the  growth  of  the  Zimbabwean
economy.    It  is  my  hope  that  discussions  between the
businessmen will lead to the conclusion of concrete projects
and ventures which will  strengthen  and  diversify  two-way
economic relationship.
25.    Our  two  Governments will continue to strengthen the
existing institutional  arrangements,  where  necessary,  to
give  confidence to the private sector to undertake business
on a sustained and expanded basis.
26.  Malaysian effort to strengthen bilateral relations  has
been  facilitated by favourable developments in Zimbabwe and
the region.  The Zimbabwean Government has taken  action  to
deregulate  the economy to stimulate economic activities and
promote foreign investments.   Measures have been  taken  to
liberalise foreign exchange control and the import licensing
system  and  reduce import tariffs.   Similar liberalisation
measures have also been taken  by  other  countries  in  the
sub-continent to promote development.
27.    I  congratulate  the  Zimbabwean  Government  for its
initiative to liberalise the economy.  This would contribute
positively to a free and open  multilateral  trading  system
and   will   definitely  facilitate  the  expansion  of  the
Zimbabwean economy which would  have  beneficial  impact  on
international trade.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
28.      Given  the  tremendous potential for cooperation in
various economic sectors, as well as the enthusiasm shown by
the commercial sectors, I am  confident  that  the  business
communities  of  our two countries will succeed in expanding
bilateral economic relations.
Thank you.

