Tarikh/Date : 17/08/94
Please allow me to extend a very warm welcome to Your
Royal Highness and members of your delegation to Malaysia.
Your visit provides the opportunity for me and the
government and people of Malaysia to reciprocate the warm
reception and kind hospitality accorded to me and my
delegation during my official visit to Cambodia last April.
I hope that your brief stay in our country will be an
enjoyable one.
2. We are most honoured that you have been able to take
time off to visit our country. I very much welcome this
opportunity to meet with you again and to continue the most
fruitful discussions which we had last April. The exchange
of visits between us, our ministers and the peoples of our
two countries will certainly contribute to the enhancement
of bilateral relations and cooperation between Malaysia and
3. The discussions which we had in Phnom Penh last April
as well as our meeting this afternoon have helped to
reinforce and further strengthen the new era in Cambodia-
Malaysia relations. We have been able to achieve a clearer
under standing of each other's concerns and needs. We have
also been able to exchange views on issues of mutual
interest affecting this region.
4. Southeast Asian countries are today blessed with a rare
opportunity to deepen and widen cooperation among
themselves. Upheaval, war and human suffering should
effectively be confined to the bins of history in our part
of the world. The bitter history of distrust and fear must,
therefore, be firmly relegated to the past. They should not
affect our thinking or action. We are now at the dawn of a
new history of Southeast Asia. We must, therefore, continue
to cast our eyes firmly on the future so as to chart a
common destiny for all the countries of this region through
increased cooperation among ourselves as well as with other
countries outside the region.
5. The talents and resources of the countries of Southeast
Asia should be collectively mobilised to enhance regional
stability, security and prosperity. They should be directed
towards increasing the level and intensity of cooperation
among all of us. Our two countries can make important
contributions through our bilateral cooperation as well as
through our active participation in regional cooperative
6. Malaysia is most delighted to learn that Cambodia has
expressed the clear intention to join ASEAN. This is indeed
a very positive move on your part which will bring us closer
to the objective of making ASEAN truly an association
embracing all ten Southeast Asian nations. ASEAN was
conceived to strengthen each of the member countries by
allowing them to pursue their domestic priorities within a
larger environment of peace and stability. ASEAN has now
achieved sufficient maturity. This has not only helped to
strengthen relations among countries in Southeast Asia, but
has also helped to contribute to the development of
individual member countries. Malaysia welcomes and fully
supports Cambodia's desire to become a member of ASEAN.
7. I should like to take this opportunity to congratulate
your Royal Highness and Mr. Hun Sen for your strong
commitment towards ensuring stability and promoting
development in your country. I also salute your commitment
to democracy which the Cambodian people bravely won for your
country. Despite the many odds, you have shown your
determination to preserve the Cambodian people's trust and
confidence in your Government's efforts to build a
foundation for peace, stability, economic development and
social progress in Cambodia.
8. I wish to reiterate that Malaysia remains committed to
helping in the reconstruction and development of Cambodia.
Malaysia is prepared to cooperate and assist in any way we
can to help Cambodia through this crucial period. We
appreciate the fact that you have made remarkable strides in
the brief period since the establishment of the Royal
9. Changes and reforms, usually require great sacrifice,
painful adjustments and, very often, great patience and
discipline. Malaysia and other countries in our region have
also gone through such a difficult process of adjustment at
various times in our development. We are ever-ready to
share with Cambodia our experience.
10. We note your serious efforts to reconstruct Cambodia.
The passage of the new Cambodian investment law is a step in
the right direction. We hope that Cambodia will persevere
in its efforts to further liberalise and develop the
economy. This is important to ensure the continued
improvement of the well-being of the Cambodian people.
Malaysia remains committed to increasing trade with Cambodia
and enhancing our relations and cooperation in various
11. The Malaysian private sector is also keen to assist
Cambodia. Malaysian industrialists and entrepreneurs have,
over the years, gained both experience and expertise which
could be of mutual benefit to our two countries. We are
indeed pleased that in the past two years, the pace and
variety of trade and investment cooperation between our two
countries have expanded. We are also equally pleased to see
Cambodians and Malaysians already responding to emerging
economic opportunities, thereby contributing to the effort
to enhance bilateral relations between the two countries.
12. The deep bond and enduring friendship between Cambodia
and Malaysia has clearly been evident in our meetings both
in Phnom Penh and today in Kuala Lumpur. Our discussions
have been most fruitful, and I look forward to closer
cooperation between our two countries.