Tarikh/Date 	: 	27/08/94 

   I  would like  to  extend a warm  welcome to  you,  your
daughter  Mrs. Nakahara and  the  distinguished  members  of
your delegation to Malaysia.  We are deeply honoured by your
visit  which signifies that the Government of Japan, despite
the changes of leadership, remains true  to  the  friendship
between  Malaysia  and  Japan.   Your visit will undoubtedly
strengthen further the friendly  relations  and  cooperation
between our two countries.
2.    We have looked towards Japan as one of the outstanding
models of economic development in the  East,  in  particular
the  ethics  and  technology  that fueled your success.  The
continuation of our `Look East Policy' which has  brought  a
better  understanding  between our two peoples attest to the
success of our mutual cooperation.  We are grateful to Japan
for the assistance and resources which have been extended so
generously to us over these years.
3.   I am glad to say that the excellent bilateral relations
between Malaysia and Japan have  greatly  enhanced  Japanese
trade and investments in Malaysia.    The  cumulative sum of
Japanese investments and  business in  Malaysia  today is in
fact the highest from abroad.   I would like to mention here
that our people are ready to benefit more  directly from the
presence of Japanese investments in  Malaysia  in  terms  of
technology-transfer,    management  training  and  technical
skills.  After many years of collaboration,  we  now  seek a
real economic partnership  with  Japan  where  benefits  are
equally shared.
4.     We have noted that in Your Excellency's policy speech
last month before  the  130th  session  of  the  Diet,  your
government  expressed a desire to play an active role in the
international community as a nation  of  peace.    We  fully
welcome   Japan's  aspiration  in  that  direction.    As  a
developing  nation  we  have   emphasized   the   need   for
socio-economic developments as against any politico-military
arrangements  as the foundation of peace and security in the
region.  Japan has played an exemplary role in this respect,
contributing much to the economic growth of the  region  and
acting as a source of development assistance.
5.    We believe that Japan as a major global economic power
should  assume  a  greater   international   role   in   the
maintenance  of  peace  and  security  within an improved UN
system.  There is a need now to  strengthen  the  protection
and  promotion  of multi-culturism and pluralistic societies
around the world and turn back a rising tide  of  racism  in
various  parts  of the world, particularly in Western Europe
and North America.  The unprecedented increase in the number
of peace-keeping operations around  the  world  signify  the
emergence   of  new  crises  after  the  Cold  War.    These
substantial  increases  in  demands  and  costs  on  the  UN
peace-keeping  operations  are  breaching  the  limits of UN
resources.  In the face of  discernible  reluctance  of  the
major  contributors among the OECD countries to give support
to new peace-keeping operations either in terms of  manpower
and  financial  resources, Japan's role and commitment would
make a crucial difference.   In this respect  we  hope  that
Japan   would   not  waver  in  her  financial  support  for
peace-keeping operations.  And of course as a  major  player
in  the  international  arena  Japan  must  be  prepared for
peace-keeping duties directly.
6.     We  may  not  see  a  clash  of civilizations notably
between the Eastern and Western cultures  as  postulated  by
the  erudite  Mr.    Samuel  Huntington but we are certainly
seeing a rise in regionalism with three  regions  dominating
the  world economy -- the European Union, NAFTA and the East
Asian countries which includes ASEAN.  In an attempt to halt
the trend towards exclusive economic groupings we  in  ASEAN
have  adopted, as Your Excellency knows, the concept of EAEC
which will promote open  regionalism  and  the  multilateral
trading  system.    The  EAEC  is  a gathering of East Asian
economies in a consultative process.  We hope that Japan  in
her  wisdom and foresight will see the benefits of the EAEC.
Being a natural member of the region, Japan's  participation
in the EAEC will contribute greater dynamism to the region's
economic development.
7.    In  our  desire for greater political stability in the
region as  well  as  economic  development  for  all,  ASEAN
countries have done all they could to provide assistance and
share  their  resources  with  other  countries in Southeast
Asia,  particularly  those  which  have  been  subjected  to
internal conflicts and economic stagnation.  The decision of
the  Japanese Government to send its troops on peace-keeping
mission to Cambodia two  years  ago  under  United  Nations'
auspices  contributed  to  the  process  of  establishing an
elected government in  Cambodia  today.    However,  further
assistance  from other countries are required to sustain the
viability of the Cambodian state and its economy.  For those
who had earlier committed  themselves  to  helping  Cambodia
find  its  feet and this includes Japan as well as Malaysia,
there is a  need  now  to  go  the  distance  to  strengthen
Cambodia's  economic  situation through grants, investments,
trade and human-resource development.   Japan's contribution
in  that  respect  would  make  a   welcome   and   critical
difference.   Cambodian peace is one of the very few success
stories of the U.N.  We cannot let this achievement come  to
nothing in the end.
8.   I sincerely hope that the relationship between Malaysia
and  Japan  will continue to flourish under the emerging new
leadership in Japan.   In particular, I hope  for  a  closer
friendship  and  understanding  between the young peoples of
our two countries.
9.   We wish you and members of your delegation  a  pleasant
and enjoyable stay in Malaysia.
