Tempat/Venue : AMMAN, JORDAN
Tarikh/Date : 01/10/94
Thank you very much for your kind remarks and the warm
welcome which you and the Government of the Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan have extended to me, my wife and members
of my delegation. I am delighted to be in your beautiful
country which is well known for its rich Islamic heritage
and whose history has a strong link with our Prophet s.a.w.
I look forward to enjoying the charm and beauty of your
country during the rest of my stay here.
2. My visit though a brief one is to touch base again
with Your Excellency following our informal discussions in
Kuala Lumpur last December and explore how we can build on
the close rapport and brotherly ties which have always
existed between our two countries. I am happy to note that
our ties have grown over the years. We are appreciative of
Jordan in providing places for some 1,200 of our students
in its educational institutions. In fact, Jordan has become
an increasingly popular centre of learning in Western Asia
for Malaysian students. I believe you share with me that
more could be done to enhance our bilateral cooperation
particularly our trade and economic links. During our
discussion last December and in subsequent communications,
we agreed that more efforts should be undertaken by both
sides to tap the full potentials of trade and other economic
opportunities between our two countries.
3. It is with this objective in view that I have included
a group of Malaysian corporate and business personalities in
my delegation. Their presence today acknowledge the
important role the private sector can play in complementing
the efforts of the two governments to expand bilateral
economic cooperation between Malaysia and Jordan. I am
confident that through the programme arranged for them, they
would be able to focus on the opportunities for trade,
investment and tourism that exist in and between our
4. The Muslim world today suffers from various maladies.
They are weak and oppressed and we have the emergence of
numerous sects and creeds, some of which plainly deviate
from the true teachings of Islam. In Malaysia today, we do
not have problems relating to extremism but we do have
groups who are deviationist in their approach. One such
group which was recently banned by the Malaysian Government
is the Al-Arqam. The Government's decision to outlaw the
Al-Arqam movement is because of its deviationist teachings
which are glaringly against the very fundamentals of Islam.
While we encourage missionary work, we cannot allow wrong
teachings to be spread and to confuse Muslims and
Non-Muslims alike. Such teachings will lead to schisms
among Muslims which will be detrimental to their unity.
They are already split enough as it is.
5. Malaysia has been following with keen interest the
recent developments in the West Asian region and we are
indeed encouraged by the series of historic breakthroughs in
the peace process. With the establishment of Palestinian
autonomy in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as well as the
Jordan-Israeli declaration on the end of hostilities, I hope
the stage will be set for a full reconciliation in West Asia
through the achievement of a just and comprehensive peace
between the Arab States, the Palestinians and Israel. In
this context, I wish to urge Israel to demonstrate its
sincerity and goodwill in resolving the remaining
outstanding issues, particularly its continued occupation of
the Arab territories and the rightful status of Jerusalem.
For the momentum of the peace process to be maintained, it
is important that Israel matches its words with deeds.
6. The peace accord is a solid step in a region battered
by conflicts for more than half a century. The
international community has a responsibility to make it
succeed. I hope there will be extensive international
participation in the social and economic redevelopment of
the territories that have languished on account of
international neglect. The international community must
assist materially and morally in the implementation of the
accord. I also wish to appeal to countries in West Asia and
others which have supported the Palestinian cause to assist
the Palestinian leadership in meeting its new challenges of
reconstruction and development.
7. May I take this opportunity to thank you and the
Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan once again for
the kind hospitality and friendliness that have been
accorded to me, my wife and my delegation since our arrival.
I look forward to continuing our discussions tomorrow on
ways by which we can expand our bilateral cooperation.
8. Before concluding, may I offer in return a toast to the
continued good health of His Majesty King Hussein and to the
strengthening of close ties of friendship and cooperation
between our two countries.