Tempat/Venue 	: 	IN ANKARA, TURKEY 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	27/10/94 

    May I take  this  opportunity  to  express  my  sincere
appreciation  to  Your  Excellency  and to the Government of
Turkey for the very warm welcome extended to me and  members
of  my  delegation  since  our  arrival  in  your  beautiful
country.  My wife and I are indeed delighted  to  have  this
opportunity  to  return to Turkey on another official visit.
We recall with fond memories our last official visit to your
country eleven years ago.
2.   I have been looking forward to this visit  to  acquaint
myself  with  you, Madame Prime Minister and your efforts at
nation building and economic development.   This visit  will
provide  me  with the opportunity to exchange views with you
on subjects of mutual interest to both our countries.
3.    Malaysia and Turkey  have  enjoyed  good  and  cordial
relations  since  the establishment of diplomatic relations.
There have been several exchanges of visits at  high  levels
in  recent  years  and  these visits laid the foundation for
greater collaboration between our two countries.  I am happy
to note  that  cooperation  between  our  two  countries  in
several  areas are expanding.  We have over the years gone a
long way in increasing our awareness of each  other  and  of
what  each  can offer.   To Malaysians, Turkey while rich in
its heritage  of  the  Islamic  grandeur  of  the  past,  is
recognised  as  a  very  modern  and  dynamic nation peopled
largely by Muslims.  I am sure that if  we  examine  closely
there  will  be  many  areas ripe for cooperation for mutual
4.   However, despite our keen desire to promote  trade  and
economic  cooperation,  our  potentials  have not been fully
exploited.   The trade figures  between  the  two  countries
indicate  that  it  is still small.   We need to inject more
substance to  our  collaboration  so  as  to  tap  the  full
potentials  of trade and economic opportunities available in
each other's countries.  I firmly believe that  the  private
sectors  should  be encouraged to take the lead and act as a
catalyst in fostering direct  economic  and  trade  linkages
between  our  two  countries.   It is for this reason that I
have  included  in   my   delegation   prominent   Malaysian
businessmen  to  enable  them  to  look  around and identify
business opportunities.  I hope this visit  will  give  them
the  opportunity  to  learn  more  about your country and to
establish contacts with  their  counterparts  here.    I  am
confident   that   with   our   mutual   commitment  towards
strengthening of bilateral cooperation, a  greater  flow  of
trade,  investment  and  tourism  between  our two countries
could be further facilitated.
5.   Turkey has an unique position, being  situated  at  the
cross  roads  between  Europe,  the  Middle East and Central
Asia.   I would like  to  encourage  the  Malaysian  private
sector to take advantage of this fact as Turkey can act as a
gateway  to  the  vast  markets  of  the European Union, the
Middle East and the Central Asian  States.    We  have  also
learnt  about  your  success in seeking opportunities in the
Central Asian Republics.  Malaysia is keen  to  explore  the
possibilities of collaboration with Turkey in that region.
6.   The end of the Cold War has unfortunately not made this
world a better and safer world.  Many people and nations who
have  heard  about  the  greatness of democracy and the free
market have rushed to adopt these systems.   But  for  many,
the results have been disastrous.  In Bosnia-Herzegovina the
lure  of independence and democracy has resulted in hundreds
of thousands being massacred and millions  being  forced  to
leave  their homeland.   The great protagonists of democracy
in  the  West  merely  look  on  while  their  converts  are
massacred  and raped.   It is a mistake to think that we can
depend on others for our safety.  All the talk  about  human
rights,  workers'  rights, and the freedoms of democracy are
merely to justify interventions when their interests are  at
stake.    In  the  light  of  this  reality,  perhaps  it is
worthwhile for our two countries to continuously consult one
another regarding policies  and  strategies  in  a  unipolar
7.      Malaysia  and  Turkey  share  many common ideals and
principles.  I hope that my visit  will  contribute  towards
better  understanding  of  each  other  and towards stronger
cooperation, both bilaterally and in international affairs.
8.   We note with admiration the vast  strides  that  Turkey
has  made  in  the  transformation  of  its  economy.    The
pragmatic approaches taken by the Turkish Government and the
liberalisation programmes have made a positive impact on the
country's development.   Like  Turkey,  Malaysia  too  is  a
nation  in transformation.   The economic growth in Malaysia
during the last five years  has  averaged  more  than  eight
percent.      Priority   is   now   accorded   to  high-tech
manufacturing in consonant with Malaysia's desire to  become
a  fully  industrialised  country by the year 2020.  Science
and technology have  a  major  role  to  play  in  promoting
economic  development.  Malaysia has taken steps not only to
be a consumer of technology but also a  contributor  to  new
technologies  and  scientific  discoveries.   I am sure Your
Excellency will share with me  that  in  our  march  towards
industrialisation,  there  will  be  many areas we can learn
from each other through the sharing of experiences,  pooling
of   expertise   and  exchange  of  complementary  technical
capabilities.    The  imperatives  for  such  exchanges  and
cooperation   are   made   more   relevant  as  we  are  two
industrialising and largely Muslim states.
9.   We appreciate the active role played by your country in
promoting peace, stability and  prosperity  in  the  region.
10.   My wife and I will take  home  with us  many  pleasant
memories of our stay  in  your  beautiful  country  on  this
occasion  as  we did on our  previous  visits.  May I,  once
again,  on behalf of my wife and my  delegation,  take  this
opportunity to express  our  sincere  appreciation  for  the
hospitality  and  warm  reception  accorded  to  us  by  the
government and the people of Turkey.

