Tarikh/Date : 07/11/94
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you, Mr. Prime
Minister, and members of your delegation to Malaysia. I am
happy that you have been able to see a bit of the country
since arriving in Kuala Lumpur yesterday and I hope that you
will have a pleasant stay in Malaysia. Your visit has
certainly provided us with the timely opportunity to
reaffirm the close and friendly ties that exist between our
two countries.
2. Our discussions this morning on major issues of common
interest have not only yielded better understanding but also
opened up new avenues for bilateral cooperation to our
mutual benefit. It is clear that we both share common
aspirations to promote the well-being and prosperity of our
people whilst securing regional and global peace and
3. As members of the Asia-Pacific community, Malaysia is
keen to develop closer ties with Vanuatu. Modern and
sophisticated communication system and information
technology have made it possible for us to accelerate the
pace of bilateral interactions, despite the geographical
distance and the vast expanse of the Pacific that separates
us. I am confident that, with the support of your
government, the necessary instruments could be concluded to
provide the framework within which bilateral cooperation
could be further expanded in all fields.
4. Your Excellency, Malaysia sees an encouraging prospect
to enhance bilateral trade and economic cooperation. We
welcome greater exchange of visits, particularly between
members of the private sector of both countries. Where
necessary, Governmental support and guidance could be
extended to enable them to pursue economically viable
business ventures. A proper system of networking could also
be developed to ensure the success of such ventures.
Malaysia in this regard looks forward to the proposed
conclusion of an Investment Guarantee Agreement between the
two countries.
5. The Malaysian Government appreciates the commendable
efforts made by Vanuatu under Your Excellency's leadership
to develop the country's natural resources, infrastructure
facilities as well as resource-based industries. I am glad
that the Malaysian private sector is taking advantage of the
opportunities available to participate in some of the
projects. Such participation would go a long way towards
strengthening cooperation between our two countries.
6. Whilst supporting the role of the private sector in the
development of Vanuatu's natural resources, Malaysian
entrepreneurs have been reminded to establish long term
economic collaboration rather than involving themselves in
ventures aimed at merely short term gains. I hope that a
fair and just treatment could be accorded to Malaysian
entrepreneurs and that Malaysia's participation in Vanuatu's
economic development on a joint-venture basis would continue
to be welcomed in the years ahead.
7. Malaysia is happy to cooperate with Vanuatu under the
Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme. I understand
that some 31 officials have undergone training at various
administrative and specialist training institutions in
Malaysia under the Programme. We welcome Vanuatu's
continued participation in the Programme and hope that such
participation will contribute towards the development of
human resources in the Republic.
8. As developing countries, both Malaysia and Vanuatu
share similar views on many regional and international
issues of common concern. We appreciate the initiative
taken by Vanuatu in the issue of decolonisation and the
support shown by Your Excellency's Government on other
issues affecting the South. Malaysia will continue to work
closely with Vanuatu within the context of Souh-South
cooperation, the Non Aligned Movement, the Commonwealth, the
Asia Development Bank and ESCAP with a view to further
promoting the interests of the developing world.
9. Mr. Prime Minister, trade and economic collaboration
can only thrive within a climate of peace and stability. As
members of the international community our two countries
have the responsibility, however modest, to contribute to
the process of developing such a climate. Vanuatu's active
role in promoting better ties with its neighbours in the
Asia Pacific region and its contribution of troops to the
South Pacific Peace Keeping Force to provide security for
the Peace Conference in Bougainville recently bear testimony
to its constructive approach in the interest of regional
peace and stability.
10. Malaysia, similarly, is concerned with the preservation
of peace and stability in the South East Asia region. We
believe in promoting dialogue as the primary means of
resolving conflicts and in enhancing confidence building
11. At the global level, efforts should be made together
with other like-minded countries to evolve the most
appropriate response to various challenges and opportunities
brought about by changes in the political and economic
12. Mr. Prime Minister, your visit marks an important
milestone in the relations between our two countries. It is
my sincere hope that it will usher in a new, positive and
active era in Malaysia-Vanuatu relations.