Tarikh/Date 	: 	13/01/95 

    I would like to thank the members of the Malaysia Space
and Telecommunications Research  Consortium  or  MAXSTAR  in
short,   for   inviting  me  to  the  launch  of  Malaysia's
Micro-Satellite Programme.
2.     I am told  the  consortium,  whose  members  comprise
industry    representatives,    Government    agencies   and
universities, have been working very hard for several months
on the mission and payload details of  the  first  Malaysian
Micro-Satellite.      I   am   happy   to   note   that  the
Micro-Satellite's configuration will be  finalised  by  July
this year and it is expected that the first  Micro-Satellite
will  take  two  years  to build and scheduled for launch by
Arianespace in July 1997.
3.   This Micro-Satellite Programme will certainly take us a
step closer to achieving the ability  to  design,  engineer,
build  and  launch  a  Malaysian spacecraft.   Contracts for
Measat-I and Measat-II which were signed last May paved  the
way    for    Malaysia's    participation   in   space   and
telecommunications technology.  The Measat System,  together
with  space  research  and  education,  are an important and
integral  link  to  support  the  total  development  of   a
technologically   advanced   and   efficient  communications
infrastructure in Malaysia.
4.   The launch of Measat-I on  20  December  1995  will  be
followed, I understand, by that of Measat-II in  July  1996.
In addition, two satellites, built under the Micro-Satellite
programme,  will be placed in orbit before the  end  of  the
decade.  These four launches  will firmly  position Malaysia
among nations that  own  and  operate  satellites  built  to
satisfy their specific requirements.
5.      The Measat System and Micro-Satellite Programme will
provide the country with a platform on which we can  further
develop   our   space   and  telecommunications  technology.
Hopefully, Malaysia will be one  of  the  countries  in  the
region  that will be able to launch its own made-in-Malaysia
6.   For this purpose, MAXSTAR has been  established.    The
members  of  MAXSTAR  are  :  Binariang  Sdn.  Bhd;  Telekom
Malaysia Berhad; Bahagian Kajian Sains Angkasa (BAKSA);  The
Malaysian  Institute  of  Micro-Electronics Systems (MIMOS);
Universiti Sains  Malaysia;  Universiti  Malaya;  Universiti
Kebangsaan   Malaysia;  Universiti  Teknologi  Malaysia  and
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.  MAXSTAR is an example of how
a commercial project has  led  to  cooperation  between  the
public  and  private  sectors  to  serve national interests.
MAXSTAR will undertake a Micro-Satellite Programme that will
enable scientific research activities, in and from space, to
be carried out.
7.    The Micro-Satellites have  several  applications  that
will  benefit  the  community.    The  first Micro-Satellite
weighing about 50 kilogram will be  designed  to  carry  out
scientific  and  educational  operations and remote sensing,
i.e. the gathering of data  from  the  earth's  surface  for
resource  management,  land  use  and  the protection of the
8.   It is planned that subsequent Micro-Satellites would be
capable of sophisticated applications including material and
component  testing  in  space  and   earth-based   pollution
9.      The  aerospace industry  can also expect significant
derivative benefits from the work that will be undertaken by
10.  The Government is pleased to note  that  following  the
G-15 Meeting in New Delhi in 1994, India, through the Indian
Space  and  Research  Organisation  or  ISRO,  will  support
Malaysia in its space programme.  ISRO will assist    us  in
the  development  of  our  technology  to  build  and launch
11.  I take this opportunity to thank the Government of  the
Republic   of  India  and  ISRO  for  their  assistance  and
participation in developing Malaysia's space  programme  and
launch   technology.     It  is  also  our  hope  that  this
participation by ISRO will lead to  collaboration  in  other
related activities such as satellite broadcasting.
12.  As part of the MEASAT contracts, Arianespace and Hughes
Space  and Communications, Inc. have also agreed to actively
participate in Malaysia's space programme.  I am pleased  to
note  that  our  space  programme  involves participation by
India,  France  and  the  United  States  and   demonstrates
Malaysia's ability to interact and work globally.
13.   Malaysian institutions of higher learning will benefit
through participation in MAXSTAR.    It  is  envisaged  that
Universiti  Sains  Malaysia will be able to offer courses in
satellite and launch  vehicle  technology  and  applications
starting   from  the  1996/1997  academic  year,  ultimately
leading to the establishment of a space technology faculty.
14.  In addition to leading the Micro-Satellite Programme, I
am told Binariang has provided initial funding to Universiti
Sains Malaysia.  Arrangements have also been  made  for  two
members  of  the academic staff of the University to undergo
training and internship at Hughes.
15.           The space and communications industry requires
vast capital, human and technical resources to  acquire  and
to keep pace with the rapidly advancing technology.  To this
end,   the  Government  recognises  the  need  for  selected
alliances  among  Malaysian  companies  and  between   these
companies and foreign technology partners.
16.    In  this  context,  I  understand  that Binariang and
Telekom Malaysia Berhad  have  entered  into  joint  working
arrangements.     These  arrangements  will  accelerate  the
development of an efficient  and  state-of-the-art  national
communications   infrastructure   and,  at  the  same  time,
optimise the nation's resources.
17.  In conclusion, I would like to wish the Malaysia  Space
and  Telecommunications Research Consortium every success in
undertaking the ambitious task ahead.
18.  When Malaysia first put forward the idea of a  national
car,  it  was  thought  that  we  were  being too ambitious.
However, the record of Proton has proved our capability  not
only  to  have  control  over our own commercial destiny but
also our ability to interact and compete globally.    Whilst
we  are  equally  ambitious  in  the  task before us, we are
confident that the success of this programme will serve as a
role model and inspire future generations.

