Tarikh/Date : 15/03/95
I wish to thank you for your very warm words of welcome
and the kind invitation to launch the Malaysia Commonwealth
Policy Studies Centre at Cambridge today. It is indeed an
honour to be given the opportunity to chair the Board of
Trustees of the Centre. May I also take this opportunity to
express my appreciation to the distinguished Commonwealth
personalities who have agreed to serve on the Board. I
certainly look forward to working closely with you to make
the Centre a distinctive centre of research for the
2. The Commonwealth represents a free association of
sovereign states whose peoples constitute about one quarter
of the world's population. Diverse as they may be in their
racial origins, cultures, languages and faiths, they are
nevertheless linked together by shared traditions and the
belief that their interests are best served through
cooperation and partnership. Over the years, the
Commonwealth has increasingly relied upon these principles
and beliefs, in the search for a better world. As a result
of the Commonwealth's efforts in promoting fundamental
values that all its members share, we have become quite
credible examples of political maturity and democracy in
many instances.
3. The members of the Commonwealth have also been able to
forge ahead in various fields of socio-economic
development. Although much has been done in these areas we
cannot but feel that even more needs to be done to alleviate
the many socio-economic problems which confront member
4. In the years ahead, the Commonwealth would need to
focus more sharply on those issues of real concern to its
members. This would ensure that the Commonwealth continues
to remain responsive and relevant to the needs of its
5. The Commonwealth needs to look ahead. In doing so, it
could draw upon the various experiences that it has
undergone since its inception. The establishment of the
Malaysia Commonwealth Studies Centre today is, I think,
6. I am confident that this Centre will serve with
distinction as a centre for research to assist Commonwealth
countries in achieving some of the objectives of the
Commonwealth. The Centre hopefully will play its role as a
think-tank to identify and offer solutions to some of the
problems faced by member states. Issues such as modern
administration, political systems, economic planning and
development, food, shelter, health and education can be
addressed by this Centre. It will no doubt help to light
the way and reduce the pitfalls which seem to plague many
Governments in their effort to develop especially those
which achieved independence after the last war.
7. The location of the Malaysia Commonwealth Policy
Studies Centre here in the University of Cambridge should
enable it to benefit from the renowned learning and
expertise of this great university. It will thus be well
placed to provide ideas, and the necessary stimulus and
direction for new thinking within the Commonwealth.
Malaysia is honoured to be associated with the Centre and
would continue to contribute to the development and success
of the Centre.
8. I am optimistic that this Centre would play an
important role in assisting Commonwealth countries to
respond to the challenges of the future.
9. I hereby have great pleasure in launching the
Malaysia Commonwealth Policy Studies Centre.