Tempat/Venue 	: 	WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA 
Tarikh/Date 	: 	25/08/95 

                May  I,  first of  all,  express  my sincere
    thanks and appreciation to Your Excellency for the kind
    and  spontaneous invitation extended to me and my  wife
    to  visit Namibia for the second time.  I also wish  to
    take  this  opportunity to thank Your  Excellency,  the
    Government  and  the people of Namibia for  once  again
    according us such a warm and friendly welcome  as  well
    as generous hospitality.

    2.    This  afternoon I was discussing with  the  Prime
    Minister  how  things have changed.  I  am  visiting  a
    country  ruled  by  terrorists,  or  at  least   former
    terrorist.   Yet  this  country is  peaceful  and  well
    administered and is growing fast.  The terrorists or ex-
    terrorists  are  not at all seeking  revenge.   Instead
    they  are  so friendly even with those people who  were
    not so friendly with them before.  I will not encourage
    people to become terrorist because of this.  But I hope
    we  do not rush to call people terrorist without giving
    them a chance to demonstrate their good intentions.

    3.    I  am  delighted to be here again, to touch  base
    with you on issues of common interest and especially on
    ways  and  means of further strengthening the bilateral
    relations  between  Malaysia  and  Namibia.   The   way
    relations   between   our  two  countries   have   been
    developing since we last met in 1992 reaffirm my belief
    in  Namibia as a friend and partner with whom  Malaysia
    can work with for mutual benefit.

    4.    I am most encouraged by the frequent exchange  of
    visits at ministerial and official levels as well as by
    members  of the private sector which has led  to  close
    economic  interaction between our two  countries.   The
    volume  of  our  bilateral trade has  seen  significant
    increase  over the last two years and a start has  been
    made by Malaysian companies to invest in this country.

    5.    I  am  therefore looking forward to my  visit  to
    Grootfontein tomorrow and see for myself the  fruit  of
    the first Malaysia-Namibia joint-venture in the area of
    housing.    Modest  as  this  project  may   seem,   it
    nevertheless exemplifies what we, the countries of  the
    South, can do together in support of development.   The
    support and encouragement that Your Excellency and  the
    government  of  Namibia had rendered,  gives  me  every
    reason   to   be   optimistic   that   Malaysia-Namibia
    cooperation is on the way to a healthy growth.

    6.    Malaysia  is aware that tremendous  opportunities
    exist  for cooperation and investment in the fields  of
    tourism,  construction, mining and fishing.   I  assure
    you,  Your  Excellency, that the  Malaysian  Government
    will  do  everything it can to encourage the  Malaysian
    private sector to work with your people to seize  those
    opportunities.  We are always concerned that the people
    of  Namibia  should  benefit from those  opportunities.
    Perhaps  it  is  necessary for them to acquire  certain
    skills and expertise.  The government of Malaysia would
    be  most  pleased to contribute towards the development
    of  those skills and expertise should the government of
    Namibia so require.  Malaysia had provided training  to
    Namibians in selected fields in the past.  It is  ready
    to  continue  doing so if Namibia finds  such  training

    7.    We  have been most impressed by the policies  the
    government  of  Namibia has followed  under  your  wise
    leadership.  The priority that government has placed on
    economic development has directly benefitted the people
    of Namibia.  Your success and that of your party at the
    last  general elections is testimony to the  trust  and
    support  the people of Namibia have placed in you.   We
    are   confident  that  the  Republic  of  Namibia  will
    continue   to   benefit   from  your   pragmatism   and
    willingness to compromise in the long term interest  of
    the nation.

    8.    I  welcome your decision to have full  diplomatic
    representative  in  Kuala  Lumpur.   In  view  of   our
    increasing involvement with each other I will recommend
    to my Cabinet that we reciprocate your move.

    9.   Several important developments have taken place in
    southern   Africa  since  my  last  visit  to  Namibia.
    Apartheid  is dead and a new South Africa -  non-racial
    and  democratic - has emerged.  In Mozambique peace has
    returned.   These developments have made a  significant
    contribution  to  peace and stability in  the  Southern
    African region.  Countries of the region can now direct
    their attention towards economic development free  from
    distractions and the threat of war.  Malaysia  welcomes
    these  positive  changes which we hope  would  have  an
    equally  positive  influence  on  efforts  to  find   a
    peaceful  and  durable settlement in Angola.   In  this
    regard, we would like to pay tribute to Namibia for the
    active role it had played in support of such efforts.

    10.   Malaysia like Namibia finds it difficult to  make
    an  impact on the international scene.  We will only be
    taken  seriously  if we speak with greater  unity.   We
    would   like   to   work  closely   with   Namibia   in
    international  fora  such  as  the  UN,  NAM  and   the
    Commonwealth.  In order to be effective we  would  like
    to   consult  and  discuss  international  issues  more
    frequently with each other.  In this way we can respond
    more  effectively when others make decisions  affecting

    11.   May I once again express our sincere appreciation
    and  gratitude to you and the Government of Namibia for
    the  kind  hospitality extended to us and for receiving
    us  with such warmth and friendliness.  My wife  and  I
    will  take home with us many pleasant memories of  this

